5.a) Staff Report-Speed Studies ; , " .--�� �� � �—i +.r ��� I�s 't'ri`� �-: SC.ANDIA Staf/'Renort Date of Meeting: Apri19,2013 To: City Council From: Kristina Handt,Administrator Re: Speed Studies Agenda Item#: S.a) Background: During the Council review of the Tiller CUP application it was noted that the City may want to ask MNDOT to complete speed studies at various places in the community. Specifically noted were: on TH 95 north and south of TH 97; on TH 97 near the Scandia Elementary School; and on TH 97 near the intersection with County Road 91 (Lofton Avenue). The Council was asked at the March work session to begin thinking about areas in the City that they felt may need to have a speed study completed.Any and all areas would then be forwarded onto MnDOT with a request for a speed study. A list of previous speed studies completed in the City is included in your packet. Issue: Which roads should the City of Scandia seek a speed study on? Proposal Details: Included in your packet is a letter from Deputy Majeski with some suggestions. In addition,the maintenance superintendent is suggesting the Council request a speed study in the Bliss area. Parts of the area are designated 20 mph and a speed study would determine if that is really necessary or if the state standard of 30 mph should apply. The response from MNDOT included a suggestion on speed zone studies. A copy of their letter is in your packet. Fiscal Impact: NA-may save in the Bliss area if speeds are consistent with state statute,less signing would be required. Options: l) The Council could identify the areas they would like to request MNDOT complete a speed study, if any. Staff would then prepare the appropriate resolution for a future meeting. 2) Continue gathering information/input and discuss again at a future work session • �� Office of the Sheriff � �`�"°�� - � � Co,unty � ���� Commitment to E.�ceCCence f ` William M. Hutton Sheriff Daniel Starry Chief Deputy To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members From: Deputy Chris Majeski Washington County Sheriff's Office Date: April 3,2013 RE: Areas of concern regarding traffic issues By driving the roads in Scandia every day, I would consider myself knowledgeable regarding the areas of concern when it comes to traffic issues. Although reported traffic complaints from the public are fairly low, some areas are still of a concern. With the Zavoral Gravel Pit now approved,there are likely to be more commercial vehicles driving on our roads. The most likely roads of travel to see the increased traffic are Saint Croix Tr(Highway 95),Scandia Trail (Highway 97), Lofton Avenue (County Road 91)and Manning Trail (County Road 15). I would agree with the experts that these roads can absorb the amount of extra traffic that will be generated from the gravel pit. I am happy that the council approved limited hours of operation, practically on Fridays during the summer. Due to my experience, I believe Friday afternoons in the summer has the most traffic on all roadways in the city. Some areas that may need some additional studies are: Highway 97: The idea of trucks traveling southbound on Lofton Avenue and making a left turn to go eastbound onto Highway 97 can be alarming. The speed limit on that section of roadway is 55mph. I do occasionally get speeders in that area, but overall,speeding on Highway 97 occurs on other portions of that roadway. My concern is the hill and curve to the east of that intersection. It can be difficult to see at times for drivers on both roads at the intersection. I think it may be beneficial to consider lowering the speed limit to 50mph from the areas of Meadowbrook Avenue to Lofton Avenue. It would also be beneficial to add signs saying"Caution Trucks Hauling." Highway 95: This area can be troublesome with high levels of traffic. There have been accidents in this area in the past,and most of them have occurred during high levels of traffic. Most of these accidents were from people turning north onto Highway 95 from Highway 97. By looking at reducing the speed limit to 50 from 209th St to approx%mile north of Highway 97 may improve this area. One other area I would like to explore is the engine braking issues. By far,the biggest complaint our office receives is by commercial vehicles using their engine brakes which is prohibited in Scandia Ordinance#85. Law Enforcement Center • 15015 62nd Street North—P.O. Box 3801, Stillwater, Minnesota 55082-3801 Phone: 651-430-7600 • Fax: 651-430-7603 • TTY: 651-430-6246 www.co.washington.mn.us Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action The drivers that I have stopped in the past were unaware of the current ordinance. There are signs posted, but I would like to explore the idea of increasing the signs and possible posting a sign at the exit to each gravel pit site. If signs are posted at each site, I think it would be beneficial to include the words"Scandia Ordinance#85." I do believe it would make drivers pay closer attention to our city's sound pollution issues. If you do have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I am always available for questions. Thanks, Chris Majeski 612-741-6573 Date of Re uest 07 24 92 - no letter in file Location Larks ur&La on MNDOT Response Rescind existing 20 mph speed limit from 1974 for: 190�S� between Langly& Larkspur; Larkspur between 190� St. & 192°d St.; 192nd St.between Larkspur&Layton; Layton Ave. between 192nd St. & 189�St. Documents Only document is 8/17/921etter from MNDOT.Appears no stud ,authorization, followu or ostin was done. Road Posted Never posted for 20 mph or now statutory speed limit of either 55 m h or 30 m h if urban district criteria are met Follow-ups MNDOT recommendations being reviewed by Of�ce of Traffic Engineer,then will send a formal speed limit authorization. Expect to need signage on three curves which can be done w/o posting a speed limit.Additional roads recommended for study. Anticipated that the roads would revert to MN statutory speed limit values if a new stud is re uested. Date of Re uest 09 25 92 -no letter in file Location 230�St.between Kesler Rd. &Mannin Trail MNDOT Response Recommended 40 mph. Copy to FL Twsp.to post their end of the road,too. Documents 10/06/92 MNDOT letter; 10/20/92 MNDOT Eng. Letter& Authorization Road Posted Follow-u s Date of Re uest 10 04 94-no letter in �le - 30 m h Location Orwell Ave., Orwell Ct., 197th St., &202nd St. MNDOT Res onse Documents 10/7/941eeter from MNDOT; 10/14/971etter from MNDOT; 10 21 94 MNDOT En . Letter&Authorization Road Posted Follow-u s Date of Re uest 10 19 94 to Wash. C . En . Location Oakhill from 97 to Olinda Tr. MNDOT Res onse Documents 10 19 941etter from Peterson to Wash. C . En . Road Posted Follow-u s Date of Re uest 10 19 94 for 30 m h Location Old Marine Trail from Oxboro Ave.to Olinda Trail MNDOT Response Rec. 35 mph between a point approx. 900 ft. SE of the intersection of Oxboro Ave,&Olinda Tr. Documents 10/19/94 Peterson letter to MNDOT; 11/09/94 MNDOT letter to Peterson; 11/18/94 MNDOT Eng. Letter&Authorization to Peterson Road Posted Follow-u s Date of Re uest 03 25 95 Location �linda Trail- 30 mph from 214�St.to Olinda Lane; between a point 200 ft. south of the intersection w/205th St. &a point a rox.200 ft. south of the intersection w 209th St. MNDOT Response 50 mph between the intersection w/Cty. Rd. 4 &a point approx. 1800 ft. south of the intersection w/185�St.; 55 mph between a point approx. 1800 ft. south of the intersection w/185�St &a point approx. 200 ft. south of the intersection w/205�St; 40 mph between a point approx. 200 ft. south of the intersection w/205� St. and a point approx. 200 ft. south of the intersection w/209� St.; 30 mph between a point approx.200 ft. south of the intersection wJ209� St. N. &the intersection w/214� St.; 40 mph between the intersection w/ 214th St.N. &the south intersection w/Olinda Ln.; 55 mph between the south intersection w Olinda Ln. &the intersection w 240�S� Documents 3 J25/96 (95) Peterson letter to Wash.Cty.; Petition; 9/15/95 MNDOT Eng. Letter&Authorization to Wash, Cty. Eng.; 10 6 95 Wash C letter to Peterson Road Posted Follow-u s Date of Re uest 09 17 96 Location Ma ber Tr. Between Lofton Ave. &Mannin MNDOT Response 45 mph from Manning to 3100 ft.SW of Lofton; 35 mph from 3100 ft.SW of Lofton to intersection w Lofton Documents 4/07/97 MNDOT letter to Peterson; 4/09/97 MNDOT Eng. Letter&Authorization to Peterson Road Posted Follow-u s Date of Request 9/5/97; tel request to look at all way stop for 185� St.&Lamar Ave. Location 220�St between C . Rd. 3 &H . 95 MNDOT Response 40 mph on 220th from Cty.Rd. 3 &Hwy. 95; no to all way stop for 18th&Lamar Documents 9/05/97 Peterson letter to MNDOT; Petition; 10/30/97 MNDOT letter to Peterson; 12/02/97 MNDOT Eng. Authorization Road Posted Follow-u s Date of Re uest 9 3 98 for 35 m h Location Pilar Road MNDOT Res onse 30 m h on Pilar from Olinda Tr.To H .95 Documents 9/03/98 Peterson letter to MNDOT; Petition; 10/14/98 MNDOT En . Letter&Authorization Road Posted Follow-u s Date of Re uest 12 3 98 for 35 m h Location 205�St. MNDOT Res onse 45 m h from Ma ber to Olinda Tr. Documents 12/03/98 Peterson letter to MNDOT; Petition; 12/11/98 MNDOT letter to Peterson; 2 23 99 MNDOT letter to Peterson; Road Posted Follow-u s Date of Re uest 12 3 98 for 30 m h Location Meadowbrook between Oakhill and 238� MNDOT Res onse Kee un osted, statuto s eed limit Documents 1Z/03/98 Peterson letter to MNDOT; Petition; 12/11/98 MNDOT letter to Peterson; 2/23/99 MNDOT letter to Peterson; 3/04/99 MNDOT letter to Peterson; 3/24/99 MNDOT Eng. Letter to Peterson Road Posted Follow-u s Date of Re uest 2001 Location Olinda Trail between H . 97 &Parrish Raad MNDOT Response This two-lane highway reconstructed in 1999. Last speed study performed in 1995. Wash. Cty.resolved to request a speed stud from MNDOT 10 02 01 Documents Wash.C . Letter to MNDOT w co of resolution Z001-124 Road Posted Follow-u s Date of Re uest 10 01 02 for 20 m h Location 188th St. &Norell MNDOT Res onse Documents 10/01/02 Peterson letter to MNDOT; Resolution 10-01-02-02; Petition; Road Posted Follow-u s� Date of Re uest 11 14 02 for 30 m h Location 185th St, oin east from Olinda Trail to Old Marine Trail MNDOT Response Recommends 45 mph for 185th St between the intersection with Olinda Trail and Old Marine Trail. City may want to con�er installin�uardrail end treatments appropriate for a hi her s eed. C rrent ones are a ro riate�or 40 m h. Documents 11/14/02 Peterson letter to MNDO ; esolution - 5-02-2; Petition; Town Board minutes from 10 J15 J02; 6/12/03 MDDOT letter to Peterson; MNDOT authorization 7 15 03 Road Posted Follow-u s Date of Re uest 9 02 03 Location 188th St., 185�Street and New ate Ave. MNDOT Response • 185�St recommends 25 mph between intersection w/Olinda Trail and IVorell Ave. • Norell Ave.recommends Statutory between the south � end of the road (approx. 1465 ft. south of intersection w/185th St.) and the intersection w/185� St. • Norell Ave.recommends 25 mph between the intersecrion w/185�h St. and the intersection wJ188�St. • 188� St. recommends 25 mph between the intersection w/Noreil Ave.and a point approx. 1050 ft.of the intersection w/Newgate Ave. • 188� St. recommends 35 mph between a point approx. 1050 ft. east of the intersection w/Newgate Ave. • Newgate Ave. recommends 35 mph between the intersection w/188� St. and the intersection w/195th Ave. Lakama a Trail. Documents 9/02/03 Peterson letter to MNDOT; 9J11/03 MNDOT letter to Peterson; 10 09 03 MNDOT En . Letter and authorizations Road Posted Follow-u s Date of Re uest 9 30 03 Locatian 238th Street between Lofton Ave.&Mor an Ave.for 30 m h MNDOT Response Eastbound Traffic: • 35 mph between the intersection w/Lofton Ave. and a point approx.450 ft. east of the intersection w/Melanie Trail; • 40 mph between a point approx. 450 east of the intersection w/Melanie Trail and the intersection w/Morgan Ave. Westbound Traffic: • 40 mph between the intersection w/Morgan Ave.and a point approx.825 ft.west of the intersection w/Melanie Trail. • 35 mph between a point approx.825 ft. west of the intersection w/Melanie Trail and the intersection w/Lofton Ave. • Recommending an overlap (directional difference) in the two proposed speed limits due to the presence of two 30 mph curves in the vicinity of Melanie Trail. Overlapping the two speed limits will allow coordination of regulatory speed limit signs with the warning and advisory speed si nin needed for the curves.The s eed limit si n will be downstream from the curves and the curve related signing will be in advance of the curves. • Suggest removing the existing rectangular"Watch Out for Children" signs. If such signing is judged necessary a standard diamond shaped sign should be used.Also poor condition diamond shaped "Watch Children" sign east of Melanie Trail should be re laced. Documents 9/30/03 Peterson letter to MNDOT; 10/28/Q3 MNDOT letter to Peterson; 12 01 03 MNDOT En .letter&authorization Road Posted Follow-u s Date of Re uest 6 22 04 for 30 m h Location 240t� St.between Olinda Trail &H . 95 MNDOT Response Recommend 40 mph on 240�St.between Olinda Trail and Hwy. 95. Documents b/22/04 Peterson letter to MNDOT; 11/10/03 Dunaski (Franconia)letter to Peterson; Petition; 10/19/04 MNDOT letter &copy to Franconia; 10/27/04 MNDOT Eng.letter& authorization Road Posted Follow-u s Datie of Re uest 3 18 05 Location H . 97 Scandia Trail from Parrish west to Novak Ave. MNDOT Response Existing speed limiCs on Hwy.97 are reasonable and safe for current conditions. Documents 3/18/05 Peterson letter to MNDOT; 12/20/05 MNDOT letter to Peterson Road Posted Follow-u s � s Date of Re uest 6 26 06 Location Lofton Ave.to 195� St. Oakhill Road north of H . 97 to Meadowbrook MNDOT Response Recommended 35 mph between Mayberry Tr. & Hwy. 97. Recommend 40 mph between 195�St. &a point approx. 1300 ft. south of intersection w/Meadowbrook. Recommended 35 mph between a point approx. 1300 ft. south of intersection w/Meadowbrook Ave. &the intersection w Lofton Ave. Documents 6/26/06 City letter to MNDOT; 1/16/07 MNDOT letter to Hurlburt; 1/31/07 MNDOT Eng.letter&authorization to Hurlburt Road Posted Follow-u s Date of Re uest 7 21 06 Location 228� St.between Lofton Ave.&Mannin Trail MNDOT Response Phone call from MNDOT recommended holding off on speed study until the road is paved,as that is a factor in determining a speed limit.45 mph seems a reasonable limit. Is there a "Stop Ahead" sign in place as one drives west towards Manning? Recommend 45 mph between Manning Trail &Lofton Ave.The proposed speed limit reflects existing road and traffic conditions. Scheduled to be paved in 2007 and suggest consideration be given to another investigation after the ro'ect,if si nificant chan es have occurred. Documents 7/10/06 Frederickson letter requesting speed limit of 30 mph; 7/21/06 City letter to MNDOT; 7/31/06 typed notes of phone call with MNDOT; Road Posted Follow-u s Date of Re uest 10 18 06 Location 230�St.between Mannin Ave. &Keller Ave. MNDOT Response Recommend 40 mph between the west limit of Scandia and the intersection w/Manning Trail.The proposed speed limit is the same as the existing authorized limit,established in 1942. It continues into Forest Lake,but is not osted. Documents 10/18/06 Hurlburt letter to MNDOT w/map &accident report; 10/17/06 Council report,pictures of bus accident,typed note from Obst requesting speed limit w/copy of email to Obst from MNDOT; 11/07/06 MNDOT letter to Hurlburt; 1/04/07 MNDOT En . letter&authorization Road Posted Follow-u s Date of Re uest 6 16 09 Location Oakhill Road north of Hwy. 97. Request a new stop sign for southbound a roach. MNDOT Response Determined the statutory speed iimits on Oakhill Road between H .97 and Meadowbrook are reasonable and safe. Documents 6/16/09 Hurlburt letter to MNDOT; 7 f 31/09 MNDOT letter to Hurlburt Road Posted Follow-u s Date of Re uest 10 19 10 Location 185th St. N.between Olinda Trail &Old Marine Trail MNDOT Res onse Documents 10/19/10 Council report; Petition; Map; 11/14/02 Peterson letter to MNDOT; 6/12/03 MNDOT letter to Peterson & authorization Road Posted Follow-u s Date of Re uest Location MNDOT Res onse Documents Road Posted Follow-u s �.�N"�q Minneaota Department of Tranaportation � � Metropolitan District � Transportation Bufiding ��r � St. Paul, Mtnnesota 55155 � �� Oakdale OEfice, 3485 Hadley Avenue North, Oakdale, Minnesota 55128 Golden Valley Office, 2055 North Lilac Drive, Golden Valley, Minnesota 55422 Reply to �oi o�,iva,st�eet Goiden vauiey, MN 55422 612-591-4618 Telephone No. 7G3 August 17, 1992 9 s�. �t`:/- �a.��_(s o�Co �/_��G_ �o 0 0 Dolores Peterson, Township Clerk � �sl --b 3� ��r� Town of New Scandia 14727 209th Street North, P.O.Box 128 Scandia, Minnesota 55073 Re: Speed Zoning Town of New Scandia Dear Ms. Peterson: Speed zoning studies have been completed for Larkspur Avenue N. and Layton Avenue N. as requested in your July 24 letter to Mike Robinson. Based on the study results and as you discussed with Ed Brown last Thursday, we have recommended that the existing 20 mile per hour speed limit auth�rization issued in 1974 be rescinded for the following roads: � 190th Street N. - between Langly Avenue N. and Larkspur Avenue N. Larkspur Avenue N. - between 190th Street N. and 192nd Street N. 192nd Street N. - between Larkspur Avenue N. and Layton Avenue N. Layton Avenue N. - between 192nd Street N. and 189th Street N. Please notice that as agreed to in your meeting with Ed, we have extended the area studied in order to obtain logical termination points for any proposed speed zone. Rescinding the existing speed limit authorization wil! resuft in a statutory speed limit for the above streets (either 55 mph, or 30 mph if urban district criteria are met). Since the authorized speed limit is not posted now, there will be no change in existing speed limits. � ������ i �,��� �� An Equal Opportunity Employer , Dolores Peterson August 17, 1992 Page 2 The above speed limit recommendations are currently being reviewed by our OfFice of Traffic Engineering in St. Paul, wiiich will make the final speed limit determinations. As soon as the review has been completed, you will receive a formal speed limit authorization. Before any speed limit is posted for a road, it is necessary that a review of the road be made to ensure that al! needed signing is in place. Of special concern are warning and advisory spesd signs for all locations where the speed limit cannot be safely maintained. As discussed with you, such a review would probably result in additional signing for three curve areas on the roads listed above. This signing can be done without posting a speed limit if the township judges it appropriate to do so. Also as discussed with you, we believe it would be beneficial to conduct new speed zoning studies for the following streets in order to maintain speed limit consistency. 197st Street N - befinreen Manning Trail N. and Langly Avenue N. Langly Avenue N. - between 185th Street N. and 191 st Street N. 189th Street N. - between Langly Avenue N. and Layton Avenue N. Layton Avenue N. - between 187th Street N. and 185th Street N. Layton Court N. - between the south end of the road and 87th Street N. Langly Court N. - between Langly Avenue N. and the north end of the road La�ar Avenue fii. - between 185th Avenue tv. and the north end ofi the road 185th Street N. - between Manning Trail N. and Langly Avenue N. It is anticipated that most, if not all, of these roads would revert to Minnesota's statutory speed limit values if a new study is requested. Considering the fact that almost all tra�ic probably consists of local residents, that frequent enforcement activity is unlikely , and that there is no record of operational problems, a posted speed limit appears to offer tittle benefit for these roads. (The general information concerning speed zoning studies which Ed left with you at the time of your meeting, also addresses this issue.) Dolores Peterson August 17, 1992 Page 3 Because of a reorganization within Mn/DOT, ali speed zoning studies are currently being done by personnel from our Goiden Valley office. To ensure the fastest possible response time, it is suggested that any future requests for speed zoning (including the roads listed above) be sent directly to me at the above address. The preferred method of request is by resolution of the governing board. If there are questions concerning eitMer our speed zoning recommendations or the above comment$, please contact eith�er Ed Bmwn (591- 461?) or myself.a# the above Golden Valley address. Sincerely, _.r � . � � i c+`�`''`� ' 1'�-/� Robert E. Dixon Traffic Studies Supenrisor � RED:pI:EB