12-06-10 Minutes CITY OF SCANDIA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Minutes of December 6, 2010 Members Present: Alex Bildeaux, Chair, Sally Swanson, Vice-Chair and Secretary, Tom Vogen, Joan Benner, Matt Rasmussen, Mike Goeken Members Absent: None Guests: Tom Triplett and Rich Burton from Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails Staff: Laurie Monson, City Recreation Coordinator, Anne Hurlburt, City Administrator, Pete Crum, City Council liaison 1.Call to Order. 2.Review Agenda. 3.Approve Minutes (none available). Reports: Lilleskogen Project Update: 4.No updates at this time. Winter Recreation Programs: 5. Laurie gave a report on the various winter classes that Scandia is offering including, hot shot hockey program taught by Mike Engstrom, flyers went to Scandia Elementary. The cost is $25 for 6 sessions. Matt is also teaching classes. We have 4 returning rink attendants and 1 new person. City Council Meeting: 6. Discussion regarding vacancies on Park Board coming up, and next month more on Vinterfest. Guest Presentations: Tom Triplett President, Rich Burton, Treasurer of Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails on a couple subjects. One is potential grant money that the Friends are looking into to be used a Lilleskogen Park for the Butterfly Garden. They are working with Jim Lindberg, Scandia School principal, Andy Obst and others. They hope to have money from the Fiterman Foundation. They are also working with Prairie Restorations to possibly get plant donations. Rich from Friends discussed the bike routes he has been working on and the issue of obtaining signs for the road routes, it was thought 32 signs would be needed. Anne mentioned that many of the City’s road signs were currently out of compliance for reflectivity and that this was something the City was already looking into. They are preparing an inventory. Washington County would have to approve and issue permits for any and all signs on their roads. A website that Rich mentioned is bikely.com where he has posted the 3 routes that he has designated in Scandia around Bone Lake, Big Marine Lake and Scandia to Marine. Project Discussions: Grant Opportunity Update: 7.We may be able to get monies for work on Eurasion milfoil in Bone Lake and Big Marine Lake. Both lakes have active associations which are working on this, and we may be able to get money to assist them. Finding grants for ADA compliance is difficult and we will need to make Lilleskogen compliant. Signs: 8. No update given. th Vinterfest: 9.Vinterfest will be held on Saturday, February 5 this year from 1-4. A chili cook-off is the new addition for this year’s program. Registration will be for up to ten (10) entrants. Sally to prepare rules, etc. Sally to ask Elim Youth to man the bake sale in the community center, and confirming use of the sliding hill with Elim. There will be strd cash prizes for the snow sculpture event (1 – 3) and the age of contestants will be 16 and under. There will be a trophy to the chili winner, and small runner up prizes. . Joan is making the flyers and Sally is checking on outdoor signs. Lots of work to be done by January. Meeting adjourned until January 3, 2011.