03-01-2023 Work Session
March 1, 2023
A work session meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date with
modifications. The meeting was conducted in the Council Chambers at the Scandia Community
Center and over an electronic platform. All participants who joined the meeting remotely could
hear each other and contribute to discussions.
Mayor Christine Maefsky called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The following were present:
Council members Jerry Cusick, Steve Kronmiller and Mayor Christine Maefsky. Council
member Mike Lubke participated on Zoom. Absent: Council member Heather Benson. Staff
present: Interim City Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Eric Larson (virtual), Fire
Chief Mike Hinz (virtual), Deputy Zach Boesel, Public Works Director Charles Fischer and City
Clerk Brenda Eklund.
Kronmiller, second by Cusick, moved to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried
At a previous Council meeting, Deputy Boesel brought attention to the high number of public
safety calls that have been made over the past year to a group home in Scandia owned by
Community Living Options. This for-profit company runs group homes throughout the metro
area. Interim Administrator Hurlburt provided statistics showing that 103 calls were made to this
address in 2022 for police, fire/rescue and ambulance services. Hurlburt explained that the
number of calls may be even higher because of the way the calls are reported in the data. Costs
associated with these calls represent more than 4% of the police and fire budget to this one
address. Hurlburt said this is greatly impacting public safety resources. Deputy Boesel reported
increased calls since January 2023 to another home in Scandia owned by this company.
Responders have met with staff and are recommending that proper staffing and appropriate
services to residents who are in the group home could reduce demand for calls to public safety.
Hurlburt drafted a letter for the Council to consider to send to the company owner with these
concerns and a request for a response to reduce these excessive demands. This outreach would be
the first step to the owner to make sure the residents are getting the correct services.
Deputy Boesel added an update that eleven calls were made to this group home since January 1st,
with a recent violent assault to public safety personnel. Boesel said the home is not properly
staffed and safety protocols appear not in place. When a response is made to the group home,
police coverage is taken from other areas. Boesel said that he is aware that County social
services are involved with the situation.
Council Kronmiller said if the group home is regulated by the county and state, these licensing
agencies should be alerted. Mayor Maefsky agreed that a letter should also be sent to the
licensing departments, sharing this staff report and concerns that they need to enforce the
operating conditions of the license.
Scandia City Council Work Session
March 1, 2023
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Fire Chief Hinz reiterated that there has been an increase in the severity of the calls, and agreed
that county and state licensing authorities need to be contacted. Hinz speculated that the
licensing board may not be doing site surveys at these smaller facilities.
Maefsky, second by Kronmiller, directed staff to send the prepared letter to the company
owner and to draft a letter to the licensing authorities reporting these concerns. Motion
carried 3-0.
Interim Administrator Hurlburt said she would have the letter to the licensing authorities ready
for the Mayor’s signature on Friday.
Interim Administrator Hurlburt introduced a draft policy regarding take-home vehicles, as
worked on with the Public Works Director, Fire Chief and City Attorney. Hurlburt explained the
instances where the policy could benefit the city to allow employees to respond to emergencies
or urgent city business directly from their homes, and that it would be appropriate for the PW
Director and Fire Chief.
Hurlburt said that if approved, an amendment to language in the current personnel policy would
be necessary to allow take-home vehicles. Existing language prohibits personal use of city
Hurlburt reviewed the policy and explained the League recommendations on what to include,
such as a public purpose statement and definition of “clearly incidental use.”
Council member Cusick asked if there will be language to address the distance a vehicle may be
driven to an employee’s home. Hurlburt advised that a limit could be added, but there would
need to be reasoning as to what is too far from the city limit; it would be easier to make a
judgement on an individual basis rather than an arbitrary basis.
Public Works Director Fischer said he brought this up with staff last year. When he responds to
calls, he needs to drive to work then respond in a city vehicle. If the call is in the north part of
town, he could be there sooner; this would be a timesaver for afterwork calls and a benefit to the
city for the response time to alarms in the Big Marine Sewer drainfields. Fischer said he inspects
roads in the winter in his personal vehicle before calling in the crew to snowplow. The intention
is to have a vehicle at all times because he is on-call 24/7. For planned trips out of town, the
take-home vehicle would go the staff person assigned to be on-call. The assigned take-home
vehicle would be the most fuel efficient one.
Fire Chief Hinz said it also makes sense for responding to fire calls. He can be first to arrive to
assess the scene. Hinz said he would be the primary one authorized a take-home vehicle, then
assigned to assistant chiefs in his absence.
Hinz said there should be exemptions for public safety to use the vehicle within the response area
because of the benefit of an immediate response.
Scandia City Council Work Session
March 1, 2023
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Hurlburt explained that staff is not asking the Council to take action at this meeting, but to give
clear direction for any changes or amendments.
Hurlburt clarified that the policy would not result in the purchase of extra vehicles, only that
department heads could take a city vehicle home to respond to after-hour calls. The policy has
language for de minimis use.
Mayor Maefsky said language should be added that the policy is intended only for the Public
Works Director and Fire Department. Kronmiller agreed the intent should be stated in the policy
and not be so broad.
Deputy Boesel noted that Scandia provides fire coverage outside the city limits. Hurlburt agreed
that should be made clear as well in the policy.
Staff will refine the policy and bring it back to a future work session.
Interim Administrator Hurlburt reported that the Waste and Recycling Negotiating Committee
met on February 22nd and reviewed other communities’ solid waste contracts, and identified a list
of topics that should be included in negotiations with Waste Management. A sub-committee will
meet with Waste Management on March 14th; the 60-day negotiating period ends on April 9th. If
no agreement is offered that meets the city’s needs, the process to start an RFP for trash services
will commence.
Kronmiller, seconded by Cusick, moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 3-0.
The meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
City Clerk