06.m Development Agmt with J Johnson for Tii Gavo Second Addition
Staff Report
Date of Meeting: April 18, 2023
To: Mayor and City Council
From: Anne Hurlburt, Interim City Administrator
Re: Development Agreement for Tii Gavo Second Addition
Action Requested:
Approve the development agreement with J Johnson Development LLC for the Tii Gavo 2nd
The Council approved the final plat for the eight lots of the Tii Gavo Second Addition on
October 18, 2022. The approval requires that the developer enter into this agreement with the
city. It was prepared by the City Attorney, signed by the developer, and the required $10,000
cash deposit has been made.
Staff recommends that the City Council approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor and City
Administrator to sign on behalf of the city.
• Development Agreement with Exhbits
• Final Plat, Tii Gavo 2nd Addition