07.a 2023-03-21 Scandia Public Hearing Bliss WWT Facility PlanBolton-Menk.com
Scandia Bliss Wastewater
Treatment Facility Plan
Public Hearing
Presented by
Bolton & Menk, Inc.
March 21, 2023
•The Bliss Wastewater Treatment Facility is located in Scandia, MN
•Serves 75 residential homes
•Soil-Based Subsurface Sewage Treatment System (SSTS)
•Consists of gravity and pressure collection system with two lift stations, three septic tanks in series, one lift station that feeds the sand
filters, three sand filters, one lift station that feeds the drainfield, and three drainfield trench cells
•Original system was designed to treat BOD and TSS, not nutrients.
•Rated as a Class D facility by Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)
•Originally constructed in 1986
•Improvements to correct the flow from the influent lift station were completed in 2020 along with the addition of new restrictor plates
to the drainfield splitter boxes and new flow meters for flow going to the drainfields
•Nitrate + Nitrite levels in groundwater monitoring wells higher than the 10 mg/L
MPCA limit
Bliss System
Service Area
The service area for the
Scandia Bliss Wastewater
Treatment Facility (WWTF) is
not expected to expand
Bliss Wastewater Treatment Facility Layout
The existing wastewater
treatment facility is in
fair condition
Drainfield Trench Caps Infiltration Trench C
Bliss Control Panel, Dosing
Station, Influent Septic Tanks
State Disposal System (SDS) Permit
•Requires four ground water
monitoring wells surrounding the
•The city must monitor a variety
of wastewater constituents. On
the current permit, nitrogen is
the only one with an associated
discharge limit.
•Total Nitrogen limit is 10 mg/L
per MPCA requirements. A
Nitrogen Mitigation Plan was
submitted in 2016.
Future Considerations and Alternatives
•Nitrogen removal processes will be required as nitrogen concentrations at GW 004
range from 6.3 mg/L to 53.10 mg/L, with the average being 28.34 mg/L
•No other constituents have limits in the new SDS permit
•Nitrogen Removal Alternatives
•Alternative 1: Denitrification
•Alternative 2: Nitrification/Denitrification
Alternative 1: Denitrification System
•Would require: influent BOD and TSS to be low and would not require
additional treatment and that the ammonia is already nitrified
•No guarantee that all ammonia is nitrified as part of existing system
•Additional Components Required
•Denitrification reactor dosing tank
•Denitrification reactor with chemical addition
•Polishing tank
•Drainfield dosing tank
Alternative 2: Nitrification / Denitrification System
•Would Require: Influent to be high in Nitrogen
•Additional Components Required
•Settling tank
•Equalization basin
•Nitrification reactor
•Denitrification reactor dosing tank
•Denitrification reactor with chemical addition
•Polishing tank
•Drainfield dosing tank
Alternative 2: Nitrification/
Denitrification is recommended
as it is the only option that can
guarantee nitrogen removal to
meet the limit
Alternative 2: Nitrification/ Denitrification System
Mobilization $ 55,000.0
Influent Metering Manhole $ 30,000.0
Settling Tank $ 60,000.0
Equalization Tank $ 75,000.0
Nitrification Reactor $ 310,000.0
Dosing Tank $ 25,000.0
Denitrification with Carbon Addition $ 90,000.0
Polishing Tank $ 55,000.0
Drainfield Dosing Tank $ 120,000.0
Chemical Feed Equipment $ 10,000.0
Installation/Electrical/ Misc. $ 400,000.0
Subtotal $ 1,230,000.0
Engineering and Contingency (30%)$ 370,000.00
Total Cost $ 1,600,000.0
Improvements Schedule
Improvements Implementation Schedule
Item Date
Submit Permit Modification Application February 2023
Submit Facility Plan March 2023
Apply for IUP June 2023
Submit Plans & Specifications and Apply for PSIG July 2023
IUP/PSIG Lists Finalized and MPCA Certifies Project Fall 2023
Begin Construction of Improvements Spring 2024
Substantial Completion Fall 2024
*IUP = Intended Use Plan, PSIG = Point Source Implementation Grant