06-07-2023 Work Session
June 7, 2023
A work session meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. The meeting
was conducted in the Council Chambers at the Scandia Community Center and over an
electronic platform. All participants who joined the meeting remotely could hear each other and
contribute to discussions.
Mayor Christine Maefsky called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The following were present:
Council members Heather Benson, Jerry Cusick, Steve Kronmiller, Mike Lubke and Mayor
Christine Maefsky. Staff present: City Administrator Kyle Morell, City Engineer Ryan Goodman
(remote) and City Clerk Brenda Eklund.
Mayor Maefsky announced an addition to the agenda: Amended Conditional Use Permit for
Rustic Roots Winery. Benson, second by Kronmiller, moved to approve the agenda as
amended. Motion carried 5-0.
At the invitation of Mayor Maefsky, Nannette LaNasa was in attendance to address the City
Council on the benefits of Scandia continuing its membership in the Forest Lake Chamber of
Commerce. The Chamber website can promote community links and business directories from
their service area. Business Retention & Expansion agreements are more in-depth than a
membership. The annual membership cost is $363. Council member Kronmiller said the EDA
had become a member of the Chamber when the EDA was established in an effort to promote
local businesses.
Kronmiller, second by Lubke, moved to continue the Forest Lake Chamber of Commerce
membership at the current level. Motion carried 5-0.
John Herman and Bill Strusinski were in attendance to recap the 2023 Legislative session and
discuss the award of the LCCMR funding for the Gateway Trail and the Bonding Bill funding of
the Scandia Heritage Alliance Water Tower Barn Project. Last year, the City entered into an
agreement with Mr. Strusinski’s lobbying firm to secure support for these initiatives. Mr.
Herman explained the benefits of the lobbying services which are still needed to push the Bliss
Wastewater project forward.
Mr. Strusinski said he was honored to represent Scandia in this legislative session, and that the
Bliss Project has potential for state funding with next year’s bonding bill. Mr. Strusinski
presented an agreement with his firm, Libby Law Offices, to continue consulting services from
June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2024 at $2,400 per month, the same rate the City paid during the last 12
months. Mr. Strusinski said if there are other discussion items to work on, he is open to that.
Council member Benson asked if ARPA funds be used for the lobbying expense? City
Administrator Morell said it is a possibility that he will investigate.
Scandia City Council Work Session
June 7, 2023
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Members of the Bliss neighborhood group were in attendance, and stated that this would be a
good investment for the Bliss Project expense.
Kronmiller, second by Benson, moved to approve the Service Agreement with Libby Law
Office. Motion carried 5-0.
City Administrator Morell explained the state appropriation of funds that are available to local
governments for capital improvement projects, and recommended a resolution be adopted to
authorize an application for the Bliss Wastewater Project to the State. Bolton & Menk will assist
with the application that is due by June 16, 2023.
Engineer Goodman said it has been an asset to have lobbying, which can strengthen this request
for funding the Bliss Project; all avenues should be pursued for funding to help with the financial
situation of this project.
Kronmiller, second by Benson, moved to adopt Resolution No. 06-07-23-01, Authorizing a
2024 Capital Budget Request to the State of Minnesota for the Bliss Wastewater Project.
Motion carried 5-0.
Included in the meeting packet was a draft agreement for municipal solid waste and recycling
which was returned to staff by Waste Management on May 30th. City Administrator Morell
explained its details, and that he is reaching out to the County for assistance in revising the city’s
trash ordinance.
City Attorney Larson has advised that the city’s ordinance amendment and the agreement be
presented together for approval. Because the current negotiating period ends on June 8, 2023,
City Administrator Morell recommended that Council approve a 30-day extension with the
option of additional extensions. Once the new ordinance language is ready, it will be brought to
the Council for a public hearing.
Benson, second by Lubke, moved to approve a 30-day extension of the negotiating period
with Waste Management for Waste and Recycling Services. Motion carried 5-0.
The City and Washington County last year began discussing a study to evaluate the current and
future pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular needs in the downtown Scandia area. The study, done in
cooperation with MnDOT, will be used to develop a transportation planning vision for county
routes through the City of Scandia. Agreed-upon recommendations will be used to implement
phased improvement projects in the future.
City Administrator Morell reported that the Study will cost $200,000.00. Washington County has
allocated $100,000.00 in their 2023 CIP for the Study. The City and MnDOT will share the
remaining cost. The City has budgeted the required $50,000.00 contribution in its 2023 CIP.
Scandia City Council Work Session
June 7, 2023
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Morell said the County was agreeable that the study area can be extended beyond the Highway
97 / Oakhill Road intersection to include the downtown area. The Council discussed extending
the study out as far as Manning Trail, but staff advised that would be too large an area and a
traffic study would be more suitable for intersections further from the Village Center. Engineer
Goodman said the city should focus on the momentum of the newly funded Heritage Center and
Gateway Trail segment as the core and then work outward in the future.
Council members Benson and Cusick questioned other details of the study, and recommended
tabling a decision while staff gets more information on the scope of the project.
Benson, second by Kronmiller, moved to table action on the Scandia City Center Study
with Washington County. Motion carried 5-0.
City Administrator Morell explained that the City received requests from two individuals who
would like to use the Community Room for free or at a reduced rate. Nicole Hendrickson is an
intensive care nurse and paramedic who provides foot care to clients in other communities and
would like to bring her services to Scandia. Hendrickson wants to use the Community Center
once a month, starting in June. She rents space in other communities and pays an average of $3
in rent per client.
Hendrickson was present to explain her foot care business. She is seeing a growing need in the
last 2 years for foot care service for individuals with diabetes and neuropathy, charging $45-60
per patient. Hendrickson said she moved to May Township recently and a Scandia site would be
ideal to offer, as she has clients from this area seeing her in White Bear Lake. Hendrickson does
her own scheduling and outreach.
Council member Benson said a reduced rate could be justified under the Community Center
policy for senior services. Mayor Maefsky, acknowledging this service as a value to the
community, recommended a rental rate of $3 per patient so that the charge to the client is
lessened. It was agreed that Hendrickson’s use of the Heritage Room would allow the larger
Community Room to still be used for other events.
Benson, second by Cusick, moved to allow usage of the Heritage Room for Hendrickson’s
foot care services at a fee of $3 per client. Motion carried 5-0.
Andy Lininger, a licensed acupuncturist, was not present to discuss his request to use the
Community Center for one hour a week for one month to provide free acupuncture services to
anyone who would like them.
Maefsky, second by Benson, moved to table a discussion on Mr. Linginger’s request.
Motion carried 5-0.
Scandia City Council Work Session
June 7, 2023
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Earlier in the year, the Council directed staff to organize training on roles, responsibilities, and
basic rules for the city’s advisory committee members. City Attorney Larson proposed an agenda
and potential meeting dates.
Training dates of June 26th and July 12th were selected, to begin at 6:00 p.m. If a member cannot
attend either one of these trainings, a recording will be made that must be viewed within 30 days.
Once the dates are confirmed with Attorney Larson’s firm, staff will get notices out to all
committee members.
In April 2023, Resolution No. 04-18-23-03 was adopted providing that the EDA Board shall
consist of the five members of the City Council. City Attorney Larson revised the existing
bylaws to reflect this action, which were provided in the meeting packet. Council made no
changes to the draft bylaws.
The Council agreed to meet for the required annual EDA meeting in January at which time the
bylaws will be adopted by resolution.
City Administrator Morell explained that the State has made Juneteenth an official holiday
effective this June 19th. Adding this holiday would increase the number of observed holidays in
the personnel policy to 13. The Union contract would need to be negotiated or a memo of
understanding approved to make this change for the Union members to align the personnel
policy with the union contract .
Council member Cusick said he researched three union contracts in the County and none cover
more than 12 holidays. Cusick said that Scandia already has 12, so this holiday should be traded
for another.
Kronmiller, second by Benson, moved to approve Resolution No. 06-07-23-02 adding
Juneteenth and amending the personnel policy with the condition that Columbus Day is
removed, and that staff is to negotiate with Local 49 to amend the holiday schedule. Motion
carried 5-0.
A second application was received for the seasonal parks maintenance worker. Public Works
Director Charles Fischer recommended that Isaiah Wyman be hired at a rate of $16.00/hour
starting on June 12, 2023.
Cusick, second by Benson approve the hiring of Isaiah Wyman at $16.00/hour. Motion
carried 5-0.
Scandia City Council Work Session
June 7, 2023
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Four new recruits were approved for hiring to the fire department on May 3rd; one has
withdrawn. Fire Chief Mike Hinz recommended that Wesley Giddings, who was on the
eligibility list, be hired to fill this vacancy.
Lubke, second by Kronmiller, moved to approve the hiring of Wesley Giddings as
Probationary Volunteer Firefighter effective June 8, 2023. Motion carried 5-0.
City Administrator Morell presented the recommendation from the Planning Commission’s June
7th meeting to approve an amended CUP for Rustic Roots Winery, to allow a pavilion building
on the site. Frequency of events, hours of operation, and the rural event center use were all
discussed regarding the winery’s business operations. The Commission discussed the winery’s
continued workings with the Watershed’s permit and with MnDOT to add a turn lane to
Highway 95. Conditions and findings for approval were presented in a resolution. In being
consistent with other approved rural event centers, the original limit of 6 events per year was
removed as the development code’s rural event center standard will guide operations.
Council member Kronmiller also summarized the discussion – there was one public commenter
who was pleased that the city is monitoring the business. The winery is a bit complicated with 2
CUP’s on the property, and the Commission’s discussion was carefully thought out not to
conflict the uses.
Cusick, second by Kronmiller, moved to approve Resolution No. 06-07-23-03, Approving
Conditional Use Permit Amendment for Rustic Roots Winery as presented. Motion carried
4-0, with Benson abstaining stating she is an employee of the winery.
Benson, seconded by Lubke, moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
City Clerk