Appendix G Action Plan WorksheetsAppendix G: Action Plan Worksheets Action Plan LAND USE I Schedule I Lead I Status I Comments Preserve the rural, agricultural character of Scandia through zoning regulations, ordinances, and site design standards 1. Provide on-going code enforcement in the City. Ongoing Zoning Administrator / Sheriff Deputy Started This is an ongoing activity 2. Carry out a study of the City and current zoning map to 2019-2023 Planning Commission 2. identify areas for preservation of open space, arable land, 2019-2020 Planning Commission May be part of the study identified above. 2. large lots, and prime agricultural land. Ongoing Capital Improvement The next update is scheduled for 2020. 3. Identify programs and tools to facilitate preservation of open 2019-2020 Planning Commission space and prime agricultural land. Manage land use to prevent the premature demand for extension of urban services and in ways that allow existing service levels to meet service needs 1. Carry out a study of the City and current zoning map to 2019-2023 Planning Commission May be part of the study identified above. identify areas for preservation of open space, arable land, 2. large lots, and prime agricultural land. 2019-2020 Planning Commission May be part of the study identified above. 2. Update Capital Improvement Plan biennially to be proactive in Ongoing Capital Improvement The next update is scheduled for 2020. 3. identifying infrastructure issues 2019-2020 Committee Ensure a variety of lot sizes to create affordable development opportunities to best meet the needs of residents and businesses in Scandia 1. Identify infrastructure improvements necessary to allow 2020 City Engineer/City Council May be part of the study identified above. smaller lots in Village Neighborhood Districts 2. Update the Development Code for lot area and setbacks in 2019-2020 Planning Commission May be part of the study identified above. Village Mixed Use and Neighborhood Districts Protect and encourage agricultural production to ensure it is a part of the community as a viable long-term land use 1. Review Development Code related to General Rural and Ag 2019-2023 Planning Commission May be part of the study identified above. Core zones for uses, lot area and setback requirements 2. Review zoning map for General Rural and Ag Core to protect 2019-2020 Planning Commission May be part of the study identified above. prime farmland 3. Provide for greater density in the Village Neighborhhod 2019-2020 Planning Commission District to focus growth away from prime agricultural land Land Use Updated 12/26/2018 Action Plan LAND USE Schedule Lead Status Comments 4. Identify potential tools to encourage preservation of prime 2019-2020 Planning Commission Ongoing Purpose is to allow concentrated development in a agricultural land as part of development. Review Development Code related to mining and related activities 2019-2020 Planning Commission small area if the rest of the land is put under 4. Update zoning map after mines are no longer in operation Planning Commission Timing will be based on schedule of existing mines permanent protection as farmland/open space. Allow for the safe and orderly extraction of aggregate resources while protecting sensitive resources on or near those properties and providing for transitions to other uses when resource extraction is complete 1. Require annual review of operating plans for mines Ongoing City Council 2. Permit continuation of current mining activities Ongoing City Council 3. Review Development Code related to mining and related activities 2019-2020 Planning Commission 4. Update zoning map after mines are no longer in operation Planning Commission Timing will be based on schedule of existing mines Ensure Zoning Code is reflective of Comprehensive Plan 1.jUpdate Zoning Ordinance to reflect new changes in Comp Plan 2019-2020 1 Planner/ Planning Commission I Started lComplete by end of 2019 Land Use Updated 12/26/2018 Action Plan NATURAL RESOURCES I Schedule Lead Status Comments Protect natural resources and look for opportunities to connect large areas of open space 1. Identify potential funding sources and grant opportunities Ongoing Lead/Partners Look for resources that do not rely on City budget 2. Evaluate tools such as preservation and conservation easements as part of development. Ongoing Lead/Partners Preserve high quality natural areas 1. Continue to maintain and to preserve existing natural areas Ongoing Public Works / Parks & on City -owned properties. Recreation 2. Create an inventory of high quality natural areas 2020 Parks & Recreation / MnDNR City action may be limited by city budget; support 3. Increase community awareness of threats to natural areas Ongoing Parks & Recreation / MnDNR other partners 3. such as buckthorn and other invasive species Ongoing Parks & Recreation / MnDNR Eliminate, reduce, or mitigate the negative effects of invasive species on natural resources 1. Support efforts of Watershed Districts and Lake Associations Ongoing Watershed Associations and to treat AIS and educate public Lake Associations 2. Support programs that are proactive in limiting the effects of Ongoing Watershed Associations and City action may be limited by city budget; support 2. invasive species where appropriate. Ongoing Lake Associations other partners 3. Increase community awareness of threats to natural areas Ongoing Parks & Recreation / MnDNR 3. such as buckthorn and other invasive species Ongoing Public Works / Parks & Look for resources that do not rely on City budget 4. Develop a maintenance plan for invasive species control on 2019-2020 Public Works / Parks & 4. City -owned property. 2021 Recreation Recognize and enhance publicly owned lands and improve public access to such lands where appropriate 1. Prepare inventory of public lands, inlcuding current 2020 Public Works / Parks & conditions and uses, issues related to the property and Recreation opportunities for the future 2. Use CIP process to develop 5 -year plans for improvements Ongoing Public Works / Parks & Next CIP process is scheduled for 2020 Recreation 3. Identify potential funding sources and grant opportunities Ongoing Public Works / Parks & Look for resources that do not rely on City budget Recreation 4. Develop management plans for City owned properties 2021 Public Works / Parks & Recreation Work with property owners to protect and preserve native, endangered, threatened, and unique plants and animals on privately owned land 1. Provide access to information on significant ecological areas 2021 Public Works / Parks & and species in Scandia I Recreation Natural Resources Updated 12/26/2018 Action Plan RESILIENCE I Schedule I Lead I Status I Comments Encourage the use of renewable, local and diverse forms of energy in order to increase use of local resources, mitigate the local risk from fossil fuel scarcity and price increases, and help meet Minnesota's climate protection goals. 1. Implement GreenStep Cities Best Practices as appropriate Ongoing Staff / Green Step Committee 2. Increase community awareness of City's efforts to implement Ongoing Staff / Green Step Committee GreenStep best pratices. 3. Provide ongoing review of new technologies and tools, and 3 - 5 years Commission Proceed with caution. Past experience shows how their impact on City regulations. quickly new technologies can turn out not as expected and creating new unique problems Encourage energy efficient housing that exceeds the minimum efficiency levels required in the State building codes 1. Work with utility providers to provide educational materials Ongoing Excel Energy / Minnesota on best management practices and energy saving programs Energy Resources Resilience Updated 12/26/2018 Action Plan HOUSING I Schedule I Lead I Status I Comments Support a variety of housing types and densities for residential uses in and surrounding the Village Center 1. Review zoning map and Development Code regulations for 2019-2020 Planner/ Planning Commission Village Mixed Use and Village Neighborhood districts 2. Identify future infrastructure issues for developing housing at 2020 Engineer / Public Works / CIP Next scheduled CIP is 2020 increased densities, and plan for future development as part Committee of CIP. Expand life -cycle housing opportunities for residents at all points of life 1. Review Development Code regulations for uses in the Village 2019-2020 Planning Commission Mixed Use and Village Neighborhood districts 2. Work with Washington County CDA to identify options for Ongoing City Staff / Planning expanded senior housing in Scandia Commission / WCDA Encourage a range of housing choices that fit with the character of the community 1. Review Development Code regulations for uses in the Village 2019-2020 Planning Commission Mixed Use and Village Neighborhood districts 2. Work with potential developers to provide a variety of Ongoing Planning Commission housing options in the City Housing Updated 12/26/2018 IAction Plan ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESS I Schedule I Lead I Status I Comments Concentrate on retaining and expanding local businesses in and around the Village Center and existing Rural Commercial districts 1. Review Development Code regulations for commercial and 2019-2020 EDA / Planning Commission / 2. mixed use districts 2020 Planner 2. Develop an incentives program to assist local businesses and Ongoing EDA 2. to encourage business retention Ongoing Minnesota Food Association This could involve the placement of conduit to 3. Investigate programs and tools to help rebuild/renovate 2020 EDA / Council facilitate future expansion 4. Review Development Code regulations to allow more 2019-2020 Planning Commission / Planner flexibility in lot subdivisions Actively support the retention and expansion of Scandia community -scale agricultural operations 1. Carry out a study of the City and current zoning map to 2019-2023 Planning Commission 2. identify areas for preservation of open space, arable land, 2020 City / Internet Providers large lots, and prime agricultural land. 2. Work with outside agencies to provide educational materials Ongoing Minnesota Food Association This could involve the placement of conduit to on small scale farming operations Providers facilitate future expansion 3. Review Development Code regulations to continue to 2019-2020 Planning Commission encourage and protect community -scale agriculture 4. Review Development Code related to General Rural and Ag 2019-2020 Planning Commission Core zones for uses, lot area and setback requirements S. Review Development Code regulations to identify barriers to 2019-2020 Planning Commission small scale agricultural uses. Encourage home-based entrepreneurs and businesses 1. Review Development Code regulations to permit and encourage home-based businesses 2019-2020 Planning Commission 2. Evaluate options to meet state service minimum internet 2020 City / Internet Providers standards throughout the City 3. Look for opportunities to facilitate expansion of internet Ongoing City / DEED / Internet This could involve the placement of conduit to infrastructure as part of road development and reconstrucion Providers facilitate future expansion projects. Econ Competitiveness Updated 12/26/2018 IAction Plan ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESS I Schedule I Lead I Status I Comments Expand access to internet services throughout the entire City 1. Work with internet providers to provide educational materials Ongoing City / Internet Providers Frontier is now offering business programs to better about available programs for businesses serve local business and home based businesss in certain areas. 2. Evaluate options for community -wide upgrades 2019 City / Internet Providers 3. Evaluate options to meet state service minimum internet 2020 City / Internet Providers standards throughout the City 4. Identify funding strategies to accelerate expansion and 2019 City /DEED / Internet Providers upgrade of internet service. Econ Competitiveness Updated 12/26/2018 Action Plan PARKS AND TRAILS I Schedule I Lead I Status I Comments Develop an effective planning approach to developing and maintaining parks and recreation areas and constructing and maintaining trails and routes to meet the needs of residents 1. Prepare inventory of public lands, inlcuding current conditions 2019 Public Works / Parks & and uses, issues related to the property and opportunities for Recreation 2. the future Ongoing MnDNR / City 2. Update the 2006 Park Plan to reflect current goals and 2020 Public Works / Parks & anticipated park needs based on areas of future development. Recreation 3. Use CIP process to develop 5 -year plans for improvements Ongoing Public Works / Parks & Next CIP process is scheduled for 2020 a part of Scandia Recreation / CIP Committee Develop a close working relationship with other agencies and groups to enhance the parks and recreation facilities and develop trails and routes in the City 1. Develop a list and meet with groups who can partner with 2020 Parks & Recreation Committee the City to meet the updated Par Plan goals. 2. Continue work with MnDNR on Gateway Trail through Scandia Ongoing MnDNR / City 3. Work with Washington County on connections to Big Marine Ongoing Parks & Recreation Committee Park Reserve / Washington County Parks 4. Establish better connection with William O'Brien State Park as 2020 Parks & Recreation / Public a part of Scandia Works / MnDNR Support a network of parks and trails to provide community -wide connections to serve the health and welfare of residents 1. Develop a long-range plan to connect neighborhoods within 2022 Parks & Recreation the City via trails. 2. Support creation of County -wide bike plan that incorporates Ongoing County Parks / Cycling Scandia County and State highways. Use park and recreational facilities search areas and other natural resource information to guide and encourage park acquisition donations and potential site acquisitions when property becomes 1. Develop an inventory of high priority sites for future park 2022 Parks & Recreation development in areas of projected future development, and establish priorities for acquisition and development. Parks & Trails Updated 12/26/2018 IAction Plan TRANSPORTATION I Schedule I Lead I Status I Comments Provide an integrated, internally -connected, efficient street system connecting village and higher density neighborhoods to the Village Center 1. Develop a long-range street plan for Village Neighborhood 2022-2023 Engineer/ Pubic works District 2. Require street connections as development occurs Ongoing Engineer / Pubic works Establish context -sensitive roadway design standards that will protect the narrow and heavily wooded character of identified low -traffic roadways 1. Review Engineering standards to provide alternate context- 2020 City Engineer 2. sensitive standards Ongoing City Engineer/ MnDOT 2. Consider including a section on road design in the architectual 2019 City Engineer /Planning design guidelines Commission Maintain Scandia's system of local roadways that is well coordinated with MnDOT and Washington County roadways 1. Participate in County long-range planning and CIP activities Ongoing City Engineer / Washington County 2. Participate in MnDOT long-range planning activities Ongoing City Engineer/ MnDOT Encourage the use of non -automotive modes of transportation 1. Educate the public about trails and biking Ongoing Parks & Recreation / Cycling Scandia 2. Provide information on transportation options, such as Metro 2018 City Mobility and Transit Link service. Support the development of regional and local transit options 1. Work with Washington County and the Metropolitan Council Ongoing City / Washington County / on the expansion of transit options Metropolitan Council Preserve the safety of regional air traffic Transportation Updated 12/26/2018 Action Plan WATER RESOURCES I Schedule I Lead I Status I Comments Preserve and protect the quantity and quality of surface water and groundwater 1. Identify threats and risks involved in the use of road salt and Ongoing Public Works 2. explore potential options and alternatives to mitigate the Ongoing City Engineer/ Staff / 2. threats and risks. 2019-2020 Watershed Districts 2. Update Shoreland Overlay disrict requirements to minimize 2019-2020 Planning Commission 3. building impact on waterfront 2020 City Engineer 3. Identify sensitive water areas to require protective practices 2020-2021 City Engineer / Watershed in these areas I I Districts Improve stormwater management and land stewardship practices. 1. Participate in Watershed District planning efforts and support projects to improve water quality Ongoing City Engineer/ Staff / Watershed Districts 2. Work with Watershed District to identify areas where Ongoing City Engineer/ Staff / 2. stormwater Best Management Practices can be implemented 2019-2020 Watershed Districts 3. Identify areas where direct impacts to impaired waters can be Ongoing Engineer/ Staff 3. reduced 2020 City Engineer Protect the natural and scenic resources of the St. Croix River Corridor, both within and adjacent to the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway 1. Evaluate opportunities to improve public access to the Saint 2022-2028 City 2. Croix. Ongoing Washington County CDA 2. Review Lower St. Croix River Ordinance and update as needed 2019-2020 Planning Commission to address land use issues. Ensure financial and environmental accountability for installation, maintenance, remediation, and management of any permitted private wastewater system 1. Search for sources of funding for septic repair/replacement for households . Ongoing Washington County Pubic Health 2. Promote Washington County SSTS low interest loan program Ongoing Washington County CDA and SSTS fix Up grants for low-income residents for improvement to non-compliant septic systems 3. Explore options to extend Metropolitan Council interceptor to 2020 City Engineer replace Bliss system Water Resources Updated 12/26/2018