07-14-10 Minutes CITY OF SCANDIA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Minutes of July 14, 2010 Members Present: Alex Bildeaux, Chair, Sally Swanson, Vice-Chair and Secretary, Joan Benner, Tom Vogen, Dan Skupien, Matt Rasmussen Members Absent: Mike Goeken Guests: Laurie Monson, City Recreation Coordinator, Anne Hurlburt, City Administrator, Kyle McCleary (Boy Scouts of America) and Mike McCleary 1.Call to Order. 2.Review Agenda. 3.Adopted May and June minutes. Reports: Lilleskogen Project Update: 4. Brush has been removed from the June clean-up day. Summer Recreation Programs: 5. Laurie reported that only three (3) classes have been cancelled at this time. The classes at Camp Lakamaga are going well. A new supply cage has been built and shelves are coming for Parks and Recreation equipment. Laurie is labeling all the equipment and will order additional dodge balls for upcoming Taco Daze tournament. City Council Meeting: 6.Nothing to report. Guest Presentations: Tom Triplett of Friends of Scandia Parks : Tom discussed ideas for the Hay Lakesite and inquired as to status of signage for the park. The Parks and Recreation Committee is currently looking into that. Tom asked for the upcoming volunteer dates for Lilleskogen Park activities. Project Discussions: Scoreboard replacement - Lighted Ball field Improvements: 7.Kyle McCleary gave an update as to where he is at on the project. It was discussed that he will have to try and find funding for the project. Suggestions were made to go to the Lions, in particular Jim Lindberg at Security State Bank. In addition, we instructed him that he needs to bring in front of us a list of the materials he will be using, etc. Park Capital Fund (budget). 8.Discussion was held on what needs to be included in the 2011 budget and Anne told us that we had until August 16-17 to get the new budget proposal to the City Council. It was discussed that part of the Wind in the Pines management plan would include a boundary survey, along with boundary markers and no trespassing signs. Other expenditures that are needed are maintaining the lighted ball field playground equipment, the community Center slide, and again, grills for the ball field were discussed. We need to be ready to make the budget recommendations by our August meeting on August 2. Lion’s Medallion Hunt 9.: Lumberjack Days in Stillwater just had a medallion hunt. Sally to check in on that. There was discussion on possibly doing a medallion hunt at Vinterfest. Volunteering Schedule 10.: Next scheduled buckthorn removal at Lilleskogen Park is for Wednesday, July 28, 2010 starting at 4:00 p.m. to dusk. Meeting adjourned until August 2, 2010.