4. c) Letter -Pump Tank Access - raising and resealing August 28th, 2020 Residents of the Bliss and Anderson Erickson Sewer systems, Your septic system is a part of the Big Marine Sewer System which the City owns and maintains. The system has infiltration and inflow (I&I) issues which is caused by water running into the system through natural means such as rain and snow melt in the spring. The I&I issues cause the system to run more often, use more electrical power, and reduce capacity of the system. You, as the users, pay the fees to cover the extra costs. The City is working toward minimizing the I&I issues of the system. Much of the infiltration is due to old seals and access lids on pump tanks. It has been determined that raising your pump tank access lid would benefit in relieving the system of some of the I&I issues. City staff will remove the existing access lid and replace it with a steel casting and lid. There will be a new seal applied as the casting is set on the old rings. The difference in height change will be 4-6” from the current height of the access lid. City staff will add soil, taper the soil away from the new access casting, rake, and seed the damaged area. It is anticipated that no machinery will need to be driven onto properties. Work is planned to begin the third week in September. Public works staff will notify you the week we will be working in your area. No action is required from you. Please contact me at (651) 433-5223 or a.hawkinson@ci.scandia.mn.us if you have any questions. Adam Hawkinson Adam Hawkinson Director of Public Works