10-04-10 Minutes CITY OF SCANDIA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Minutes of October 4, 2010 Members Present: Alex Bildeaux, Chair, Sally Swanson, Vice-Chair and Secretary, Mike Goeken, Joan Benner Members Absent: Dan Skupien, Matt Rasmussen and Tom Vogen Guests: Laurie Monson, City Recreation Coordinator, Anne Hurlburt, City Administrator 1.Call to Order. 2.Review Agenda. 3.Approve Minutes (approved September). Reports: Lilleskogen Project Update: 4.No updates at this time. Recreation Programs: 5. Laurie gave a report for the end of the season. 105 kids participated this past season which was a 25% increase from last year. There was some discussion on ideas for next year and how we can improve programs offered. Laurie read the survey comments she received about the programs, and they were generally very good. A thought for next year is to be sure to explain what is required at each class. Again, various marketing ideas were discussed to be sure to get the word out to residents and non-residents. City Council Meeting: 6. The Wind in the Pines survey by Cornerstone Surveying was passed by the Council. Guest Presentations: None. Project Discussions: Grant Opportunity Update: 7.Anne received an e-mail from Washington County with a new grant opportunity that we could apply for to receive $4,000 in funds. We discussed how to proceed with the application and that we would ask for bicycle trail planning money from Big Marine Park to William O’Brien Park. Anne said that Sherri Buss at TKDA has volunteered to assist with the completing of the grant application. The application needs to be sent to in by October 29, 2010, so we need to act on this asap. A motion was made for Anne to complete the application with help from Sherri Buss. Signs: 8. No update. Ice Rink Operations: 9. The policies for the ice rink were discussed and it was decided to propose various rental rate increases so that we can come closer to covering at least the seasonal employee fees. A motion was made to for a 100% increase in hockey reservation fees ($100 to $200) for a season 1 hour weekly rental time period. Motion passed with all in favor. A motion was also made to charge a $50 per hour rental fee for week-end time if someone should ever want to reserve for a skating party, etc. This rarely occurs, but at least we are ready if someone should ask. The City Council will need to rule on these motions. Open Gym 10.: Mike Goeken announced that the PTO has volunteered to take over this traditional City event. It is traditionally very popular. The PTO felt that they could staff the event better by virtue of being a much larger organization. Lighted Ball field grills-Matt: 11. No discussion held. Vinterfest: 12.Sally reminded people of some ideas that were given out last year that might be implemented this year, such as a chili cook-off, treasure hunt, bingo, etc. Everyone is to come with their ideas to the next meeting. Volunteer Schedule: 13. No dates set. Meeting adjourned until November 1, 2010.