9.c2 Authorize Preparation of Plans and Specifications - Bliss Wastewater System Nitrogen Removal14727 209 th St. N. PO Box 128, Scandia, Minnesota 55073 Phone (651) 433-2274 Fax (651) 433-5112 http://ww w.ci.scandia.mn.us May 9, 2023 Honorable Mayor and City Council 14727 209th Street N Scandia, MN 55073 Re: Bliss Wastewater Treatment Facility Nitrogen Removal Project Request to Authorize Preparation of Plans and Specifications Dear Mayor and Council: As part of the most recent SDS permit issued by the MPCA for the Bliss Wastewater Treatment Facility in 2021, improvements to the facility are required for the purpose of removing nitrogen from the wastewater stream in order to regain compliance with the permit. As the next step to meet these requirements we request the City Council authorize preparation of plans and specifications for the Bliss Wastewater Treatment Facility Nitrogen Removal Project. The estimated engineering costs for the work are $172,900, which will include work over several years as outlined in the anticipated schedule shown below. Tasks required will include preliminary survey work, additional data collection, design services, preparation of quantities & cost estimates, project meetings, advertising & bidding services, and construction services including construction management, staking, inspection, and completion of record plans. Soil borings will be required to complete the design of the project and those costs will become known once quotes are received from one or more geotechnical companies to complete this work. Authorize plans & specifications May 2023 Apply for PSIG Funding (2023 cycle) July 2023 Complete plans & specifications: September 2023 Submit plans & specifications for review: October 2023 Apply for PSIG Funding (2024 cycle) July 2024 Advertise and bid project: Fall 2024 Begin construction of improvements: Spring 2025 Complete construction: Fall 2025 Included with this letter is a detailed proposal which includes additional information about the proposed project and schedule, next steps, breakdown of engineering fees, and project location. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions regarding this project at 612-597-7140. Sincerely, Ryan J. Goodman, P.E. City Engineer Enclosures: Proposal Memo N:\Proposals\Scandia\Bliss Wastewater System Nitrogen Removal (2023)\Bliss WWTF Nitrogen Removal proposal letter1.docx May 9, 2023 Honorable Mayor and City Council 14727 209th Street N Scandia, MN 55073 Re: Scandia, MN Bliss Wastewater Treatment Facility Nitrogen Removal Project Dear Mayor and Council, Thank you for providing us this opportunity to assist you with the Bliss Wastewater Treatment Facility Nitrogen Removal Project. Bolton & Menk, Inc., has the technical expertise, experience, and resources to complete this project and to help meet Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) requirements and bring the Bliss Wastewater System back into compliance with its State Disposal System (SDS) Permit. Project Background & Understanding The Bliss Wastewater Treatment System is a large sub-surface sewage treatment system (SSTS), constructed in 1986, with treatment occurring in a three-cell sand filter ahead of three drainfields. The system has been out of compliance with its SDS permit since before 2016, specifically with regards to the levels of Total Nitrogen measured in the groundwater monitoring wells surrounding the system. In the most recent version of the permit that was issued in 2021, the MPCA required that the system be brought back into compliance and laid out two possible “Tracks” for this to happen. Because the nitrogen leaving the system could not be reduced below the 10 mg/L limit by making minor repairs and adjustments in operation, Track 2 is now the only viable option, requiring treatment upgrades/additions to the system for the express purpose of removing nitrogen to levels below the limit. In anticipation of making the required upgrades to the system, an application for a major permit modification was submitted to the MPCA in February of this year. In March a formal facility plan for the system was submitted by Bolton & Menk to the MPCA on behalf of the City. This was required as part of Track 2, but was also done to place the project on the Project Priority List (PPL) as the first step in trying to obtain funding for construction from the Clean Water Revolving Fund (CWRF). Of the options evaluated during the Facility Plan phase, the recommended option for treatment comprises the addition of a Nitrification/Denitrification process to the Bliss System ahead of the sand filters and drainfields. Summary of Improvements It is anticipated that the additions to the Bliss System will consist of the following: - Influent metering manhole - Settling tank - Equalization tank Mayor and City Council Date: May 9, 2023 Page: 2 N:\Proposals\Scandia\Bliss Wastewater System Nitrogen Removal (2023)\Bliss WWTF Nitrogen Removal proposal letter1.docx - Nitrification reactor - Denitrification reactor dosing tank - Denitrification reactor with chemical addition - Polishing tank - Treatment system dosing tank - Chemical feed equipment All of these processes would be constructed ahead of the existing processes within the treatment train. Project Approach We have identified three (3) tasks in order to complete the work as described above. The first two of these are related to the design phase of the project, while the third covers the construction phase. A summary of the tasks is included below: Task 1 – Pre-Design Kickoff meeting with City staff Perform topographic site survey Coordinate geotechnical investigation Collect data Task 2 – Design Prepare final plans and specifications Design review meetings with City staff Develop final construction cost estimates Advertise and bid project Task 3 – Construction Construction administration Shop drawing review Construction observation Coordinate start-up services Prepare record drawings Assuming that approval for design is received in the immediate future, the following is a proposed schedule including major milestones for the design and construction of the project: Authorize plans & specifications May 2023 Apply for PSIG Funding July 2023 Complete plans & specifications: September 2023 Submit plans & specifications for review: October 2023 Apply for PSIG Funding* July 2024 Advertise and bid project: Fall 2024 Review & approve major shop drawings: Fall/Winter 2024 Begin construction of improvements: Spring 2025 Complete construction: Fall 2025 *Assumes City does not obtain PSIG funding during 2023 funding cycle Mayor and City Council Date: May 9, 2023 Page: 3 N:\Proposals\Scandia\Bliss Wastewater System Nitrogen Removal (2023)\Bliss WWTF Nitrogen Removal proposal letter1.docx It should be noted that the proposed bidding and construction schedule could vary depending on if and when funding might become available. Based on the current schedule noted in the permit, MPCA’s Track 2 requires that improvement plans and specifications be submitted within one year of submittal of the facility plan and that construction must commence within one year of the submittal of plans and specifications. Engineering Costs Our estimated engineering fees for design and construction phase services total $172,900. We propose to bill the City on an hourly basis. The following is a summary of the fees: Design Phase Pre-Design Services...........................................................$17,000 Design Services .................................................................$55,000 Advertising & Bidding........................................................$13,000 Subtotal Estimated Fee...................................................$85,000 Construction Phase Construction services........................................................$87,900 Subtotal Estimated Fee...................................................$87,900 Total Estimated Fee ........................................................$172,900 Thank you for the opportunity to present this proposal and we look forward to assisting you with this project. If you need any additional information or have any questions on the above, please do not hesitate to give me a call at (612) 597-7140. Respectfully submitted, Bolton & Menk, Inc. Ryan J. Goodman, P.E. City Engineer Enclosures: Location Map 18741 18925 19000 19235 19261 19453 19441 1862318631 1863318643 18657 18653 18773 10700 18339 18509 1852118526 1853318540 109961098810980109661093010914 1854318546 18553 185511097610955 10920 18569 10890 18561 18567 18590 18601 1860518602 18613 18599 18570 18629 18659 1866518681 1866718711 18687 18677 18685 18691 18782 18785 18770 18794 18804 189051118118919 18819 18814 18829 18834 18884 18855 18886 11133 1896511110 1897511155 18960 18950 11140 18997 11080 1900518990 19009 19015 19045 19025 19010 19039 19044 19067 19085 19077 19083 19091 19107 19076 19111 19123 1913519126 19151 19146 19159 19156 19169 19201 1918919166 192031921519186 1921719225 19229 19230 19120 10860 19060 11270 19301 18616 18849 10889 19130 11090 11085 18558 18941 18541 Big Marine Lake 185th St NManning Trail N192nd St N Langl yAveN187th St N L a y t o n C t NLanglyCtN190th St N 186th St N189th S t N LaytonAveN191st St N Lamar AveNLarkspurAveNMap Document: \\arcserver1\GIS\SCND\0N1123997\ESRI\Pro\SCND_BlissWWTFPlan_02192023.aprx | Username: remington.zeppelin | Date Saved: 2/19/2023 5:01 PMLegend Parcels Bliss Sanitary Sewer Service Area Bliss WWTF Dosing Stations Drainfield Piping Drainfield Features 0 350 Feet Source: City of Scandia, Washington County, PWI !I Bliss System City of Scandia Bliss Wastewater System Location Map May 2023