5.b LOSA 06-124 Approval_AdditionsUnited States Department of the Interior NATIONAL PARK SERVICE St. Croix National Scenic Riverway 401 North Hamilton Street Saint Croix Falls, WI 54024 In Reply, Refer To: 1.A.1. (SACN) July 30, 2021 Alfred and Carol Sundberg Trust 1255 Gulfstream Ave N #201 Sarasota, Florida 43236 Re: Tract LOSA 06-124 Building Expansions Dear Ms. Sundberg: Thank you for meeting with National Park Service (NPS) Lands staff on July 28th and discussing your proposed plans for cabin stabilization and expansion at 21795 St. Croix Trail N., City of Scandia, Washington County (PIN 1803219120006), Minnesota. This property is within the boundary of the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway (Riverway) and identified by the Riverway as tract LOSA 06-124. NPS owns a “Scenic Easement – Limited Development” interest, as described in the recorded Warranty Deed, Document 365642 which encumbers the entire acreage. This legal document outlines land use restrictions and requires approval by the NPS on specific activities so that the Riverway scenic resources located on your property are preserved and protected. According to the revised site plan by Alm Design Studio dated 7/28/2021 and detail plans submitted July 14th you propose work on two existing structures. The foundation of the approximate 20 ft. x 15 ft. main (north) cabin with 15 ft. x 15 ft. screen porch and 6 ft. x 4 ft. utility room will be stabilized using helical piers. A 14 ft. x 16 ft. addition is proposed on the landward (west) side of the existing cabin. The addition will not exceed the existing cabin height (about 11 feet above the deck). The 5 ft. and 6 ft. wide decks surrounding the cabin will be repaired or replaced as needed. The existing earth tone wood railing on the river side of the deck will be maintained. The foundation of the approximate 11 ft. x 6 ft. studio (south structure) with 13 ft. x 6 ft. screen porch will also be stabilized with helical piers. An 11 ft. x 10 ft. addition will be constructed on the landward (west) side of the existing structure. The height of the addition will match the existing studio (about 10 feet). Exact dimensions for both projects are shown on plans. The pressure tank near the current well will be relocated inside the north cabin which will be connected to the existing septic system. No trees are expected to be removed for either project. Based on the submitted plans, the proposals for additions on the landward side of two existing structures is permissible under the terms of the scenic easement. The use of earth tone colors on all exterior building materials along with maintenance of remaining wooded areas currently providing vegetative screening of existing structures will minimize the visual impacts this project may have to the scenic qualities of the Riverway. Please note that our approval in no way evaluates the merits of the project in relation to local, county, or state regulations, and thus does not preclude or supersede any actions by those units of government. Therefore, you must comply with any additional land use controls or requirements of the City of Scandia and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, to whom a copy of this letter will be sent. If you have any questions, or if the submitted plan changes, please contact me at 715-483-2261 or via email at laura_hojem@nps.gov. Plan changes or alterations may require additional review by the NPS. Thank you for the very important role you play in helping to protect the St. Croix River for present and future generations. The choices you make on your property are important ones that can enhance water quality and wildlife habitat and protect scenic views. Working with NPS staff on all alterations, prior to implementation, will ensure the projects will maintain the wild and scenic quality of the Riverway, now and in the future. Your cooperation in the compliance with the terms of the scenic easement is also appreciated. Sincerely, Laura L. Hojem Lands Program Manager cc: Brenda Eklund City of Scandia Clerk b.eklund@ci.scandia.mn.us Evan Monson City of Scandia Planner evan.monson@tkda.com Dan Scollan Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Washington County Area Hydrologist daniel.scollan@state.mn.us Lucas Alm Alm Design Studio lucas@almdesignstudio.com