09.f City Administrator Reportr_
Staff Report
Date of Meeting: April 14, 2023 for April 18, 2023 City Council Meeting
To: Mayor and City Council
From: Anne Hurlburt, Interim City Administrator
Re: City Administrator Report
Welcome to New City Administrator Kyle Morell
City Administrator Kyle Morell begins his position on Monday, April 17. I will be working with
him the first couple of weeks to help make the transition as smooth as possible. I have enjoyed
and appreciated the opportunity to work with the Council and staff over the last five months.
Thank you all for your support!
Reminder—Board of Appeals Meeting on Monday, April 17 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
In preparation for the 2023 Board of Appeals meetings, Washington County released its 2023
Assessment Report. It was included in your packet for the March 21 meeting (item 9.f 2). You
may wish to review this material prior to the meeting.
Group Home at 22640 Meadowbrook Ave. N.
As follow-up to the April 5 work session, Mayor Maefsky is working to coordinate a meeting
with all the parties, including representatives from the licensing agencies. No meeting has yet
been scheduled but we have invited the parties to respond with their availability on the
afternoons of either April 25th or 26tH
Parks Plan Update
The Parks and Recreation Committee (PRC) reviewed the latest draft of the plan at their April 3,
2023 meeting. PRC Chair Terry Gorham and I met with consultant MSA representatives on
Thursday, April 13 to convey the PRC and staff comments. A "final" draft should be ready for
the PRO's May 1 meeting and the City Council's May 3 work session meeting. The next step
would be a public hearing before the Planning Commission to begin the formal process of
incorporating it into the city's' Comprehensive Plan, tentatively at the Commission's July
meeting. The plan would also be considered by the Capital Improvements Committee and during
the upcoming 2024 budget process.
2023 Legislative Session —Lobbying Efforts
Lobbyist Les Heen reported the following update on the Gateway Trail/ LCCMR bill (Tuesday,
April 11):
The legislative break has ended, with lawmakers returning to the Capitol this
morning. This afternoon at 3, Hoarse Ways and Means will hear HF 2310, the
Environment and Natural Resources Omnibus ill. Author Rep. Rick Hansen has amended
the LCCMR Bill to this bill. In other words, Gateway and the other LCCMR projects are
now in two bills carried by Rep. Hansen. (The LCCMR Bill by itself was passed by Ways
and Means a few weeks ago). Authors sometimes use this approach ofputting the same
language in two bills so there is more than one path to passage. We have not seen similar
action in the Senate, but we will keep checking.
Today, Les reported that Rep. Hansen's bill is now scheduled for House floor action on Monday,
April 17.
Washington County Scandia City Center Study
Washington County Public Works will be launching a project identified in their 2023 County
CIP - a "Scandia City Center Study". This study is meant to bring together three agencies - the
County, Scandia, and MnDOT to explore options and recommend improvements related to
bicycle, pedestrian and vehicle traffic in the city (see the attached excerpt from the County CIP).
A staff -level meeting has been scheduled for Monday, April 24. Public Works Director Fischer
and Engineer Ryan Goodman will be involved. The city has ongoing projects related to this work
(including the Gateway Trail and Watertower Barn project.) It will be a good opportunity for the
new administrator to get familiar with all the related issues and projects.
Rustic Roots Winery Issues
Staff has been working with the owners of Rustic Roots Winery on a plan to resolve issues with
their Conditional Use Permits and building permits, along with issues concerning the watershed
district and MnDOT/access to Highway 95. The owner has been working with the City Planner
TJ Hofer on a CUP amendment application, which was submitted this week. TJ is reviewing it
for completeness. It could be heard by the Planning Commission as soon as the May 2 meeting.
If progress is being made, staff will recommend that the Council consider an agreement with the
owner to allow permits and inspections of the new building as soon as possible. The Building
Official has found that an architect must sign off on the plans for the building, so it is unknown
how soon this agreement could be brought to the Council.
Trash and Recycling Services
At the April 5 meeting, the Council extended the 60 -day exclusive negotiation period with Waste
Management (WM) by an additional 30 days (to May 9, 2023.) Another negotiation session with
WM is scheduled for Tuesday, April 18, at which time we expect to start reviewing contract
language. We will report back to the Council again at the May 3, work session meeting. If
progress is being made, we may recommend another 30 -day extension.
Pedestrian Easement to Goose Lake
In November of 2021 and in June of 22, 2022, the Council held public hearings to consider
vacating a 20 -foot -wide pedestrian easement on property (a tree farm) owned by Jim and Peggy
Simpson. The petitions were denied. The easement connects a pedestrian access from the Goose
Lake Estates subdivision to Goose Lake. The Simpsons approached the Council again at the
August 16, 2022 and September 20, 2022 with a proposal to replace the easement with an
alternative route along the northern and western edges of their property. At the last meeting, the
minutes reflect that the administrator was to work with the Simpsons to develop a written
proposal. This did not happen.
This week, Mr. Simpson approached me to inquire about the next steps to revive the issue. He
will be submitting a petition to vacate the existing easement, in return for dedicating a new
easement to replace it. Once the petition is received, a public hearing will be scheduled for a
future Council meeting. The timing will depend on the notice requirements for the hearing.
Liquor License Inquiry
The owner of the Redeemed Farm rural event center at 12680 Scandia Trail has inquired about
the possibility of applying for an on -sales liquor license. To be issued a license, the
establishment would need to qualify as a "restaurant" by the definitions in the city code and state
law. Redeemed Farm is located in a zoning district (AG -C) that does not permit restaurants.
Changes to the city's ordinances and/or a rezoning and Comprehensive Plan amendment, and
possibly an amendment to their CUP would be needed. There may also issues for licensing a
food and beverage establishment with Washington County.
The city's liquor regulations (Ordinance 93, Chapter 110 of the current code) were adopted
January 2, 2007, shortly after the city was incorporated. The only amendment since then was to
increase the number of licenses allowed from four (the number existing at that time) to whatever
is allowed by statute. Updates to the ordinance are probably needed due to changes in state law
over the last 15 years.
Construction Cost Sharing Agreement with Midco for 2023 Internet Expansion Project
This agreement is substantially complete, but the signed agreement and a couple of required
exhibits were not received from Midco in time to place it on the April 18 Council agenda. It is
consistent with the Internet Action Committee's previous recommendation that the city
contribute $92,500 for this next phase of construction. The agreement should be ready for
approval at the May 16 meeting.
Safety/ Mock OSHA Inspections
On March 31, the city's safety consultants, SafeAssure, conducted a mock OSHA inspection on
all city buildings. These inspections are done to identify issues, and give us the opportunity to
correct them, before a violation is found should OSHA visit. Staff will be reviewing the
inspection reports at a Safety Committee meeting on April 18. The inspections were part of an
effort to update the city's safety program, including updates of policies, MSDS inventories, a
review of training, and reactivation of the required Safety Committee.
* Excerpt, Washington County 2023 Capital Improvement Plan
2023 Capital Improvement Plan
Washington County, Minnesota
Project# RB -2680
Project Name Scandia City Center Study
2023 thru 2027
Department Capital Road &Bridge Project
Contact PWD
Type Construction
Useful Life 5+ years
Category Road & Bridge
Location Scandia District # 1
Description Total Project Cost: 5100,000
Fhc scope of this study is to investigate the existing and future pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular needs in the downtown Scandia area in order to
levelop a transportation planning vision for county routes through the City of Scandia. Washington County. Scandia, and MnDOT can then use
tie agreed-upon recommendations to implement phased improvement projects.
Washington County, in cooperation with Minnesota Department of Transportation and the City of Scandia, has identified deficiencies in pedestrian
and bicycle accommodations in the City Center area of Scandia. This study will allow the three agencies to work together to explore options and
make recommendations for phased improvements that benefit the public.
2023 2024
2025 2026 2027 Total
Planning / Design
Funding Sources
Total 100,000
2023 2024
2025 2026 2027 Total
Local Contributions
State Aid
Total 100,000 100,000
Budget Impact/Other
This study will not increase operation and maintenance costs. There is no anticipated change within the Road & Bridge Division operating budget.