10.a 2022 Report to Members of Governance - Scandia
City of Scandia,
Report to the Members of
May 16, 2023
Introductory Letter...................................................................................................................................................... 1
Required Communications ......................................................................................................................................... 2
An Independently Owned Member, RSM US Alliance
RSM US Alliance member firms are separate and independent businesses and legal entities that are responsible for their own acts and omissions, and each are separate and independent from RSM US LLP. RSM US LLP is the U.S. member
firm of RSM International, a global network of independent audit, tax, and consulting firms. Members of RSM US Alliance have access to RSM International resources through RSM US LLP but are not member firms of RSM International.
Members of Governance
City of Scandia, Minnesota
We are pleased to present this report related to our audit of the basic financial statements of the City of Scandia (the
City) as of and for the year ended December 31, 2022. This report summarizes certain matters required by professional
standards to be communicated to you in your oversight responsibility for the City’s financial reporting process.
This report is intended solely for the information and use of the members of governance and management and is not
intended to be, and should not be, used by anyone other than these specified parties. It will be our pleasure to respond
to any questions you have regarding this report. We appreciate the opportunity to continue to be of service to the City.
St. Cloud, Minnesota
May 16, 2023
Auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America (AU-C 260, The Auditor’s Communication
With Those Charged With Governance) require the auditor to promote effective two-way communication between the
auditor and those charged with governance. Consistent with this requirement, the following summarizes our
responsibilities regarding the financial statement audit as well as observations arising from our audit that are
significant and relevant to your responsibility to oversee the financial and related compliance reporting process.
Our Responsibilities With Regard to the Financial Statement and Compliance Audit
Our responsibilities under auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and Government
Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States have been described to you in our
arrangement letter dated November 2, 2022. Our audit of the basic financial statements does not relieve management
or those charged with governance of their responsibilities, which are also described in that letter.
Overview of the Planned Scope and Timing of the Financial Statement Audit
We have issued a separate communication dated February 22, 2023 regarding the planned scope and timing of our
audit and identified significant risks.
Accounting Policies and Practices
Preferability of Accounting Policies and Practices
Under accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, in certain circumstances,
management may select among alternative accounting practices. In our view, in such circumstances, management has
selected the preferable accounting practice.
Adoption of, or Change in, Accounting Policies
Management has the ultimate responsibility for the appropriateness of the accounting policies used by the City.
The City did not adopt any significant new accounting policies, nor have there been any changes in existing significant
accounting policies during the current period.
Significant Accounting Policies
We did not identify any significant accounting policies in controversial or emerging areas for which there is a lack of
authoritative guidance or consensus.
Significant Unusual Transactions
We did not identify any significant unusual transactions.
Management’s Judgments and Accounting Estimates
Accounting estimates are an integral part of the preparation of financial statements and are based upon management's
current judgment. The process used by management encompasses their knowledge and experience about past and
current events and certain assumptions about future events. You may wish to monitor throughout the year the process
used to determine and record these accounting estimates. The only estimates we have deemed significant to the
financial statements are estimates associated with the following balances reported at year-end:
• Net pension asset/liability and related deferred outflows/inflows of resources
Audit Adjustments and Uncorrected Misstatements
Audit adjustments, other than those that are clearly trivial, have been proposed by us and recorded by the City and
relate to the adjustment, reclassification or recording of receivables, interest earnings, capital assets, payables, net
pension liability, accrued expenses, and special assessments.
Uncorrected misstatements are summarized in the management representation letter and consist of projected
unrecorded liabilities at year-end, based on the extrapolation of sampling procedures, as well as an understatement of
current year expenses resulting from 2021 project costs being capitalized in 2022.
Departure From the Auditor's Standard Report
Our Independent Auditor’s Report includes several additional or non-standard paragraphs that you should be aware of
as follows:
• Other Matters related to Required Supplementary Information and Supplementary Information
• Other Reporting Required by Government Auditing Standards
Observations About the Audit Process
Disagreements with Management
We encountered no disagreements with management over the application of significant accounting principles, the
basis for management’s judgments on any significant matters, the scope of the audit, or significant disclosures to be
included in the basic financial statements.
Consultations with Other Accountants
We are not aware of any consultations management had with other accountants about accounting or auditing matters.
Significant Issues Discussed with Management
No significant issues arising from the audit were discussed or were the subject of correspondence with management.
Significant Difficulties Encountered in Performing the Audit
We did not encounter any significant difficulties in dealing with management during the audit.
Difficult or Contentious Matters That Required Consultation
We did not encounter any significant and difficult or contentious matters that required consultation outside the
engagement team.
Shared Responsibilities for Independence
Independence is a joint responsibility and is managed most effectively when management, audit committees (when
applicable), and audit firms work together in considering compliance with AICPA and Government Accountability
Office (GAO) independence rules. For Schlenner, Wenner, & Co. to fulfill its professional responsibility to maintain
and monitor independence, management, the audit committee (when applicable), and Schlenner, Wenner, & Co. each
play an important role.
Our Responsibilities
• AICPA and GAO rules require independence both of mind and in appearance when providing audit and other
attestation services. Schlenner, Wenner, & Co. is to ensure that the AICPA and GAO’s General Requirements
for performing non-attest services are adhered to and included in all letters of engagement.
• Maintain a system of quality control over compliance with independence rules and firm policies.
The City’s Responsibilities
• Timely inform Schlenner, Wenner, & Co., before the effective date of transactions or other changes, of the
o New affiliates, members of governance, or person in financial reporting and compliance oversight
o Changes in the reporting entity impacting affiliates such as related entities, investments, joint
ventures, component units, and jointly governed organizations.
• Provide necessary affiliate information such as new or updated structure charts, as well as financial
information required to perform materiality calculations needed for making affiliate determinations.
• Understand and conclude on the permissibility, prior to the City and its affiliates, members of governance, or
persons in a decision-making capacity, engaging in business relationships with Schlenner, Wenner, & Co.
• Not entering into arrangements of non-audit services resulting in Schlenner, Wenner, & Co. being involved in
making management decisions on behalf of the City.
• Not entering into relationships resulting in Schlenner, Wenner, & Co., Schlenner, Wenner, & Co. covered
persons or their close family members, temporarily or permanently acting as a member of governance or
person in an accounting, financial reporting or compliance oversight role at the City.
Internal Control and Compliance Matters
We have separately communicated the material weaknesses and significant deficiency in internal control over
financial reporting identified during our audit of the basic financial statements, as required by Government Auditing
Standards. This communication is included within the compliance section of the City’s financial report for the year
ended December 31, 2022.
Significant Written Communications Between Management and Our Firm
We have requested significant written communications from management that are included in the management
representation letter dated May 16, 2023.