8.a 05.01.2023 PRC Minutes DRAFT
City of Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Monday, May 1, 2023
A meeting of the Scandia Parks & Recreation Committee was held on the above date at the Community Center
and Zoom. Attended by Terry Gorham (Chair), Greg Zauner (Vice-Chair), Tom Hinz, Kimberly Johnson, Dustin
Hegland, Heather Benson (Council Representative,) and Kyle Morell (City Administrator.) Gorham called the
meeting to order at 7 p.m., a quorum was present.
Motion to approve the agenda Johnson, seconded by Hegland. Motion carried unanimously.
Gorham called for any additions or corrections to April 3, 2023 minutes. No additions or corrections were
submitted. The minutes stand approved.
Chair Report
Gorham provided a written report.
Public Works Report
No report provided.
Staff Report
Stignani provided a written report.
MSA Update
Chris Janson and Emily Herold from MSA, joined the meeting via Zoom. Benson provided more feedback, asking
for the language of converting tennis courts to pickleball courts to be consistently referred to multi-use courts
instead. Gorham recommended reducing the priority level to Medium for the School Forest project, all present
agreed. Gorham also pointed out the map on page 14, Existing Parks and Trails, needs correction in the depiction
of #15, Big Marine Park Preserve. Discussion on the importance of clearly representing map references
accurately in an effort to proactively address reasons for the Metropolitan Council to “kick back” any final plan
for further revisions. Gorham and Morell outlined the schedule for the Parks Plan Draft and affirmed the ability
to use this Draft for discussion in the Capital Improvement Committee (CPC) as the PRC is in general agreement
of the proposal’s overall concepts. A few specific details need correction prior recommendation to Council.
Motion by Zauner, seconded by Hegland, to tentatively approve this plan, upon Morell’s approval the Met
Council’s requirements have been met, to move this proposal forward to an upcoming City Council Work
Session. Motion carried unanimously.
Fundraising for Parks
Johnson reports that she will follow up on a new lead for a catering service which Gammelgarden uses.
Outings Coordinator
Johnson registered for Sierra Club’s June 11th Outings Coordinator training session.
May 1, 2023
Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee
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Earth Day Activity Recap
Zauner reported that two participants made bird feeders, in between the wind, snow and rain. Benson
suggested the saved supplies be used at the playground dedication event. Zauner pointed out the weather in
addition to alternative area activities likely contributed to a low turnout. Trying again at the playground opening
ceremony will give an idea if there is interest in this type of activity or if something like this must be combined
with other activities to be enough motivation for participation.
Lilleskogen’s Children’s Story Path Update
Gorham reported the last of the penguin stories have been posted. Hinz has Thankful or Comic stories to display
next. Two contests are upcoming, Tomte and Internet stories. Zauner noted that two more stands are being
prepared, so there will be 10 total and fill in the gaps between stands as noted by Gorham.
Park Ambassadors’ Reports
Zauner suggested PRC members use the Public Works Service Request form on the city’s website to report issues.
PRC Operational Calendar
No Changes.
New Playground Dedication Ceremony
No new updates available on when the playground will be installed, but consensus to continue planning an event
in July is appropriate with an exact date to be determined later. Benson researched some options of activities
at other opening events and suggests face painting, water balloons, free hot dogs. Consider asking the Lions to
have their truck or use of other equipment. Ice cream give away. Discussion considered coordinating a
Wednesday evening directly following a Scandia Farmers Market, 5 – 7 p.m., July 12th.
Additional discussion regarding priorities of projects for CIC to consider for Parks
• High priorities walking trail and picnic table at Liten Park with signage as required.
• Convert courts into multiple use courts – request Fischer to provide feedback for cost estimates
• PRC projects associated with SHA’s water tower barn project, are all long term
• Request MSA to reorder the Action Plan tables to sorted by the timeframe rather than by park name.
Within the timeframes, then sort by priority.
The proposed agenda for Monday, June 5, 2023:
1. New Playground Dedication Ceremony
2. MSA Update
3. Fundraising for Parks
4. Capital Improvement Committee Update
5. Operational Calendar
Motion to adjourn the meeting by Hinz, seconded by Zauner. Motion carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant/Parks and Recreation Coordinator