2. 5-11-15 EDA MinutesThe Scandia Economic Development Authority met in the Board Room at the Scandia Community Center on Monday, May 11, 2015 beginning at 6:30pm. Commissioners Present: Sally Swanson, Greg Isaacson, Dan Lee and Bruce Swenson. Late: Bob Hegland. Staff Present: Kristina Handt. The meeting was called to order at 6:31pm by Swanson. Motion by Lee, seconded by Swenson to approve the April 13, 2015 minutes. Motion carried. Motion by Swanson, seconded by Lee to delete #6 Ivan Loesch and approve the agenda. Motion carried. No one was present for the public forum. Motion by Issacson, seconded by Swenson to approve the vouchers. Motion carried. Handt updated the commissioners on RSVPs for coffee and conversations on Wedensday at Meisters. Also provided info on Biz Recycling program that will be shared with attendees. Pam Arnold had requested the EDA or City serve as a fiscal agent for the Scandia Farmers Market. Handt provided an update from the auditor that the EDA/City would still have liability issues. Arnold was in attendance and said the market is now going another way. They are creating a corporation for the market and don’t need a fiscal agent. The commissioners reviewed some examples and discussed creating a brochure for Scandia. There was lots of talk about who they were trying to reach. Swanson suggested doing more with neighboring communities (Lindstrom). Lee mentioned targeting residents. Hegland thought it would be a waste of money and better to refer folks to the website. Issacson said he was not comfortable charging businesses or competing with local advertisers. Arnold asked who the audience was and how you would measure the impact. Lee volunteered to visit William O’Brien to see what brochure rack space they had available and report back at the next meeting. The commissioners discussed Scandia’s sign ordinance. First focusing on the section pertaining to community event signage. There was a consensus to allow an unlimited number of signs because of all the entrances to Scandia. Also mention of removing the limit on how soon before an event the sign could go up but leave the requirement it be removed within 3 days of the event. Commissioners also talked about the Scandia Architectural Guidelines and had some concerns about lighting, banners and balloons. It was decided to continue this conversation at the next meeting after soliciting more feedback from businesses. Commissioner Reports: Lee gave a Treasurer’s update. There is just over $400 after the vouchers approved earlier. Executive Director Report: Handt reported on the Chamber Legislative Breakfast and efforts regarding broadband grant funding, her attendance at the HRA meeting regarding affordable housing requirements from the Met Council, provided an update on accessory dwelling unit ordinance going to Council next week and mentioned maternity leave in Sept-Oct. The next meeting will be Monday, June 8, 2015 at 6:30pm. Agenda to focus on sign ordinance. Motion by Lee, seconded by Swenson to adjourn at 8:18pm. Motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, Kristina Handt, Secretary