6. Midco Update1 Kyle Morell From:Robert Wilmers <robert.wilmers@icloud.com> Sent:Thursday, July 20, 2023 5:01 PM To:Kyle Morell Subject:Fwd: [EXTERNAL] - RE: July Scandia Update Kyle, Just got this response from Melissa at MidCo. Please include in the meeting packet. Thanks, Bob Begin forwarded message: From: Melissa Wolf <Melissa.Wolf@midco.com> Date: July 20, 2023 at 4:07:09 PM CDT To: robert.wilmers@icloud.com Cc: Justin Forde <Justin.Forde@midco.com> Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] - RE: July Scandia Update Hi Bob – I am so sorry for the delay! And thank you for following back up on this. I did speak with and sent Kyle the two line extensions we would like to apply for, which I included below but does incorporate the area off our Big Marine Lake Project where the Libby’s residence is located. We will submit these on Monday. I told Kyle we would submit with or without a contribution from Scandia, but like the B2B program, it does weigh towards those that have other sources of funding. Let me know if you or the IAC have questions on this. Another item to mention is that we have identified some other areas we might be able to expand to when we construct the Big Marine Lake project, this was an initial conversation this week with our construction team who are working on designs for the project. I don’t have more details yet on homes and costs, but it could potentially be a project with the City, or, we could look at the next round of line extension for this as we did receive some addresses here. The next round opens in November. I have not mentioned this to Kyle, as we just had this pop up this week. Thank you for sending this article! This is actually very helpful and timely as we had just heard from other state broadband offices that this would be the case – one year to allocate all funds. I would agree this approach leaves room for a lot of error and I know this has not been something MN DEED is in favor of, not only because of the process we currently have in place that usually takes several months to complete a grant round, but also they have concerns administratively on the capacity they have to make this work. From a provider standpoint, it will be very difficult to identify every area we could build in one year because there are so many unknowns. Thanks – let me know if you have any questions! 2 Melissa Email to Kyle: We have two extensions we will submit in Scandia for the Line Extension program on July 24th. Both fall into the category of eligibility for a line extension (versus a larger border-to-border grant). The first is on 195th/Lakamaga Trail and extends from the Big Marine Lake project to our current service. It would pick up 15 homes (19 passings with vacant lots) and is a total of $106,316. The second is on Meadowbrook and will extend to finish the road off of our recently completed build on St. Croix Trail. It is 5 homes (no vacant lots) for a total of $53,495. To help protect your privacy, Microsoft Office prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. Melissa Wolf Government Relations Manager Office: 6512145493 Melissa.Wolf@Midco.com Midco.com From: robert.wilmers@icloud.com <robert.wilmers@icloud.com> Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2023 2:33 PM To: Melissa Wolf <Melissa.Wolf@Midco.com> Cc: Justin Forde <justin.forde@midco.com> Subject: [EXTERNAL] - RE: July Scandia Update CAUTION: This email originated from outside of MIDCO. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Melissa, Our committee meets tonight. I know you spoke with our City Administrator and provided an update on the two line extensions MidCo is pursuing in Scandia. Thank you! Do you have anything else to report for us this week? Any comments on the article about BEAD funding procedures I shared with you? Bob From: robert.wilmers@icloud.com <robert.wilmers@icloud.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 10:43 AM To: Melissa Wolf <Melissa.Wolf@Midco.com> Cc: justin.forde@midco.com Subject: July Scandia Update Hi Melissa, 3 We have our monthly Internet Action Committee meeting next week, on Thursday July 20th at 6:30 PM. You mentioned last time MidCo’s planning teams were looking at options for the next steps in Scandia. Has that resulted in any items we may want to discuss at our meeting? Do you have anything else to report for us currently? Also, I saw this article and was wondering if it is accurate and if so, how this may affect our situation… Another Twist in The BEAD Grant Process? | POTs and PANs (potsandpansbyccg.com) Thanks again for all your help. Bob robert.wilmers@icloud.com 23219 St. Croix Trail N. Scandia, MN 55073 218-343-1246