5. Discussion points - Waste Water Committee - November 15th 2018Agenda Item #5: Options for I & I (inflow - infiltration) Neil/Adam, Three ways we could proceed with an 1/1 Compliance Inspection Program: Option 1- Require inspections at; (sale, variance, minor subdivision, building permit, etc.). If done by this process typically the City has charged a fee for this process (see inspection form below) Option 2 - Bolton & Menk, train City Staff to complete 1/1 Compliance Inspections Option 3 - Bolton & Menk Staff Complete 1/1 Compliance Inspections Regardless of options, the City may have to have the City Attorney prepare some language to adopt an ordinance that would require property Owners to comply with directives regarding 1/1 and allow the City to inspect homes and businesses in Scandia to determine if roof drains, foundation drains, sump pumps, and other clear water sources are connected to the sanitary sewer system. Options below are based on approximately 110 initial inspections, and 22 re -inspection for failed inspections Option 1- Require inspections at; (sale, variance, minor subdivision, building permit, etc All properties in Scandia must be inspected and required to be in compliance before they can be sold. Please call the City at 651-XXX-XXXX to verify that your property is in need of certification before beginning the 1/1 certification process. • Property owners who apply for plumbing permits, variances, subdivisions, or other actions from the City will also be subject to an inspection. • If BMI completes inspection would charge on an hourly basis. Option 2 - Bolton & Menk, train City Staff to complete 1/1 Compliance Inspections • BMI would assist City in developing an 1/1 Compliance Inspection Form and mailers. • City Staff would manage the appointments and records of completed inspections. • BMI would complete (3) inspections with City Staff to train them on what to look for and document. • Estimated BMI costs ($750 forms/mailers, $750 complete (3) inspections with City Staff. Option 3 - Bolton & Menk Staff Complete 1/1 Compliance Inspections • BMI would assist City in developing an 1/1 Compliance Inspection Form and mailers. • City Staff would manage the appointments and records of completed inspections. • BMI would complete inspections and inspect Roof Drains/Leaders, Foundation Drains, Sump Pump Systems. • Estimated BMI costs, would be billed on an hourly rate, if several inspections are scheduled close together the proposed costs below could be much less o $750 forms/mailers o $7,500 to complete 110 initial inspections scheduled by City Staff o $1,800 to complete 22 re -inspections if required o Estimated cost + $10,050 • If initial Inspections were completed between January — April I would be willing to complete at reduced hourly rate, thus: o $750 forms/mailers o $5,000 to complete 110 initial inspections scheduled by City Staff o $1,800 to complete 22 re -inspections if required o Estimated cost + $7,550 Other Options City may want to discuss: • Complete field reviews of all septic tanks, inside inspections • Complete field reviews of all manholes/potential sources of clean water • Change building code to enforce stricter restrictions, such as replacing sewer service from tanks to house based on set triggers. Inflow * Infiltration (1/1) ComplianceInspection WbM aery property is ofer" fer sd&Ararrs w tr any proparty owMM 8pp`is #ex a plrrebing parent {w md6m of 310rD j wrimce, mini r subdi aim tv alba attm l from tha Gly, an InAaw and Irr♦~ eatitrr (VI) k ape tion must 6e complatrd" A C W`Iikatr o4 I/I Carrpf enr* musk than ha kmikd bran eey chem w titlr or pr"rty owrwrship of rael property or before complrtion of thr pMb*t or City action. 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'18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AE Aug. '18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 12000 10000 8000 Bliss #1 Sept. '18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132 Bliss #2 Sept. '18 6000 / a ................... / ..................� ......... 4000 2000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Bliss #2 Aug. '18 7000 6000 5000 ... ... ....... 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Bliss #3 Sept. '18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Bliss #3 Aug. '18 7000 ^ - 6000 1 5000 "1 .. .r .. T .....l.... /... `....r .......V ... ..' ........t...,r . . 4000 - 3000 2000 1000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Staff would like WWC to make a recommendation on which Option to use for checking for sumps and illegal connections. Staff recommends Option #3 with performing inspections only in the Bliss Addition. AE addition inspections were performed in 2012. Option #1- should be a part of the building inspector's final inspection in all cases. Options #2 — Due to the complexity of the inspection and time, staff doesn't feel it is efficient or effective. Agenda Item #6: Subject: Background: Budget - Bliss System/MPCA Permit The City needs a new permit with the MPCA to continue to operate the Bliss system which has a test well which is not compliance with regulations. The City needs to submit a plan to then by August of 2019 on a plan on how to become compliant. Issue: Without the new permit and the approval of the MPCA the 201 system for the Bliss addition would be shut down. Letter to Neil -Options from Bolton-Menk Neil, *Existing Permit Expires February 2020 $5,000 not to exceed • Will allow us to review/analyze recent test results and prepare Nitrogen Mitigation Plan for MPCA approval within one year of permit issuance. • Updated cost estimates • Work would be completed in January/February 2019 $5,000 not to exceed • Will allow us to prepare permit re -issuance documents for 2020 — 2025 permit and prepare/submit Final Plan/Report 180 days prior to permit expiration, permit • Work would be completed March 2019 — August 2019 Thanks, Ryan J. Goodman, P.E. Senior Project Manager Options: 1.) Staff suggests a proposal by the WWC to move forward with the reports from Bolton-Menk. Agenda Item 7: Dual owners on pump stations Background: In the Bliss area there 15 locations where there are two homes that share a pump station. One home owner pays the electric bill. Issue: If the home owner that is hooked up to the pump in the pump station does not pay the bill and the electric could be shut off. The consequence can cause a back up in either home if check valves are not working properly or it overcomes the sewer trap. Other possible circumstances that could interrupt power service from the home hooked up to the pump are fires, storm damage or the home being vacated. Xcel electric has informed staff that excessive overdue billing can still result in the electricity being turned off in the winter months. Staff is aware of a customer that falls within this parameter. Staff will be sending Xcel the addresses of those homes operating together on pump station for their consideration. The resident that shares the pump station with the delinquent bill customer has contacted the City with their concerns and wishes for the City, at the City's expense, to connect the electrical service for the pump station to their house. Options: Open for further discussion: Staff has not research costs for options at this time. Options derived by staff: 1.) Install a new 110 volt pumps in each dual tank and have a plug-in ready socket to transfer the power to the other home or generator. 2.) Run a line for the resident who is concerned about the possible power shut down. 3.) Wait until there is a situation and address at that time. 4.) Run alternative 230 volt lines to each home so it can be switched over by throwing a breaker bar. 5.) Other: Agenda Item #8: Background: Federally Funded 201 system: The City is required to maintain, repair, and replace all components of the system outside of the dwelling that federal grand dollars were used to construct. Since 1986 there have been many changes to the homes in the area including new construction. The way the agreement is written, new residences do not fall under the repair and replacement requirements stipulated by the grant. Issue: The use of the Federal Funding for the construction of the 201 in 1986 requires the City to maintain and service all components of the system from the exterior wall of the dwelling to the main line and main line as well. In the instance of new homes, Federal money was not used to install these systems so the question becomes, should the City set a precedence by adopting the new homes under the conditions of the original grant or re-evaluate how new homes on the system are covered if there is a failure of components of the system. If there are sub -standard pumps, plumbing, tanks, control panels, or seals installed should the City be replacing and servicing those components of the system? The staff recognizes that the purpose of sewer fees cover testing of tanks and pumping and general maintenance services for the residents. Looking ahead, staff has a concern that there could be some large expense to the City if the is responsible for replacing substandard components on the system. At this time Washington Co. set the standards for the new home tank sizes. Options: 1.) Continue to operate with all systems under the same standards as the initial installation where Federal dollars were used. 2.) Amend the City's policy to cover maintenance but replacement components would be at the new home owners expense. 3.) An alternative not presented by Staff