9.b1 Staff Report Truck Bay OSHA Staff Report Date of Meeting: May, 16th 2023 To: City Council From: Mike Hinz, Fire Chief Re: Upgrade to Truck Bay Exhaust Fans Background: As you know the fire/public works building was built in 2000. At that time both Fire & PW had fewer pieces of equipment and CO levels were not required to be monitored. This year during our annual mock OSHA inspection done by safe assure (the city’s contract safety company) it was found that both truck bays are required to have CO monitoring and automatic fan activation if levels reach a set threshold. This is due to the fact that both bays have more than 5 vehicles in them at any one time. Issue: Should the city council approve the installation of a CO monitoring system in the Fire/PW building? Proposal Details: Hire Pfiffner heating & air to install a CO monitor and connect to the existing exhausts fan system on both the fire & public works truck bays. Proposal is attached. Fiscal Impact: With the cost of $6,264.00 both PW & fire feel we can cover this cost from our existing budgets. With 50% coming from the fire budget and 50% coming from the PW budget. Options: (1) Approve CO monitoring upgrade (2) Look for other options for meeting the OSHA requirement. Recommendation: Option (1). Pfiffner Heating & Air Conditioning Service, lnc. 13201 James Avenue South Bumsville, MN 55337 USA Voice: 763-533-7516 Fax: scand ia Proposal Number: Proposal Date: Complete By: Page: Scandia Fire 14727 z0gth Street Nortr Scandia, MN 55073 341 Apr 27,2023 May 27,2023 1 Jeff L. Cadson Net 10 Days 260.00 180.00 1,600.0c 2,560.0C 6,2il.00 Scandia Fire 14727 2091h Street North Scandia, MN 55073 Hand Deliver 832.00 130.00 180.00 800.00 160.00 CO Detectors Transformers & rebys Wire Lift Labor - Jeff We propose to furnish and install 2 CO detectors in Fire and City garage. This is a not to exceed price. 2.00 2.O0 1.00 2.00 16.00 LS Subtotal Sales Tax Fre ig ht 0.00 Customer lD Custorner Contact To: Sales Name Payment Terms Amount lo: PO Number Shipping Method Item Ilescription Unit PriceQuantity TOTAL PRO POSAL AITJIOU NT 6,264.00 I! Whether you are looking for gas detection for a security system, building automation or HVAC system, for personal safety or for monitoring specific gases in potentially hazardous environments, Macurco has a gas detector to meet your needs. Grey Housing (Standard) c ommercia IerresIS 6-Series (12-24Vl.& 12.Series (120V) Fixed Gas Detectors The filacurco 6 & 12 Series fixed gas detectors provide life-saving solutions to protect people and property. These fixed gas detectors are designed for low-level detection, mitigation, and notification. Let these detectors do the work for you by shutting off valves, turning on fans, engaging horns and strobes, and providing notification to fire panels and building automation systems when gases reach vital limits. Key Features . Easy installation to 4x4 electrical boxes via mud plate . User selectable settings (Default to industry standards) via two-button interface . 5A SPDT fan relay, 0.5Aalarm relay to control fans, valves, louvers, horn and strobes . 4-20mA output to control VFDs and send to BMS . LED display to show gas concentrations easily . End of life notification . Field calibration kits available Applications . Parking garages . Mechanical rooms . Restaurants . Battery charging stations . Breweries . Storage facilities . Loading docks . Warehouses . Firehouses & ambulance bays . Refrigeration facilities . Vehicle repair facilities . Bus depots White Housing Option www.macurco.com -f( ' ,I Il'l - '-_ - -- # o a' :'il 'e A1o-1./\(t\\ h-. o':i -'Qr t L Commercial Series Specifications Voltage/Cunent Operating Temperature Relays Certifications Warranty It/odel Number Gas Type 4 112x 4 x 2 1/8 in. (11 .4 X 10.2 X 5.4 cm) I pound (0.45 kg) 6.Series Power: 3 W (max) from 12 to 24 VAC or 121o32 VDC :Curent @ 24 VDC: 75 mA in alarm, 50 mAfan relay on and 23 mA stand by 12.Ser'es Power: 100-240 VAC (50 to 60 HQ Current 1.0AMAX -4"F lo 122"F (-20"C to 50"C) COrDetectors: 32'F lo 122"F (0"C to 50'C) Analog:4-20mA MRS485: Digital Modbus adapter BRS-485: BMS communication 4, x 4" electrical box 5A Fan relay & 0.5A alarm relay User adjustable settings ETLListed.@- ffii 'See detector manual for additional certifications Two year limited warranty Range (Units) BUTT Size Control Panels DVP.I20, DVP-120M, DVP-120B, DVP-120 Adapter Options MRS-485, BRS.485 Hom and Strobe (4 color HS.A, HS-B, HS.R, HS.C Duct Mount Kit DMK-1 Weatherproof Housing Kit WHK-1 Step-down Transformers PS-24, PS.24-H Calibration Kits Based on Gas Type Accessories Name IVlodel Number d Calihat'ron l(ts Ambient Humidity 10-90% RH non-condensing Display LED (can turn on/off) Current Loop Low Level Alann Adjustable loeraurty High LevelAlarm Adjustalrle loerauq Horn and Skobe Weatherproof Housing Kit (0electu sold separalely) Expected Recommendec Sensor Life Coverage Area Mounting Control Panels Adapter Options I aI cx.6 | cx-l2 cM-6 lcM-12 GD-61 GD-12 TX-6-ND I TX-12-ND TX-6-HS I TX-l2-HS TX.6.AM I TX-l2-AM ox-6lox-12 cD-6MC ICD-12MC CD-6G (zlvonry) Macurco Gas Detection 1504 W 51st Skeet Sioux Falls, SD 57105 l{o &'fi- Up to 7,500 sq. fl Up to 7,500 sq. It Up to 1,257 sq. lt Up to 7,500 sq. ft Up to'1,257 sq. lt Up to 1,257 sq. ft Up to '1,257 sq. ft Up to 5000 sq. ft. Up to 5000 sq. ft.' " Replaceable 5en: 'Coverage Area is Application Dopen, IS0 9001:2015 CERTIFIED c_# Email : info@macurco.com Carbon Monoxide (CO) & Nitrogen Dioxide (NOr)(co) 0-200 PPM (NO,) 0-20 PPM Refer to CM-6 (CO) & TX-6-ND (NO,)Refer to CM-6 (CO) & TX-6-ND (NO,)2 Years" Carbon Monoxide (CO)0-200 PPM 0. 15.25. ,5. 50 or 100 PPM 0, 50, 100, 1 50 or 200 PPM 10 Years 0-50% LEL 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, t0, 1 t, 12, 13, 14,15.16, r7, 18. 19,2070 LEL oFF,5, 10, r5.20. 25% LEL 5 YearsPropane (LP) Methane (NG) Hydrogen (Hr) 0-20 PPM. (5 PPi, defaull)2 Years"Nikogen Dioxide (NOr)0-20 PPIM 0. 0.5, 0.i, r.0. 1.2. 1.5, 1.7. 2.0. 2.2, 2.5. 2.t 3.0, 3.2, 3.5, 3.7, 4.0, 4.2, 4.5, 4.7, 5.0 PPM 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 PPM 2 Years"O-50 PPM 0,2,3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 10, 't1, '12, 13, ,l4, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 PPM 0, 15, 20, 25, 30,35,40,45, 50, 55,60, 65, 70, or 75 PPM 0, 25, 30, 35,40,45, 50, 55,60,65,70, 75, 00, 85, 90, 95 q 100 PPM 2 Years"Ammonia (NH,)0-100 PPM 2 Years"0xygen (0,)0-25o/oVN 0, 18, 1&1... , 20.2,20.3,20.4 & 20,5% v/v & high 23.5 o/. vtu (pGset) 0, 18.5, 19, 1 9.5, 20, 20.5 and high 23.5 % v/v (Ee$t) 0, 600.700. 800.900, 1000,1100... 2000. . to 5000 PPM 0, 900, 1000, 1 100...4000 ... to 50@ PPM 1 5 YearsCarbon Dioxide (COr)0-5,000 PPM oFF. 0.09, 0.1... 0.2...0-25, 0.50, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 2_50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00 oFF, 0.09, 0.1...0.2,.,0.25, 0.50, 1.00, 1.50. 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00 15 YearsCarbon Dioxide (CO,)0-5% v / Macurco lnc. All rights reserved. Phone: 1-877-367-7891 Website: www.macurco,com 0a2023 o Hydrogen Sulfide (HrS)