2. 12-8-14 EDA MinutesThe Scandia Economic Development Authority met in the Board Room at the Scandia Community Center on Monday, December 8, 2014 beginning at 7:00pm. Commissioners Present: Tom Triplett, Greg Isaacson, and Sally Swanson. Absent: Dan Lee and Bruce Swenson. Staff Present: Kristina Handt. The meeting was called to order at 7:07pm by Triplett. Motion by Swanson, seconded by Isaacson to approve the November 17, 2014 minutes. Motion carried. With no objections, the agenda was approved. No one was present for the public forum. Motion by Isaacson, seconded by Swanson to approve the vouchers. Motion carried. The Commissioners recapped the business meetings from last month. They thought the meetings went well, good turnout and a follow up with the Chamber is needed to invite them to a future meeting. Discussion of quarterly updates to businesses beginning with a thank you and update on Planning Commission meeting. The commissioners recapped the joint meeting with the Planning Commission last week. A couple members of the EDA will go to future Planning Commission meetings to keep communications open. Cable services. Triplett wondered if the news release about Mid Continents fiber expansion included new customers or just current customers. Handt will ask. EDA membership update. In order to change the number of commissioners, the City Council will need to hold a public hearing and amend the resolution. The public hearing is expected in January after the proper notices have been made. EDA 2015 Budget. Members of the public are looking for funds to complete the parking lot at Lilleskogen. They approached the Council at the public hearing on the budget asking for $22,500 from the general fund. Since the preliminary levy has been set, it cannot increase for 2015. Funds would need to be taken from elsewhere to fund the parking lot. The EDA’s budget of $5,000 was mentioned as a possible source. The commissioners were generally supportive of the park as it is a gateway to our community. Triplett mentioned some folks would also like to see the Veterans Memorial at Lilleskogen. Discussion on how the park can be everything to everyone. Motion by Triplett to reduce EDA budget by $3,000 was made an withdrawn. Motion by Triplett, seconded by Swanson to let the council know that is other resources are identified and the EDA budget could assist in reaching the goal, the EDA would relinquish some of its budget. Motion carried. Commissioner Reports: Swanson mentioned the Forest Lake Chamber luncheon the next day; info about the need for firefighters sent out by Asst Chief Havener, and a Small Business Saturday recap. Executive Director Report: web poll on development is posted for a month. May be future discussions on the use of the annex for commercial/business activity instead of storage for Lions and Boy Scouts. The next meeting will be Monday, January 12, 2015 at 6:30pm. Motion by Swanson, seconded by Triplett to adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, Kristina Handt, Secretary