06.l Calcium Chloride Application Consent
Consent Item – Calcium Chloride Application
Date of Meeting: 4/18/2023
For: Honorable Mayor and Council
From: Charles Fischer – Director of Public Works
Subject: Calcium Chloride Application
The gravel roads in Scandia have been receiving applications of Calcium Chloride for many years
to stabilize the road and control dust from vehicle traffic. Public Works has coordinated the
applications through vendors at specific times of the year with the most important application
taking place mid-Spring. Calcium Chloride applications are non-toxic, trap moisture from the air,
and does not evaporate easily making it an ideal dust suppressant. One major drawback to
Calcium Chloride is the corrosive nature to metal surfaces. Typically, one application per year
has been done but during dry seasons the southern gravel roads (185th St. N., Oakgreen Ave. N.,
and Old Marine Trail N.) have received a second application in the later portion of the summer.
When the City applies the product to the entire road surface complaints have come from
residents of vehicles and trailers rusting much faster than if no Calcium Chloride were to be
applied to the roadway. On the other side of the spectrum the City has received complaints that
not enough applications are completed or that they are not timed appropriately and health
concerns over dust inhalation have been reported. Public Works favors the applications of
Calcium Chloride for the reasons of road surface stabilization and dust control. Calcium Chloride
helps prolong the loss of dust and fine particles from the roadway. The loss of fine particles
contributes to the loss of larger aggregate and gravel roads deteriorate faster leading to the
need for additional grading and gravel to be added to the roads. The City includes the roads of
the Cedar Cliff area within the quotes. If treatment is requested by the Cedar Cliff residents, the
city charges for this service.
Consent Request:
This year Public Works is proposing to apply one application to all gravel roads highlighted on
the map and have the ability to apply a second application later in the season to only areas of
concern for dust and road surface instability.
Fiscal Impact:
Funding for the applications will come out of the Public Works General Fund and have been
factored into the total Contractual Road Maintenance Repair line item along with other
necessary maintenance or repairs required in 2023. This year Public Works contacted multiple
vendors and only received one submission from Northern Salt. Northern Salt has been awarded
this work for many consecutive years.
Recommendation for Consent:
1.) Award Calcium Chloride application for dust control to Northern Salt Inc. at a cost of
$1.495 per gallon applied totaling $25,415.00 for one full application and up to
$12,707.50 for a second application later in the season to areas of concern for dust and
road surface instability.