08-02-10 Minutes CITY OF SCANDIA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Minutes of August 2, 2010 Members Present: Alex Bildeaux, Chair, Sally Swanson, Vice-Chair and Secretary, Mike Goeken, Tom Vogen, and Matt Rasmussen Members Absent: Joan Benner, Dan Skupien Guests: Laurie Monson, City Recreation Coordinator, Anne Hurlburt, City Administrator, Tom Triplett 1.Call to Order. 2.Review Agenda. 3.Approve Minutes (July incomplete, approved May and June). Reports: Lilleskogen Project Update: 4. More Round-up was ordered. It has been too wet to spray lately. Matt is going to set up a meeting with the Benson’s regarding the roadway easement off of Olinda into Lilleskogen Park. Summer Recreation Programs: 5. Laurie completed the dodge ball inventory. There are 11 large, 16 small balls and 3 flat. Laurie was asked to order three (3) dozen of the same balls that were ordered last year. There are 10 kids signed up for Cleat Kids age group 4-6 year olds. Laurie is mailing out a parent survey. There is further discussion about the summer classes offered in 2010 and anything we can do to make them better in summer 2011. Laurie is sending a survey out to parents. City Council Meeting: 6. Anne asked if we had any comments to give to the City Council regarding Big Marine Park Reserve Plan update. The committee has no comment. Guest Presentations: Tom Triplett of Friends of Scandia Parks : Tom said that Roger Rydeen has volunteered to make the walkway over the drainage ditch between Hay Lake School and Hay Lake Park. Tom will have a drawing/diagram layout of the proposed walkway prepared for presentation to the committee and the City Council. The Hay Lake shelter needs to be re-stained. City Council approval is required before that work can be performed. Tom mentioned that the Friends may commission $200 for grant writing purposes for Lilleskogen for an ADA compliant boardwalk, or the butterfly school environment. Project Discussions: Scoreboard replacement - Lighted Ball field Improvements: 7.Nothing reported. ion’s Medallion Hunt 8.L: Sally is looking to find from other towns guidance on rules (Stillwater, Stacy recently had summer events with medallion hunts as well). Park Signs and Addresses- Sally. 9.Sally will gather sign estimates and get the numbers th to Anne prior to the City Council deadline on the 17. Discussion was held regarding the three parks that we will initially have signs made for (Wind in the Pines, Lighted Ball field, and Hay Lake). We will need two (2) sided signs for the ball field and Hay Lake. Sally will gather quotes accordingly. Volunteering Schedule 10.: Next scheduled buckthorn removal at Lilleskogen Park is for Wednesday, August 25, 2010 starting at 4:00 p.m. to dusk. Lighted Ball field grills – Matt: 11.Contact Jim Lindberg or another funding source. Taco Daze: 12.Discussion was held regarding the Dodge Ball tournament line up. Dan is taking applications as usual, Matt, Mike referring and t-shirts and Sally organizing and assisting the day of. Meeting adjourned until September 13, 2010.