2. Minutes 1-12-15 EDAThe Scandia Economic Development Authority met in the Board Room at the Scandia Community Center on Monday, January 12, 2015 beginning at 6:30pm. Commissioners Present: Tom Triplett, Greg Isaacson, Dan Lee and Bob Hegland. Absent: Bruce Swenson. Staff Present: Kristina Handt. The meeting was called to order at 6:31pm by Triplett. Motion by Lee, seconded by Isaacson to approve the December 8, 2014 minutes. Motion carried. Triplett welcomed Hegland as the newest EDA member. Motion by Lee, seconded by Isaacson to approve the agenda. Motion carried. Cori Moncur, 20970 Quadrant Ave N, addressed the EDA about internet problems at her residence. She tries to telecommute but some days has to drive in to work because the connection is so bad. She referenced the recent article about the broadband grants in the Forest Lake Times and asked when her neighborhood would be getting better service. She currently has Frontier. Randall Simonson, 14925 Oakhill Road, reminded the EDA that Frontier said folks could get 12 download and 5 upload speeds when they attended an EDA meeting last year. Where is the follow up? What is the status of the upgrades? Triplett mentioned that Frontier would be contacted and invited to a future meeting. Jesse Pereboom shared with the EDA that his business, Pereboom Computer Services, may be changing. He recently began a new job with the City of Stillwater that will make it difficult to continue running his own business. He introduced the EDA to his employee Dave, who may be interested in taking over the business. They are still working through stuff. Pereboom noted the community had been very supportive of his business. Hegland will meet with Jesse and Dave to provide business planning assistance. Triplett requested the Conservation Partners Legacy Program be on the agenda at the request of resident John Herman. Commissioners didn’t feel the EDA was the appropriate place for this. Triplett suggested asking the Friends of Scandia Park and Trails for some feedback on projects. Motion by lee, seconded by Hegland to refer the information to the Parks and Recreation Committee for a recommendation. Motion passed. Commissioner Reports: Lee provided an update on the last Planning Commission meeting. The Planning Commission is looking into some changes for accessory dwellings but will likely wait for the next comp plan to make any major zoning revisions. Sally Swanson mention resident John Lindell’s opposition to the EDA and his recent emails and claims it is not consistent with the Comp Plan. Hegland advocated for assisted living facilities to help older residents stay in Scandia and also provide jobs. Triplett mentioned looking into a medical offices building again. Executive Director Report: Handt reported on her upcoming meeting with Midcontinent. She will add the Quadrant Ave neighborhood to the list of requested service areas. The EDA will be featured in the Many Face Forest Lake Community guide this year. Also applications are being accepted for the Governor’s Broadband Task Force. The Council will hold a public hearing next week on expanding the size of the EDA to seven. Swanson mentioned inviting Ted from the Forest Lake Chamber to a future meeting. An invitation will be extended. The next meeting will be Monday, March 9, 2015 at 6:30pm. Motion by Lee, seconded by Isaacson to adjourn at 7:35pm. Motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, Kristina Handt, Secretary