08.d 03.28.2023 TC Minutes DRAFT
Scandia Tourism Committee Minutes
March 28, 2023 – 5:00 p.m.
Meeting at Community Center
Members in Attendance: Lynne Moratzka, Sarah Porubcansky, Jim Gribble and Chrissi Larsen.
(Sue Dickens attended via Zoom until 5:45 p.m.) Additional Attendee: Brenda “Bee” Stignani
(Office Assistant).
Call to Order –Vice-Chair Moratzka called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m., a quorum is present.
Approve the Agenda –Porubcansky moved, Larsen seconded, to approve the agenda with
Flexibility. Motion carried unanimously.
Approve the Minutes – Porubcansky moved, Moratzka seconded, to approve the February
28, 2023 minutes. New committee members Gribble and Larsen abstained. Motion carried
Membership Review – Moratzka welcomed new members Jim Gribble and Chrissi Larsen. All
committee members introduced themselves.
Press Day– Moratzka outlined the concept to be hosted on May 23rd, Scandia Media Fair Day or
Scandia Press Fair, to new committee members. Porubcansky presented the detailed contact list
complied for businesses and organizations to be shared with committee members for updating.
Further discussion addressed who would be invited to host a table, who would be the intended
attendant, and what would be the incentive to both host and attend. Members concluded more time
is needed to develop this concept, solicit feedback from potential hosts, and consider avenues
available for getting the word out to the community. Additionally, members identified the need to
raise awareness in the community for the currently available networking resources for both area
businesses and area events.
Porubcansky moved, Larsen seconded, to table the Press Day Event project to a later date.
Motion carried unanimously.
Best of Scandia Review – Moratzka tabled this agenda item in Dicken’s absence.
City Wide Garage Sale – Moratzka requested clarification for the registration deadline – May 12th.
Porubcansky confirmed her connection to making the digital map is solid, however, there is the
possibility that this service may not be donated in the future. Stignani presented the online
information live currently at www.cityofscandia.com/GarageSale and notified Porubcansky the
process has been updated to send weekly registration updates instead of individual registration
notices. Gribble recommended creating a flyer to supplement Scandia’s social media sources
(website, Facebook, and NextDoor.) Further discussion concluded Porubcansky will use her
prepared Press Day list to request local sources to include the sale dates in their community events
sections and that consideration of paid advertisement for participants is unnecessary in light of last
year’s success of Scandia’s social media postings, Larsen creating a local flyer, and the potential of
Bone Lake Association coordinating their annual sale with this event. Moratzka will ask Dickens for
an update on the status of a food truck at the community center on Saturday only and the research
for signage costs.
Scandia Tourism Committee Minutes
March 28, 2023
2 | P a g e
Gribble inquired if Scandia has considered options for a “City Sign Board” as observed in other
communities (one location with minimal information to be read by motorists coming into Scandia
on Hwy 95 or Hwy 97.) Gribble was familiar with communities who have purchased small sections
of land from the state for these kinds of signs. Moratzka and Stignani briefly outlined the challenges
and unsuccessful attempts with Washington County and MnDOT Right of Way sign requests.
Upcoming Events – Moratzka mentioned the events currently in planning stages: Best of Scandia,
Scandia Evening Adventures and City-Wide Garage Sale.
Adjournment –Motion by Porubcansky, seconded by Larsen, to adjourn the meeting.
Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant