6.a3 Draft minutes 04-18-2023 Meeting
April 18, 2023
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date in the Council
Chambers with modifications. The meeting was conducted in-person and over an electronic
platform. All participants who joined the meeting remotely could hear each other and contribute
to discussions.
Mayor Christine Maefsky called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of
Allegiances, roll call was taken. The following were in attendance: Council members Heather
Benson, Jerry Cusick, Steve Kronmiller, Mike Lubke, and Mayor Christine Maefsky. Staff
present: City Administrator Kyle Morell, Interim City Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City
Attorney Eric Larson, Planner TJ Hofer, City Engineer Ryan Goodman, Fire Chief Mike Hinz,
Public Works Director Charles Fischer, and City Clerk Brenda Eklund.
Benson, second by Lubke, moved to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
A summary of calls for the month of March was in the meeting packet.
Phil Pepper, Elim Church is proposing to add onto an existing identification sign for Elim
Church with a digital message board. Mayor Maefsky noted that this is an issue because these
types of signs are not allowed. Staff recommended that Mr. Pepper meet with the city planner
and review the proposed design and sign standards to see what would need to be done.
a) Minutes
1) March 21, 2023 Special Meeting
2) March 21, 2023 Regular Meeting
3) April 5, 2023 Work Session
b) Treasurer’s Report
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) Approve Reappointment to the Wastewater Advisory Committee
e) Approve 2023 Recycling Grant Agreement with Washington County
f) Approve 2023 Contract for Services with Lakes Center for Youth and Families
g) Approve two Summer Recreational Program – Festival Theatre’s Art In Action camps
h) Approve Cash Prize Awards for the Tomte Story Contest in the Children’s Story Path
i) Approve Excluded Raffle Permit for Scandia Elementary PTO, May 19, 2023
j) Approve Closing Debt Service Funds – Resolution No. 04-18-23-01
k) Approve Revised Planning Commission Site Visit Guidelines
l) Approve Award of 2023 Dust Control Application to Northern Salt
m) Approve Development Agreement with J Johnson Development LLC for the Tii Gavo
Second Addition
Benson, second by Kronmiller, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
Motion carried 5-0.
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At their meeting on March 21, 2023 the Council scheduled a public hearing for an easement
vacation for the property with PID Planner Hofer explained that applicant
Marschall Smith is proposing a lot line adjustment in the plat Ravensfield South. This adjustment
makes the existing drainage and utility easement on Parcel A no longer required. New drainage
and utility easements will be dedicated with the lot line adjustment for the new shared lot lines
between Parcel A and Parcel B. Staff recommendation was to approve the easement vacation.
Mayor Maefsky opened the public hearing at 7:10. There were no speakers and the hearing was
Kronmiller, second by Benson, moved to adopt Resolution No. 04-18-23-02 Vacating a
Drainage and Utility Easement in the Ravensfield South Addition. Motion carried 5 – 0.
Interim Administrator Hurlburt explained the proposal to amend the EDA bylaws to allow the
City Council to act as the EDA. This recommendation came from the existing EDA Board.
Hurlburt explained the advantages of replacing the EDA Board with the City Council to avoid
the difficulties of recruiting Board members, eliminating the duplicate actions of the Board and
Council, reducing staff time and the issues with maintaining separate financial accounts. Staff
recommended the Council adopt the resolution.
Mayor Maefsky opened public hearing at 7:13 p.m. There were no speakers and the hearing was
Council member Kronmiller said he was conflicted in doing away with the EDA Board. The
Board had a goal to explore and address housing, business development and growth through the
EDA, and the city shouldn’t be losing interest in these goals. Kronmiller said there is value to the
EDA to solve these problems. Mayor Maefsky said the City Council as the EDA could appoint a
committee to focus on these issues. Kronmiller said perhaps the new administrator could re-
vision the EDA. Council member Benson said any developer would work with the administrator
and ultimately the Council.
Benson, second by Lubke, moved to adopt Resolution No. 04-18-23-03, Amending the
Enabling Resolution for the Establishment of the Economic Development Authority.
Motion carried 4-1, with Kronmiller opposed.
Park and Recreation Committee Chair Terry Gorham reported on the Committee’s research of
establishing an Outings Coordinator in partnership with the Sierra Club to lead outings and
interpretive information within the natural park areas in Scandia. One member of the PRC has
expressed interest in joining this program. The PRC will continue to pursue this and bring
discussion to a future Council meeting.
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Gorham reported that the Parks Plan is progressing with anticipated discussion with the Council
at the next Work Session, then a recommendation to the Planning Commission to hold the public
hearing for an amendment to the City’s Comprehensive Plan in July.
The PRC is hosting a family bird feeder project for Earth Day on April 22nd and a star watch
party on April 29th, both at Hay Lake Park. A story path contest at Lilleskogen Park will be held
in conjunction with Midco Day on August 23rd.
Draft Ordinance No. 2023-03 Amending the City of Scandia’s Unified Development Code
regarding Distribution Scale Solar Energy Systems
Planner Hofer presented the amendment to the UDC regarding Distribution Scale Solar Energy
Systems as recommended for approval by the Planning Commission. Hofer explained the
changes to create a solar overlay district based on setbacks from public roads. Amendments
include changes to performance standards, prohibiting solar installations around recreational
lakes and Falls Creek, allowing solar farms around natural environment lakes provided that
certain criteria are met, increased setbacks, and stronger financial terms from the developers.
Changes to screening include that the panels must be fully obscured from certain vantage points,
extending the vegetation growth period, allowing scenic canvassing, and requiring a vegetation
depth of at least 20 feet. The ordinance also added language to allow ag crops for ground areas
under arrays, and that ground cover is established within one year. Hofer said the ordinance was
also reorganized for readability.
Hofer stated that staff recommends approval. If approved, Hover recommended adoption of two
Council member Benson asked if the ordinance can require scenic canvassing? Hofer explained
that the site must be properly screened upon building permit issuance, but the developer could
use berming or other vegetation with an option to use a scenic canvas.
Council member Kronmiller noted that the solar panels must be screened from certain sides but
not entirely. Planner Hofer confirmed that the performance standards list where screening is
needed, identified with a screening summary in a table within the ordinance. Kronmiller asked if
the ordinance is able to require screening if a residence is built on open land after the fact? Staff
advised that no, screening after-the-fact would be the responsibility of the developer of the
Mayor Maefsky asked if the city can require 360-degree screening? Planner Hofer said
vegetative screening would be costly, and the solar developer would probably use berms and not
City Attorney Larson said if facts and circumstances are such, this can be a reasonable condition
of the CUP to require additional screening for a future development as supported by the city’s
comprehensive plan. Mayor Maefsky recommended the ordinance address future development.
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Staff agreed a general reference to the Comp Plan would be appropriate and suggested language
be added to performance standards for screening, BB. Section IV. Paragraph g) iv.: The City
may require greater screening as needed based on development patterns within the City and the
adopted Comprehensive Plan. (page 9)
Benson, second by Lubke, moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2023-03 as proposed and
amended as set forth by the addition to a performance standard for screening. Motion
carried 5-0.
The amended Unified Development Code is effective upon adoption.
Resolution No. 04-18-23-04, Findings of Fact for Ordinance No. 2023-03
Kronmiller, second by Cusick, moved to adopt Resolution No. 04-18-23-04, Approving
Findings of Fact for Ordinance No. 2023-03 for a Zoning Text Amendment. Motion carried
Resolution No. 04-18-23-05, Approved Summary Publication of Ordinance No. 2023-03
Kronmiller, second by Cusick, moved to adopt Resolution No. 04-18-23-05, Approving
Summary Publication of Ordinance No. 2023-03. Motion carried 5-0.
The Internet Action Committee did not meet in March.
Tourism Committee Chair Sue Dickens was virtually present on Zoom and reported on the
Committee’s planned activities. The Press Day event has been put on hold to allow time to
collect more information. The committee is working on the 2nd annual city-wide garage sale,
with a food truck and signage being discussed at the next meeting. Registration will open in
August for “Best of Scandia” vendors, being held on November 26th.
The EDA did not meet in March
The Wastewater Committee did not meet in March.
The March building activity report was in the meeting packet. In March, 16 permits were issued
at a valuation of $190,885.00
Fire Chief Hinz reported on the fire department’s March activity. Last month the department
responded to 17 calls; 3 fire, 10 medicals, 4 cancelled calls. Hinz said the spring wildfire season
is coming up and to watch for burning restrictions. Ten applicants to the department are being
interviewed later this week.
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MHealth Report
Regional District Chief of Operations for MHealth ambulance service Kevin Kane presented a
summary on last year’s ambulance activity in Scandia, which has been serving here since June
2020. MHealth responded to 305 calls in Scandia from November 2021 to November 2022. This
reflects an increase to call volumes occurring nationally. MHealth offers community interaction
such as standby for events such as parades and races at no cost.
Fire Chief Hinz and Kane stated that legislation has been postponed that could have disrupted
service. The Primary Service Area law in MN may be replaced by a local control law being
considered to allow each city to decide, but this doesn’t ensure service in rural areas but rather by
a certain call volume.
Approve payment for backup generator
Fire Chief Hinz reported that the generator, being purchased by a reimbursable FEMA grant, is
close to being installed after delays. The vendor is asking for payment upon installation.
Benson, second by Kronmiller, moved to approve payment of $73,775.00 to Allied
Generators. Motion carried 5-0.
Firefighter Peter Nora Recognition
On April 1st, Volunteer Firefighter Peter Nora reached a milestone of 40 years on the department.
Hinz reported that an appreciation reception is being planned just prior to the May 16th Council
meeting to acknowledge Peter’s service. The City Council is also presenting Nora a Good
Neighbor award at the beginning of the Council meeting. Hinz asked for approval of
expenditures for a cake and plaque.
Benson, second by Lubke, moved to approve the appreciation event as proposed. Motion
carried 5-0.
Engineering Updates
City Engineer Goodman provided a report on engineering activities. A preconstruction meeting
was held with Astech on April 13, with an anticipated start of the 2023 street project on May 1st,
to be finished by the end of the month. Next month, staff will bring forward a request to
authorize plans for the Bliss Sewer improvement project. Staff is meeting with Washington
County next week on the Village Area study for pedestrian and bicycle trail improvements, a
project in the County’s CIP.
2023 Crack Filling and Seal Coat Project Award
Engineer Goodman reported that favorable quotes were received on March 14, 2023 for the 2023
Crack Filling and Seal Coat Project.
Contractor Quote
Allied Blacktop Company $139,576.50
Pearson Bros., Inc. $151,263.00
Fahrner Asphalt Sealers, LLC $156,926.50
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Goodman recommended Allied Blacktop Company be awarded the project.
Kronmiller, second by Benson, moved to award the project to the lowest quoter, Allied
Blacktop Company, in the amount of $139,576.50. Motion carried 5-0.
Because the project was budgeted at $183,000, Goodman requested he work with PW Director
Fischer to add additional work to the project up to the budgeted amount. Goodman said he will
present a change order at the next meeting.
Public Works Director Fischer reported on department activities. Fischer and Engineer Goodman
completed a road tour on April 3rd to coordinate planning for future road maintenance and
reconstruction. Future Capital Improvement discussion will be required to determine the best
possible option to fund a project for roads in poor condition, expected to be in the $3-4 million
An emergency pump repair was completed to Lift Station 2 in the Bliss neighborhood to keep it
operational. A mock OSHA inspection was recently conducted by SafeAssure. Public Works
staff is completing the corrections based on the recommendations listed within their report.
Mayor Maefsky praised the PW Department for their dedicated work to clearing the roadways
following the April 1st storm.
Attorney Larson had no report.
Interim Administrator Hurlburt reported on general updates as provided in a staff memo.
Hurlburt is transitioning projects to Administrator Morell, who began work on April 17th;
Hurlburt will be on-call for any questions.
A meeting will be held on April 25th with a representative of the group home on Meadowbrook
Avenue, to include Deputy Boesel, Fire Chief Hinz, Hurlburt, Morell, Fischer, Maefsky, and a
County licensing representative. The state licensing agency will follow up with an inspection of
the group home.
The City Council held a special meeting at 6:15 pm to interview candidates for various advisory
committees. The Wastewater Committee has one vacancy, with two applicants interested. One
applicant applied for the Internet Action Committee which has no vacancies.
Cusick, second by Benson, moved to appoint Jeffrey Dahlberg to the Wastewater
Committee, to fill an unexpired term ending on February 1, 2024. Motion carried 5-0.
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First Anniversary Celebration (Thursday, April 20th, 11:00 a.m.)
The Sister City Committee is hosting the first anniversary celebration of the charter signing with
Sister City Mellerud, Sweden on April 20th. The celebration will be a virtual event with Mellerud
to include speeches, music, and food.
Accept donation from Scandia-Marine Lions Club for Sister City Committee – Resolution No.
The Scandia-Marine Lions Club has donated $250 to support the efforts of the Scandia Sister
City Committee to become a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Kronmiller, second by Benson, moved to adopt Resolution No. 04-18-23-06, Accepting the
Lions Club Donation on Behalf of the Sister City Committee. Motion carried 5-0.
Benson, second by Kronmiller, moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
City Clerk