3-4-13 MinutesCity of Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee March 4, 2013 Members Present: Greg Zauner (Chair), Matt Rasmussen (Vice -Chair), Mike White, Pam Arnold, Alex Bildeaux, Dan Lee (City Council Representative) Members Absent: None Staff Present: Kristina Handt (City Administrator), Tim Kieffer (Maintenance Superintendent) and Judi Negus (Office Assistant) Chair Zauner called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. PUBLIC FORUM Ross Brunfelt stated that he would like the City to consider vacating the parcel between his property and Greg Benson's property. Brunfelt explained that this parcel has been used for many years for parking. The parcel allows up to three cars to be parked and helps reduce the parking on the street. Brunfelt also stated that this parcel is used to access septic. Brunfelt shared concern regarding the lack of parking in town. Brunfelt stated he intends to present a signed petition to the City Council and hopes to retain parking rights. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Zauner recommended adding signage discussion under Old Business. Handt offered to bring a draft recommendation to the April 1 meeting as Handt and Arnold are continuing to work on the guidelines. Arnold recommended adding Parks and Recreation logo to the Committee's agenda. Motion by White, seconded by Rasmussen, to place these items on the April 1 agenda. The motion carried 5-0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by White, seconded by Rasmussen, to approve the February 4, 2013, minutes. The motion carried 5-0. REPORTS Chair's Report Zauner reported the City Council accepted Zauner as Chair and Rasmussen as Vice -Chair of the PRC as recommended by the Committee. Staff Reports Handt reported she included a budget expenditure handout in the meeting packets as requested by the Committee at last month's meeting. Handt explained that if an expense exceeds a line item in excess of $1,000, the City Council has to approve where the funds would come from. Rasmussen reported on the 2013 Pleasure Skating program. Rasmussen informed that class enrollment was lower than in past years and that three of the six classes did not have satisfactory skating conditions. Rasmussen shared the biggest complaint from participants and parents was the quality of the ice. Arnold suggested conducting a survey to determine why enrollment was down. Arnold also suggested the availability of scholarship money for participants. March 4, 2013 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 2 of 3 OLD BUSINESS There was no old business for discussion. NEW BUSINESS Lilleskogen Park Additions for 2013 Handt encouraged the Committee to clarify what the plans are for Lilleskogen for 2013. Handt also suggested the Committee determine the order of priorities for Lilleskogen Park and the need to present a clear plan to the City Council. Arnold suggested a capital campaign to raise money to pay for some of the expenses. Arnold agreed to meet with a consultant for capital campaign development. Kieffer recommended lighting for a picnic shelter to deter vandalism. Arnold questioned if there is a natural way to rid of canary grass and recommended a biological solution. Kieffer stated the need for elevations and a site survey. Arnold wanted to ensure that the Committee takes into consideration wheelchair accessibility in the planning process. The Committee identified what needs to be done at Lilleskogen Park and then determined the following sequence of priorities: Maintenance Plan (ongoing) Phase 1: site survey, plan fundraising (capital campaign), clear the grass, earthwork, dig out the lake, clear trees Phase 2: utilities (water/electricity), revegitation, biological remedies/aliopathic grasses Phase 3: boardwalk, bike rack, benches, signs, picnic shelter, butterfly garden, toilets/composting, drinking fountain Phase 4: open-air classroom, lighting Phase 5: parking lot Motion by White, seconded by Bildeaux, to accept the sequence of events. The motion carried 5-0. PRC takeover of Skating Rink from City Maintenance Staff White suggested the Committee have a larger share in determining how the rink is run. Rasmussen stated he felt the rink should have been flooded more often and shoveled. Handt stated the ice rink condition was not affected until after the Zamboni broke down. Handt informed the Zamboni broke down close to the end of the skating season and determined it would be more cost effective to have our maintenance staff responsible for repairs. Handt shared that although the ice may not have been of the same quality, the rink was safe to skate on and continued to be used. Vinterfest 2013 Recap and Plans for 2014 Handt recommended the Committee exclude City employees, City Council members, Committee members and their family members from participating in future contests as it is a conflict of interest. Zauner recommended we clarify the snow sculpture contest to define the age of participants. Arnold suggested we establish different age categories for the participants. Zauner recommended we start March 4, 2013 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 3 of 3 planning for Vinterfest in June or July. Arnold suggested offering cross country ski races and other adult outdoor activities. Bildeaux recommended a road block for the sledding hill. Summer Recreation Programs Negus handed out the Summer 2013 Recreation Programs flyer and explained it will be distributed the end of March in the City's spring newsletter. Negus also reported that most of the programs through Camp Lakamaga will remain the same as last year and Camp Lakamaga will continue to receive 80% of the registration fees. Minnesota Ironman Bike Ride Handt reported that we are on track to have approximately 2,000 riders come through Scandia on April 28 and will be using the Community Center as a rest stop. The Farmers Market will be promoting their vendors and handing out information. Arnold suggested handing out coupons for deals at the Farmers Market. The Ironman Bike Ride will be on the March 19 City Council agenda for approval of a special event permit. Committee Priorities Handt asked the Committee to identify its priorities for 2013 and define its short- and long-term goals. Handt suggested if the public were to be involved in establishing priorities, they might have a vested interest and offer support of the Committee's goals. The Committee determined Lilleskogan and signage were priorities for 2013. Motion by White, seconded by Rasmussen, to approve the priorities. Zauner made a motion to amend the priorities to include Vinterfest, seconded by Bildeaux. The motion carried 4-0. White opposed. AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING The Committee recommended the following limited items for the April 1, 2013, PRC meeting: Ironman Bike Ride Garbage at Log House Lilleskogan Priorities Signage ADJOURNMENT Motion by White, seconded by Rasmussen, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 9:58 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Judi Negus Office Assistant