4.a) Staff Report-Digitizing Documents (� � 1 � ��� �---, �� �; „r�. � �, SCANDIA Staff Renort Date of Meeting: Apri19, 2013 To: City Council From: Colleen Firkus,Treasurer Re: Digitizing documents Agenda Item#: 4.a) Background: Storing documents digitally has been suggested by the Council in the past in discussing storage space needs. Storage space in limited at City Hall and access to past documents can be challenging. Issue: Should the City invest in a centralized repository and scanning equipment to digitize its documents? Proposal Details: Crabtree Companies sells and supports a digital Enterprise Content Management solution created by Laserfiche. The solution includes a Server to control access to the repository and database, Web Access, a Workflow module for automating and optimizing work processes, and an Advanced Audit Trail that allows monitoring and provides reports on Laserfische activities. Enterprise Content Management solutions provide value by improving efficiency in search, retrieval and filing documents, saving money and time, and making it easier to comply with regulations, and providing employee/customer convenience. Curt Thompson from Cr�btree Companies will be at the work session to give a brief presentation and answer questions. Fiscal Impact: Pricing quote attached. There are several components: software, a scanner, installation,training and support. Total proposed cost is $12,254 (sales tax not included). There are also optional product modules that can be added later if needed. Options: 1) Proceed with process to acquire the technology to digitize the City's documents. 2) Continue with current processes and storage practices. Pricing Software modules,services,and the renewable Lase�che Software Assurance Plan(LSAP)costs have been listed to match the proposed solution.Please not that these prices are preliminary and are being made available tp support future discussions on configurations,needs,workflows and integrations. � � � ����'� . �� Itam# Description Quantky Price E�cbended I�, 1 LF Avante Serverfor SOL Express with Workflow Soibnrare 1 $1,500 $1,500 ' 2 LF Full User Gient with Workflow,WebAccess,Advance Audit Trail Z $7pp $�,4pp 3 Quickfieids(installed per work station) � $5g5 $5g5 QF Bar Code&Valldation(Bar Code,2D Bar Code, Pattem Metching 4 (is usod in conjunction with the Quickfrelds licenso) 1 $1,695 $1,895 G1F Real Time Lookup&Vatidation{Real Time,Pattem Matching) 5 (is used in conjunction with the Quickfralds licensc:) 1 $595 �595 6 Scan Connect-(onc necdod per scanncr) 1 $965 $165 Software Subtotal $5,950 ��������� ����� 4 . � i ltem Descr) tlon QuaMity Price Extended ' 1 LF Avante Server for SQL Express with Workflow LSAP billed annually 1 $300 $300 2 LF Full User,Workflow,WebAccess,Advance Audit T�ail LSAP billed annually 2 $940 $2$0 3 Quickfields LSAP biiled annually 1 $120 $120 4 QF Bar Code&Validation LSAP billed aanuaily 1 $340 $340 5 QF Real Time Lookup 8�Validation LSAP billed annually 1 $120 $120 6 Scan Connect LSAP billed annually 1 $33 $33 Su ort Subtotal a1,193 1 st year of LSAP's Must be purchased r� ��� .#- � �: _ `i.�_l.'� � .,-� '�' t ._ -:.�.,.c,,.-r c (• r'�, <.�_.t�� � � ; r•. , �c , ��. � � � i � , ; P'r�:_� �u�4���t�� ��m Descriptlon Quantity Price Extended 1 Software Total 1 $5,950 $5,950 2 LSAPSupportTotal 1 $1,193 $1,193 3 Installation,Consulting,End User and Administrator Training* 1 $1,600 $1,60(} 4 Canon ScannerDR-6030c 1 $3,511 " $3,511 5 Laserfiche Video Training Portal(OPTIONAL)based on#of users $495 o tiOnal sales fax is nof included Pro'ect Totai $12,254 * The above cost proposa!does not include sales tax "`Many of these producf modules are opfional and can be added af a later time as needed. Changes in deployed producfs will change service costs. � Remote instaliation of the software, testing of the software is inciuded - data conversior� is usuaNy a tee based option ** Labor is limited to 6 hours. More time can be purchased if necessary to help you create workflow rules or add more departments in the future as needed. "*Any remote training done by Crabtree Companies staff is included as part of your LSAP maintenance(no additiona! charge for this training) Crabtree Companies recommends the purchase of the LaserFiche video on demand training portal .This is offered as an optional item in the price quote listed above. Server Hardware Not Included: With Laserfiche SQL Express Version,The SQL Express database is included at no e�ctra charge. However, in more advanced or larger installations the full version of Microsoft SQL database may be required, but is not included in our proposal. Payment:A deposit of 50% of the total quote and a signed sales order is due when authorization and acceptance of the project is signed. The balance of the payment id due once the software and hardware have been installed and training has begun. Payments can also be made using Visa, MasterCard or American Express.