5-6-13 MinutesCity of Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee May 6, 2013 Members Present: Greg Zauner (Chair), Matt Rasmussen (Vice -Chair), Mike White, Alex Bildeaux, Pam Arnold, Dan Lee (City Council Representative) Members Absent: None Staff Present: Kristina Handt (City Administrator), Tim Kieffer (Maintenance Superintendent) and Judi Negus (Office Assistant) Chair Zauner called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. PUBLIC FORUM No comments were received. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion by White, seconded by Rasmussen, to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried 5-0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by White, seconded by Bildeaux, to approve the April 1, 2013, minutes as presented. The motion carried 5-0. REPORTS Chair's Report Chair Zauner shared that he will prepare a written report for the Committee's review prior to the monthly PRC meeting. Zauner reported the City Council approved the survey for Lilleskogen. The City Council also did not take any action in Ross Brunfeldt's request for vacating an easement by his business. Zauner also reported there will be a Sand Lake trail inaugural bike ride tentatively set for June 1 and encouraged Committee members to attend. Staff Report Handt shared the budget report for April 2013. Handt also reported the MN Ironman Bicycle Ride was a success. Handt received comments complimenting the greeters. Next year, Handt suggested we increase the number of volunteers at the event, eliminate or reduce vendor tables, change the flow of food distribution, and have more port -a -potties available. OLD BUSINESS Lighted Ball Field Improvements Rick Smith shared his concern requesting donations for the ball field and putting the money in the bank rather than towards improvements. Handt reported that although we have an Agreement and Statement of Understanding Concerning the Scandia Lighted Ball Field in place, it has not been enforced. Handt questioned if there was a signed amendment to the original agreement from 1996 between the Township, Scandia Rod and Gun Club, Scandia/Marine Lions, and Scandia Softball Association. The original agreement identified the field expenses to include lawn maintenance and portable toilets, with potential improvements to include concession stand, bathroom facilities, parking lot improvements, and fencing and backstop improvements. Although the City Council approved amending the agreement in 2007, there is no signed amendment on file. Rick Smith, White, Handt, Rasmussen, and a Lions May 6, 2013 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 2 of 3 member agreed to form a committee to draft a new agreement. Motion by White, seconded by Bildeaux, to table the discussion for improvements to the ball field until a new signed agreement is in place. Motion carried 5-0. Lilleskogen Park Vision Arnold encouraged the need for a vision statement and shared the vision should be what we hope Lilleskogen to become and a plan for Lilleskogen to become part of a larger park trail system. White felt the vision statement was sufficient as identified in the introduction paragraph to the Lilleskogen Plan. Arnold recommended changing the introduction from "in close proximity to where they live," to "in close proximity to the City center." Motion by Arnold, seconded by White, that Committee members submit draft vision statements to Handt prior to the June 3, 2013, PRC meeting for discussion. The motion carried 5-0. Lilleskogen Park Fundraising Ideas Chair Zauner asked Committee members to prepare written detailed suggestions for review prior to PRC meetings. Zauner shared his documented suggestion to consider selling t -shirts and sweatshirts to raise funds. Arnold questioned who our audience is. Handt suggested our target audience should be businesses. Arnold shared the need to sell our vision to businesses. Bildeaux suggested inviting businesses to our meetings. Handt reported the May 14, 2013, City Council meeting will be a joint work session with Carnelian Marine St. Croix Watershed District with Lilleskogen on the agenda as a potential CMSCWD project and encouraged members to attend. Signage Guidelines Handt shared the updated Scandia Parks, Trails and Open Space Signage Guidelines and recommended the guidelines reference the United States Sign Council's Sign Legibility Rules of Thumb. Upon review, Handt suggested the ordinance language become optional, as well as "Scandia, Minnesota." Handt also suggested removing required component #6 addressing interpretive signs to be accessible to the disabled. The Committee agreed to the addition of "Any sign supports buried at or below grade shall be constructed of treated to refusal material." Motion by White, seconded by Arnold, to approve the guidelines with noted revisions. Motion carried 5-0. NEW BUSINESS Public Forum Guidelines Handt reviewed the current public forum guidelines with Committee members and encouraged the Committee to consider limiting the time to 3 minutes to remain consistent with other public meetings. Handt reminded the Committee that the public forum allows the public to share concerns and is not an opportunity for open discussion. Motion by White, seconded by Arnold, to limit the public forum to 3 minutes. Motion carried 5-0. Bike Route Map Signage at Lion's Shelter White reported the Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails is requesting PRC approval to post a 30" by 40" laminated bike route map at the Hay Lake Shelter. Arnold pointed out the map does not list Scandia parks and suggested also including Gammelgarden and the ball fields. If necessary, a legend could be used. Chair Zauner recommended the map have a polycarbonate covering. Handt also pointed out the map signage does not include "City of Scandia" or "City of Scandia Ordinances Apply." Sand Lake Trail Inaugural Bike Ride Handt reported the Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails would like to hold an inaugural Sand Lake trail family bike ride on June 1, 2013. Handt also reported the need for a Special Event permit May 6, 2013 Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Page 3 of 3 should the number of riders exceed 100. To date, a Special Event permit has not been submitted. Motion by Arnold, seconded by White, to recommend the ride as presented to the City Council. Motion carried 5-0. AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING The Committee agreed on the following agenda items for the June 3, 2013, PRC meeting: 1. Lighted Ball Field Agreement and Improvements 2. Bike Route Map Signage at Lion's Shelter 3. Lilleskogen Park Vision Statement 4. Recommendations for 2014 Budget and 2014-2018 CIP Update 5. Video Promo Work Plan ADJOURNMENT Bildeaux, seconded by White, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 9 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Judi Negus Office Assistant