3. Minutes 05-11-15 CIPScandia Capital Improvement Committee May 11, 2015 The meeting of the newly formed Scandia Capital Improvements Committee met on this date. Committee members present were: Chair Brad Borg, Dustin Hegland, Lisa Schlingerman, Cristina de Sobrino, Mike White and staff members Kristina Handt, Tim Kieffer and Colleen Firkus. Chairman Borg called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. The agenda was approved unanimously with a motion by White, seconded by de Sobrino. The minutes from April 27, 2015 were approved unanimously with a motion by White, seconded by Hegland. Park projects and funding sources for 2015 to 2020 were reviewed by the committee. Chair Borg made note that he is Vice Chair of the Parks & Recreation Committee. Handt indicated they would have a better idea of the costs of finishing Lilleskogen's parking lot when bids on the work are opened on May 13. Projected costs are $23,000 to be paid from the Park Capital Improvement fund via a loan for the balance needed from the Capital Improvement Fund. Handt clarified that the projects such as the plantings, picnic shelter, signage and benches are part of the City's Lilleskogen Park Restoration Plan adopted in 2008 and are recommendations made by the Park and Recreation Committee. Costs have been recently updated. Although the yearly projects fall under the $10,000 threshold, they are considered all part of one big plan to build Lilleskogen and thereby qualify as a capital improvement. The CIP Committee was in agreement to change the funding sources of infrastructure projects such as picnic shelter, signs and benches, and the butterfly gardens 3 & 4 from the general levy to the donation category; and to move the annual request for plantings and invasive species eradication to the general levy. The Committee felt it would be more feasible to get donations for infrastructure. The Committee discussed the Zamboni replacement. White indicated the 1964 Zamboni was received at no cost and could probably be replaced at a cost of less than $10,000. Kieffer indicated they have a source for parts to keep it repaired and the cost/benefits would have to weigh between getting another old Zamboni and buying new. The Committee decided to leave the place holder for the Zambom as it is and review next year. The Committee also reviewed ways to increase funding for city parks, including franchise fees. Borg indicated he would be interested in knowing what other cities spend on parks and capital improvement to parks. The Committee asked if a survey could be done to find out where Scandia residents would like the City to spend money on capital improvements. Handt stated a survey cold be done with the fall newsletter and on the website. Handt indicated the City currently spends about $60,000 annually on park operations. The next meeting was set for May 20 at 4:00 p.m. to be attended by the Fire Chief to discuss Fire Department projects in the CIP. A final meeting is scheduled for June 3 at 4:00 p.m. to review the whole plan. Borg, seconded by de Sobrino, moved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 5:38 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Colleen Firkus Treasurer