06.h Tomte Story Contest Staff Report
Staff Report
Date of Meeting: April 18, 2023
To: Mayor and City Council
From: Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant
Re: Cash Prize Award for Children’s Story Path Tomte Story Contest
Issue: The Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee request $250 to sponsor the
Cash Prize Awards for a Tomte Story Contest at the Children’s Story Path in
Lilleskogen Park.
Background: The Children’s Story Path in Lilleskogen Park displays stories written and
illustrated by elementary-aged residents of Scandia. The Parks and Recreation
Committee partners with the Scandia Elementary School to provide most of
the material displayed in the story stands. Occasionally, contests are
suggested by local community groups or organizations. Contests are opened
up to all elementary aged Scandia residents, regardless of which public, private
or home school they attend.
The Gammelgarden Museum has requested the City of Scandia sponsor a
Tomte Story Contest, to be displayed in Lilleskogen Park in early September.
Scandia is expecting a delegation from Mellerud, Sweden at this time and
would like to capitalize on the connection with Mellerud’s tomte museum.
The Parks and Recreation Committee is requesting $250 to sponsor this
contest; $50 to the winning student, and $200 to the winning student’s
classroom. The Parks and Recreation Committee proposes to announce this
contest to all Scandia elementary schools and students before classes dismiss
for summer break. Students in current grades 1st-3rd would be invited to enter
the Tomte Story Contest, while students currently in 4th-6th grades would be
invited to enter the Internet Story Contest (sponsored by Midco.) The
classroom award would go to the winning student’s 2022-23 classroom. The
instructions for the Tomte Story Contest will include educational material for
the students.
Fiscal Impact: $250 from the Parks General Event Fund; $50 to the winning student and $200
to the winning student’s classroom.
1. Approve $250 Cash Prize Award for the Children’s Story Path Tomte Story Contest.
2. Do not approve $250 Cash Prize Award for the Children’s Story Path Tomte Stor y Contest.
Option 1 –