4.i) Staff Report-Discuss Which Consultant to Contract with for Traffic Monitoring at Zavoral Site i� (� � �a�`. y i��,.`� � i�� SCANDIA s:afrRenorr Date of Meeting: Apri19, 2013 To: City Council From: Kristina Handt, Administrator Re: Discuss Which Consultant to Contract with for Traffic Monitoring at Zavoral Site Agenda Item#: 4.i) Background: On February 19, 2013 the Council approved the 2013 Annual Operating Permit for the Zavoral Mine and Reclamation Project. That permit required the city or its consultant to perform various traffic monitoring tasks. Bryant Ficek with TKDA assisted the City with drafting the traffic related conditions for the CUP and AOP for the Zavoral Mine. He discussed these recommendations at the December 27,2012 Planning Commission meeting. During the process of interviewing new engineering firms, staff also mentioned the possibility of using the City Engineer's firm to conduct the traffic monitoring. Issue: Who should the City contract with for traffic monitoring at the Zavoral Mine site? Proposal Details: The City could have either TKDA, under the existing agreement, or Bolton and Menk under the new agreement carry out the traffic monitoring at the Zavoral Site. Alternatively,the City could contract with a consultant solely for the purpose of traffic monitoring rather than using existing consultants. Fiscal Impact: Per the Compliance and Reclamation Agreement,Tiller Corporation will be required to reimburse the city for all costs associated with monitoring so there is no impact to the City's budget. Options: Council should provide direction to staff on whom they would like to contract with for traffic monitoring services.