2. Minutes 3-23-15 EDAThe Scandia Economic Development Authority met in the Board Room at the Scandia
Community Center on Monday, March 23, 2015 beginning at 6:30pm. Commissioners Present:
Sally Swanson, Greg Isaacson, and Bruce Swenson. Absent: Dan Lee and Bob Hegland. Staff
Present: Kristina Handt.
The meeting was called to order at 6:31pm by Swenson.
Motion by Swanson, seconded by Isaacson to approve the January 12, 2015 minutes. Motion
Motion by Isaacson, seconded by Swanson to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
No one was present for the public forum.
Peggy Schneider and Chris Simons provided information to the EDA on their second annual
shopping extravaganza in October. It will include scrapbooking and crafts. Three crafting stores
will be present as well as over a dozen vendors. Last year they had 42 crafters and shopping was
open to the public. It is scheduled for October 10th this year. They are hoping to find some kids
such as the boy scouts to help with setup and carrying in supplies. Swanson asked about food.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner is provided for the crafters and refreshments for others. Peggy and
Chris asked for help in promoting their event. Swenson suggested having it on the Lions’ sign at
the fire hall. The sign should be able to accommodate two events that weekend. Ted Blank,
FLACC Director offered the use of their sandwich board signs. Peggy and Chris said they didn’t
feel there was much of a response when they advertised in the paper last year so they won’t be
doing that. EDA suggested more papers they could contact about doing a story or sending a
press release.
Ted Blank, Forest Lake Area Chamber of Commerce Director, was present to share information
about chambers in general and FLACC specifically. He also handed out info on their events for
the year. Chambers are voluntary organizations funded by dues. The FLACC has five primary
goals and covers Forest Lake, Columbus, Wyoming and Scandia. There are two businesses in
Scandia that are members of the FLACC-Scandia Eldercare and Scandia Heating and Cooling.
After presenting background information Ted opened it up to questions. Swenson asked if they
were part of the national chamber organization. Blank said they are members of the state
chamber but not the national chamber. Blank asked for ideas on how to involve more Scandia
businesses in the chamber and possibly start a coffee and conversations group in Scandia that
would meet quarterly. Swenson suggested having EDA members contact businesses and invite
them to a meeting. Blank will work with Handt to identify a day in May for an initial breakfast
Tom Triplett having resigned from the EDA and moving out of Scandia has resulted in a vacancy
in the President position until the next election in August. Swenson, seconded by Isaacson
nominated Swanson for President. Motion carried.
Commissioner Reports: Swanson mentioned she had come across some market reports for senior
housing in other communities which may be a good example for Scandia.
Executive Director Report: Handt mentioned the Planning Commission will be holding a public
hearing on a new Accessory Dwelling Unit ordinance on April 7th at 7pm. This idea came out of
the EDA’s meetings with businesses last fall. Members were encouraged to attend and spread
the word.
The next meeting will be Monday, April 13, 2015 at 6:30pm.
Motion by Swanson, seconded by Isaacson to adjourn at 7:19pm. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted, Kristina Handt, Secretary