09.d PW - Staff Report
Staff Report
Date of Meeting: 4/18/2023
For: Honorable Mayor and Council
From: Charles Fischer – Director of Public Works
Subject: PW - Staff Report
The most recent winter storm, which ended early in the morning on April 1st, brought 12-15” of snow.
Not only was the snow a challenge to remove, over 16 trees fell across roads and multiple broken
leaders of trees were left suspended just above the roadway causing impassable sections of road.
While plowing staff also had to clear the fallen trees and cut down and clear low hanging suspended
branches. After 11 hours, all roads were clear of snow and trees impeding traffic. Staff spent the
following week removing the trees and bran ches which were temporarily piled in the ditch Saturday
Public Works staff began pot hole patching throughout the City, starting Monday April, 10th. Maxwill
Ave, Lakamaga Trail, 195th Street, the old section of Mayberry Trail, and Orwell Ave continue to be
roads which a majority of repair is required each Spring. Fortunately, Orwell will be repaved this year
and will reduce future maintenance cost and time. Temporary patching will be completed on Orwell
before the paving project begins. Public Works is requesting quotes from contractors for paving of
significant patches which Public Works staff are not able to complete due to time and limited
Ryan Goodman and I, completed a road tour on April 3rd to coordinate planning for future road
maintenance and reconstruction. After completing the tour, strategy for a large-scale project was
discussed for Maxwill Ave, Lakamage Trail, 195th Street, 196th Street, 206th Street, and the remaining
section of Mayberry Trail (figure1). The current condition of these roads drives an upcoming
recommendation to complete another large-scale project similar to the project completed in 2018.
Current Paser ratings place the roads at a 3-4 (a scale of 1-10 with 10 as the best) in the metrics, but if
current projected project timeline remains in place the roads will quickly fall to a 1-2 in the metrics
before reconstruction. Remaining on the current trajectory will create additional repair work utilizing
General Fund assets reducing the ability to continue road preservation to other sections of roadway. If
possible, to complete a large-scale project next year will allow other roads planned 5 to 10 years out to
be completed before reaching 1-2 in the Paser rating as well. Future Capital Improvement discussion
will be required to determine the best possible option to fund a project of this scale.
Seasonal Staffing:
The job posting for seasonal staff has been advertised on many platforms for over two weeks and
currently have not received any applications for the two positions. The posting will continue to be
advertised until the positions have been filled.
Playground Project
With much of the snow pack melted Public Works will continue planning for a May installation if
weather and ground conditions are favorable. Deliveries of the playground structures have started to
arrive, which is a good sign that all of the structures may arrive earlier than the original expected
timeframe of early May.
Garbage and Recycling
New containers have been delivered to replace the current receptacles in selected Parks. The new
containers will be placed at the Tennis/Pickleball courts, new playground, Warming House, Lilleskogen
and Hay Lake. Each of the listed locations will now have both garbage and recycling options. Public
Works staff will service these locations throughout the year. The boat landings will continue to be
serviced by the local waste hauler due to the volume and type of trash collected. Other parks will
continue to be Carry-In/Carry-Out as there is no dedicated picnic area within.
Infiltration in the sewer systems is being closely monitored this year due the high amount of surface
water from the snow melt. The rapid snow melt this year has caused higher volumes of flow but have
not caused high concern as most of the snow has now melted and flow has receded from the peak
period between April 5th and April 11th. The original holding and lift tanks from the 1980’s have and will
continue to require additional maintenance to the tank lid seals and more in tank inspections will be
required to pin point areas of infiltration. Contracting the in-tank inspections will be required and will
be recommended to be funded in the budgeting process for 2024.
An emergency pump repair was completed to Lift Station 2 in the Bliss neighborhood. Although, only
two years old the motor seal failed and waste water was able to seep into the windings of the motor
and bearings. The warranty for the pump was only one year and all costs associated to the repair or
replacement was City responsibility. The total to repair the motor was near equal to a new pump and
the new pump was installed within three days after final bench inspection of the original pump. During
that time the system was relying only on one pump to push all of the waste water from the
neighborhood up to the drain field. If we were to experience a failure of the other pump during that
time, tanker pumping would have been relied upon to remove wastewater and hauled out. Multiple
trucks over the course of days would have resulted in significant cost to the City.
Recently, the City utilized its contract with SafeAssure (safety consultant and training administer) to
complete mock OSHA inspections of all City buildings. Public Works accompanied the inspections to
discuss and understand the complexity and potential fiscal impact of OSHA rules and regulations. Upon
completion of the inspections a report was generated by SafeAssure indicating the deficiencies of
safety within or around each building. Public Works staff is now completing alterations from the
recommendations listed within the report. The report received from SafeAssure will be presented at
our Staff Safety Committee meeting in April and discuss alterations or repairs recommended.
Plastic Bag Recycling
Public Works has continued the plastic bag recycling program which was started by the Scandia Marine
Lions last year. Public Works is managing the storage and weighing of the material, while a local
volunteer has offered to collect the bulk bags and deliver them to a drop off center. To date, 100lbs of
plastic material has been collected and delivered to a bulk collection site. Our goal is to collect 500lbs
of plastic material over the course of six months. Those who wish to participate can drop off approved
plastic material at City Hall, Cenex Station, or the Post Office. Approved plastic donation material is
posted at each drop off location.