12-2-13 MinutesCity of Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee December 2, 2013 Members Present: Greg Zauner (Chair), Matt Rasmussen (Vice -Chair), Mike White, Alex Bildeaux, Dan Lee (City Council Representative), and Pam Arnold (arrived at 7:05 p.m.) Staff Present: Kristina Handt (City Administrator), Tim Kieffer (Director of Public Works) and Judi Negus (Office Assistant) Chair Zauner called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. PUBLIC FORUM Janie O'Connor shared a "Monarch Waystations" brochure with the Committee. O'Connor informed the plan for a butterfly garden at Lilleskogen fits perfectly with becoming a certified Monarch Waystation by Monarch Watch. The most effective waystation should be at least 100 square feet and have at least six hours of sun a day. O'Connor felt it would be great publicity if Lilleskogen's butterfly garden became certified. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chair Zauner recommended moving the Veterans Memorial Placement after the Reports agenda items. Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by White, to approve the agenda as amended. The motion carried 4-0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by White, seconded by Rasmussen, to approve the November 4, 2013 minutes. The motion carried 4-0. REPORTS Chair's Report Chair Zauner did not have anything to report in addition to his written report. Chair Zauner asked White to report on the November 23 tour of the parks. White shared several Committee members visited 12 different sites. Bone Lake park is about 60 percent wetland; it is approximately 25 acres but not feasible for park use. Hay Lake park has an open field. The Orwell/197th park is mainly wetland. There is a large lot by Sand Lake designated as park property. Swenson Estates park property has a ball fied and it appears someone has built a skating rink and warming house. All park ball fields appear to be in good shape. The Committee members did not visit Log House Landing. Staff Report Negus provided a written report and shared much progress has been made on the Lilleskogen parking lot due to recent in-kind donations. NEW BUSINESS Veterans Memorial Placement Handt reported a committee of community volunteers has been meeting to discuss possible locations for a Veterans Memorial site. Handt shared the memorial has not yet been designed, but the location needs to be determined. Handt felt the ideal site should be accessible and visible. Chair Zauner shared a Veterans Memorial at Lilleskogen would be ideal because of its close proximity to the cemetery. The Committee agreed to provide the following parameters to memorial designers for a memorial at Lilleskogen: 1) Close proximity to the parking lot for accessibility. December 2, 2013 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 2 of 3 2) Incorporate existing park plans into design (wetland/butterfly garden). 3) Memorial shall be no more than 800 square feet. 4) Near the south side of the park. 5) Visible from Oakhill. Handt informed she is on the memorial design committee. Arnold suggested an open call for designs could be beneficial. Motion by White, seconded by Rasmussen, to recommend the Veterans Memorial site at Lilleskogen with the five parameters listed. The motion carried 5-0. OLD BUSINESS Vinterfest 2014 — Final Plans Negus shared the promotional materials designed by Committee member Arnold and asked for Committee recommendation to the City Council. Motion by White, seconded by Bildeaux, to recommend approval of the Vinterfest logo to the City Council. The motion carried 5-0. Motion by White, seconded by Rasmussen, to recommend approval of the Vinterfest button to the City Council. The motion carried 5-0. Arnold provided three different color Vinterfest posters and one black and white poster to review. Motion by Chair Zauner, seconded by White, to recommend approval of the first color Vinterfest poster and the black and white poster to the City Council. The motion carried 5-0. Arnold shared a preregistration form for the LilleTour and QuizPromenade is necessary in order to plan in advance for the number of participants. Motion by White, seconded by Rasmussen, to recommend approval of the Vinterfest preregistration form to the City Council. The motion carried 5-0. Arnold provided a sponsorship letter for Committee review. Bildeaux felt the sponsorship letter reflected the LilleTour and QuizPromenade were not part of Vinterfest activities. The Committee agreed the Sponsor Information form should be revised to omit listing LilleTour and Quiz Promenade as separate events. Committee members reviewed the businesses listed for possible sponsorship and provided Negus with updates. Negus will provide an updated sponsorship listing to Committee members. Arnold asked the Committee members to ask businesses if they would be willing to provide prizes for the QuizPromenade. Arnold is seeking six prizes. Bildeaux agreed to donate a face cord of wood. The Committee's goal is to raise $1,000 for Lilleskogen. The Committee reviewed the tasks and assignments for Vinterfest activities. Rasmussen agreed to man the snow sculpture contest registration table. Negus will update the snow sculpture contest rules to reflect registration to end at 1:30 p.m. Arnold shared a need for volunteers to snowshoe the LilleTour path in preparation of the trail being made. Committee members reviewed the recommended priorities for Vinterfest promotional materials. Arnold informed she is donating the "Start" and "Finish" banners she is making and printing postcards. Arnold also plans to bring a printer to print pinnies on demand the day of registration. Lee agreed to donate Vinterfest buttons. Committee members will advise Negus how many buttons December 2, 2013 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 3 of 3 they will need. Negus will provide the total count to Lee. Arnold recommended that rather than place an advertisement for Vinterfest in a newspaper, the Committee should have the newspaper write an article to promote Vinterfest. Negus will follow up with Handt to see how much Rapid Press plans to donate. AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING The Committee agreed on the following agenda items for the January 6, 2014 PRC meeting: 1. Parks and Recreation Annual Report 2. Parks and Recreation Survey ADJOURNMENT White, seconded by Rasmussen, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 9 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Judi Negus Office Assistant