6. CMSCWD Letter for Joint Meeting i���� ' ,� � / �. !` Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District Scandia Plaza Il•2�1g0 Ozark Avenue�P.O.Box�88+Scandia,MN�013�Td 651.q33.21$0 s�a�a c�Ty co���i RLCEiVED 14727 209�' St.North scandia,MN sso73 JAN 2 9 2013 re:joint meeting � C1TY OF SCANDIA Dear City Council Members: The CMSCWD Board and I would like to propose a meeting with members of your City Council and Planning Commission to discuss topics of mutual interest and concern. Members of our Board had a productive meeting with the Stillwater Township Board in September of last year and agreed to meet annually. We felt that it would be helpful for the Board to meet in the first half of the year with all of our local governments so that any joint projects could be discussed in budget talks beginning in July. Members of our Board could appear at either a scheduled time at a Council meeting or a workshop. Either way, we would notice the meeting to allow our full Board to attend. The Board is most anxious to discuss potendal projects in your City,any issues with specific waters in your area or any other concerns you may have. I hope that you can discuss this idea at your next Council meeting and we can schedule time to meet soon. Thank you and do not hesitate to call with any questions. S erely, , � : _..�`--____... ;� un Shaver ;Administrator � e-mail JS,��r�a CM5CWQ.� website www.CMSCWD.cmg