2. 7-13-15 EDA MinutesThe Scandia Economic Development Authority met in the Board Room at the Scandia Community Center on Monday, July 13, 2015 beginning at 6:30pm. Commissioners Present: Greg Isaacson, Dan Lee, Bruce Swenson and Bob Hegland. Absent: Sally Swanson. Staff Present: Kristina Handt. Swenson called the meeting to order at 6:33pm. Motion by Lee, seconded by Hegland to approve the June 8, 2015 minutes. Motion carried. Motion by Lee, seconded by Hegland to approve the agenda. Motion carried. No one was present for the public forum. The commissioners discussed Scandia’s permitted uses in the Industrial Park District and compared them to those allowed in surrounding communities such as Hugo, Forest Lake, Columbus, Chisago, Lindstrom and Pine City. Motion by Isaacson, seconded by Lee to recommend to the planning commission to include uses such as light manufacturing, warehousing and distribution, storage, nursery sales/greenhouses/landscaping services, contractor operations and offices, print shops, recreation facilities/parks, municipal/semi-public facilities, and wholesaling as permitted uses in the Industrial Park District. They further suggested some limitation on these uses such as no hazardous materials and landscaping services not to include yard waste facilities. Motion carried. Commissioner Reports: Lee reported he visited William O’Brien State Park to inquire about putting a brochure in their rack. They only allow state related items in the rack but do keep local brochures behind the counter in case guest ask. Swenson shared plans to sell 60 acres in the Village Neighborhood area to a developer to build more affordable housing ($300,000 or less). Handt suggested contacting the Washington County HRA for help with financing idea and finding interested developers. She will follow up after the meeting. Executive Director Report: Handt submitted a written report regarding a meeting with Midcontinent about Wildwood acres, the Planning Commission discussion on the signage recommendations from last month, and her pending leave/resignation. Swenson and Isaacson said they didn’t see a need to meet in September and October. The next meeting will be Monday, August 10, 2015 at 6:30pm. Agenda to include election of officers, discussion of uses in VMU B district and future meeting schedule. Motion by Hegland, seconded by Lee to adjourn at 7:16pm. Motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, Kristina Handt, Secretary