09-13-10 Minutes CITY OF SCANDIA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Minutes of September 13, 2010 Members Present: Alex Bildeaux, Chair, Sally Swanson, Vice-Chair and Secretary, Mike Goeken, Tom Vogen, and Dan Skupien Members Absent: Joan Benner, Matt Rasmussen Guests: Laurie Monson, City Recreation Coordinator, Anne Hurlburt, City Administrator, Tom Triplett, Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails, Pete Crum, City Council Liaison 1.Call to Order. 2.Review Agenda. 3.Approve Minutes (approved July and August). Reports: Lilleskogen Project Update: 4.Alex reported on the meeting that Alex, Sally and Matt had with the Bensons regarding the easement off of Olinda into Lilleskogen Park. The Bensons are not against the development of the Park, but believe that further development inside the Park should occur prior to actually marking this entrance to the Park. In addition, they mentioned the overall concern of the parking issues related to having an entrance off of Olinda, and activities in the Park which occur late at night. The Committee discussed their concerns, and is going to try and develop/mark the trails inside the Park more fully, but prior to marking the easement entrance to the Park off of Olinda. We will need to work with Steve Thorp to measure the easement distances, etc. Path materials discussed were rock and wood chip. Cutting the sod out would be necessary to make the path. Summer Recreation Programs: 5. Laurie has prepared a survey to send to parents whose children participated in summer classes offered. The survey was reviewed and approved by the Committee. There was discussion regarding Camp Lakamaga and how successful our alliance has been with them, Laurie mentioned that they will also be offering winter programs and they are open to the public. We think it is a good idea to do some marketing/advertising for them. There was also long discussion on the use of PayPal/credit card payment for public programs. The city does not have that capability at this time to accept credit card payments for anything. It is very costly to provide this service and there are considerations regarding security issues at City Hall. City Council Meeting: 6. Anne will prepare a resolution asking for $5,000 for the Wind in the Pines survey costs. In addition, Anne will provide Committee members with ice rink information to review prior to the next meeting. We will need to discuss procedures for the upcoming season. Guest Presentations: Tom Triplett of Friends of Scandia Parks : Tom reported that Jake Otto is interested in assisting with the Hay Lake walkway project to obtain his Eagle Scout badge, and that Brent Peterson with the Historical Society will assist with placement of the walkway. The Scandia Fire Department has power washed the Hay Lake Shelter to prepare it for staining. Note, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution which accepts the donation of stain and labor prior to the actual painting out at the Hay Lake Shelter. Tom also reported that Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails signed up 14 new members at their Taco Daze booth. Project Discussions: Taco Daze (Dodgeball Summary): 7.Dodgeball ran fairly smoothly and was considered a success. The adult category again had the most teams with 8 signed up and 7 participating. thth Next group with the most teams was 7-9 graders. A thought for next year that would be fun is to have a design contest for the championship t-shirt. The t-shirts are looked at as a badge of honor. Scoreboard Replacement – lighted ball field: 8. We have had no contact with Kyle McCleary the Boy Scout interested in this project for his Eagle Badge. Park Signs and Addresses: 9. Price quotes were given to Anne for signage at Wind in the Pines, Hay Lake and the Lighted Ball Field. Vinterfest: 10.It was mentioned that we need to start preparing for this event.In particular if we are going to try and expand at all the amount of activities. Volunteering Schedule 11.: Next scheduled buckthorn removal at Lilleskogen Park is for Thursday, September 23, 2010 starting at 4:00 p.m. to dusk. Meeting adjourned until October 4, 2010.