11.a Update on Water and Wastewater Feasiblity Studies
14727 209 th St. N. PO Box 128, Scandia, Minnesota 55073
P hone (651) 433 -2274 Fax (651) 433 -5112 http://www.ci.scandia.mn.us
DATE: February 7, 2020
TO: EDA Board of Commissioners
FROM: Ken Cammilleri, Executive Director
RE: Water and Sewer Feisablity Study Update
I am providing this update to the Commissioner to explain the progress made in providing
the additional information to satisfy the water and sewer feisablity studies. On January 22nd,
I meet with City Engineer Ryan Goodman and Washington County CDA Economic
Development Director Chris Eng. At this meeting we discussed an approach to forcasting
possible special assessments and rate structures. The process will require that I obtain
assessment fee structures of surrounding communities and estimate operational costs.
I anticipate having at least a draft deliverable of this analysis by April, but I will bring it
forward to you sooner if the reseach is completed sooner.
Please let me know if you have any questions.