2017 October - Fall Newsletter CITY OF SCANDIA October  October 9, Columbus Day Observed— Office Closed  October 10, Fire Department Open House, 5-7 p.m.  October 15, Veterans Memorial Fundraiser at Meister’s  October 22, Lions Pancake Breakfast  October 24, Comprehensive Plan Open House, 6-8 p.m.  October 31, Safe Halloween at the Fire Hall November  November 7, ISD 831 Special Election Day, 7 a.m.- 8 p.m.  November 10, Veterans Day Observed—Office Closed  November 16, Lutefisk & Meatball Dinner, Elim Church  November 17, Turkey Bingo, 7 p.m.  November 23 & 24, Thanksgiving Holiday—Office Closed For more information and a City meeting calendar, see: www.ci.scandia.mn.us. December  December 6, 6:30 p.m. Public Hearing, 2018 City Budget and Tax Levy  December 9, Lions Community Breakfast  December 10, Lucia Dagen, Gammelgarden  December 25 & 26, Christmas Holiday—Office Closed January  January 15, Martin Luther King Day— Office Closed  January 26 & 27, Vinterfest  January 27, Lions Pancake Break-fast February  February 19, Presidents’ Day— Office Closed  February 24, Fireball March  March 11, Daylight Savings Time Begins For Gammelgården events, see: http://www.gammelgardenmuseum.org. Dedicated to Rural Community Values City of Scandia Scandia Community/ Senior Center 14727 209th Street North Scandia, MN 55073 Phone: 651.433.2274 Fax: 651.433.5112 E-mail: mail@ci.scandia.mn.us Hours: Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. City Council: Christine Maefsky, Mayor 651.433.2684 Jim Schneider 651.433.3692 Bob Hegland 651.538.2129 Chris Ness 651.707.5689 Steve Kronmiller 651.538.0094 Regular Council Meeting: Third Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. Council Work Session: First Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Planning Commission: First Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. City Staff: Neil Soltis, Administrator Brenda Eklund, Deputy Clerk Colleen Firkus, Treasurer Adam Hawkinson, Director of Public Works Mike Hinz, Fire Chief Andrew Pratt, Attorney Eckberg Lammers Ryan Goodman, Engineer Bolton & Menk Sherri Buss, Planner, TKDA PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Scandia, MN 55073 PERMIT #6 Like us on Facebook for the Most Up-to-Date Information Community Calendar, October 2017 - March 2018 Planning for Scandia 2040 OCTOBER 2017 VOLUME 11, ISSUE 2 CITY OF SCANDIA Inside This Issue: Levy Increase Proposed 2 Open to Business 2 Capital Improvements 3 Short Takes 3 Community Calendar 4 A twice-yearly publication for residents of the City of Scandia, Minnesota The City is required to update its Comprehensive Plan to provide a path towards meeting the population projections for 2040. The City Council established a Steering Committee to guide the public input portion of the project. The public input to date has incl uded 2 pop-up meetings, 3 focus groups, and a survey sent out to all property owners in the City. Based on the 391 surveys returned and in formation gathered at the public input sessions, the Steering Committee recommended a vision and a series of goals to include in the Co mprehen- sive Plan. The following vision and four overarching goals for the City of Scandia have been proposed to guide the preparation of the Co mprehen- sive Plan update. Vision: Scandia is known for its distinctive character and history. The City’s overall vision is to maintain its rural character typi fied by the agricultural heritage and natural resources. In 2040, Scandia has an economically vibrant village center which is home to a d iverse popula- tion that is surrounded by mix of natural resources and agricultural areas intermixed with rural residential and lakeshore ne ighborhoods. As new development is proposed, the emphasis will remain on the protection of rural agricultural and natural resources. Goals:  Maintain and promote the City’s cultural character and history.  Maintain and promote a variety of land uses and residential densities while maintaining Scandia’s existing agricultural and rural character.  Preserve and protect the City’s natural resources.  Provide economic opportunities for residents and businesses. The City Council, Committees and Commissions will be further refining the vision and goals and developing specific goals, policies and implementation steps. An open house will be held on Tuesday, October 24, at 6 p.m. to provide the public the op- portunity to comment on the plan. For more detailed information on the process and the information gathered through public in- put go to: https://clients.bolton-menk.com/scandia/public-meeting/. Message From the Mayor We’ve had an active spring and summer in Scandia. Fortunate to have a wealth of residents who are excited about adding to th e vibrancy of our community, several initiatives have begun: Cycling Scandia, Scandia Heritage Guild, and Good Neighbor Recognitions am ong them. A number of community events were held including the Lions’ Fat Cat Triathlon and Taco Daze. Work began on the Veteran s Memorial. Hundreds of residents submitted written input on Scandia’s future. Scandia’s gem Gammelgarden had a flow of events and visitors all summer. Then there were our weekly community gatherings at the Scandia Farmers Market. Great locally grown food , locally grown music, free tastings, educational offerings, and the enjoyment of our locally grown neighbors, all on the beautiful gro unds of Gammelgarden. Now comes the somewhat quieter fall and winter, but still with plenty to look forward to. School is back in session with all the activity that brings. We’ve had the welcome news that Scandia Elementary has added a third kindergarten class, a positive sign of community growth and confidence. Coming up will be Scandia Fire & Rescue Annual Open House, Lions Community Pancake Breakfast, the Settlers Valley merchants’ promotion and, of course, Scandia’s celebration of winter – Vinterfest coming in January. Remember to keep in touch, with me and with one another. Doing that will be our strength as a community. Call, email, or vi sit me at Conversations with the Mayor, the first Wednesday of each month. Looking forward to the fall and winter ahead, Christine Maefsky Mayor Page 2 CITY OF SCANDIA Levy Increase Proposed for the 2018 Budget Open to Business Now Available in Scandia At its September 19, 2017 meeting, the City Council set a maximum levy amount of $2,353,102, which is an increase of $95,231 (4.2%) over 2017. The 3 major components of the levy increase are: debt service for the plow truck purchased in 2017 ($35,463), changing the Fire Chief to a part-time position ($33,000), and increasing the levy for the Local Road Improvement Fund ($29,050). The levy for operatio ns in most departments will remain roughly the same as 2017 with the exception of the funds budgeted for the Comprehensive Plan where mo st of the cost to update the plan will be paid in 2017. The preliminary budget reduces the funds levied for road maintenance and real locates those funds for major road repairs which are proposed in the Capital Improvement Plan for 2018. The impact of the change will be an increase in the levy per $1,000 of taxable market value from $3.82 in 2017 to $3.93 in 20 18. The maxi- mum tax levy amount is preliminary and will be used by the County in the property tax notices that are mailed out in November . The Council is continuing budget discussions and may reduce, but not increase, the levy before final adoption in December. A publ ic hearing on the 2018 budget will be held at the City Council Work Session on Wednesday, December 6, at 6:30 p.m. Through the efforts of the Washington County Board and the Washington County Community Development Authority, the Metropolita n Consortium of Community Developers (MCCD) Open to Business Program is now able to provide services to businesses located in, or seeking to locate in, Washington County. This program provides free one -on-one assistance from MCCD’s expert staff, customized to meet the specific needs of each entrepreneur. Open to Business will provide prospective and existing entrepreneurs in Scand ia with free one-on-one counseling with a business advisor. The program provides assistance in the following areas:  Business plan development  Financial management  Cash flow financial  Bookkeeping set‐up and training  Loan packaging If you are interested in learning more about the program, a representative of the program will be making a presentation at th e Scandia Economic Development Authority business breakfast on Thursday, October 19, at 7:30 a.m. Please contact the City offices by October 13 if you would like to attend.  Commercial real estate analysis  Marketing assistance  Strategic planning  Networking and professional referrals Short Takes Page 3 VOLUME 11, ISSUE 2 The Capital Improvement Committee met to update the previous 2016 – 2020 Capital Improvement Plan. The Committee’s report on projects to be included in the 2018 – 2022 Capital Improvement Plan has a total estimated cost of $11,186,200. All cost estimates are pre- liminary and based on current dollars. Most of these projects are for replacing existing equipment and vehicles at the end o f their ex- pected useful life; however, there are two projects that have a significant impact. Road Improvements: The Committee worked with Bolton & Menk to look at modifying the 2008 Pavement Management Plan to address the roads that are in the greatest need. The plan calls for the reclaiming and repaving of all the roads rated very poor or poor with ditch- to-ditch improvements in 2018 and then providing for a mill and overlay of the road surfaces that are currently rated fair in 20 20, 2021, and 2022. The 2018 improvements are to be funded primarily through the issuance of $4,400,000 of debt. To minimize the prop erty tax impact, the plan calls for $115,000 of the General Fund levy for street maintenance (seal coating) and a portion of the levy for the Local Road Improvement Fund to be redirected to service the debt. The program as recommended will address roughly 50% of the City’s paved streets over the next 5 years. With a 30+ year life cycle for roads, the other 50% of the roads that are not included in the proposed program will likely need similar improvements in the 15 years that follow 2022. Throughout the life cycles of the roads, the City will need to continue to allocate funds for preventive maintenance. Capital Improvements on the Horizon 201 Sewer System: Improvements to the 201 Sewer System are intended to be funded through user fees. The MPCA permit for the Bliss addition requires the City to submit a plan to address the high levels of nitrate at one of the test wells by September 2019 as a part of the permit renewal process. A 2022 date has been used as an approximation of when construction is anticipated. Additionally, im- provements are anticipated at the Anderson Erickson drainfield in order to ensure the system functions properly. Pending further study of alternatives, the Capital Improvement Plan includes estimated costs of $960,000 for the Bliss addition im- provements and $200,000 for the Anderson Erickson improvements. Other Capital projects recommended for 2018 include:  Conversion of lighting at the Community Building to LED - $33,300  Resurfacing on the Community Center tennis courts - $40,000  Purchase of an emergency generator for the Fire/Public Works Building - $66,000  Addition of a picnic shelter at Lilleskogen Park - $15,000 Detailed specifications showing the proper installation of a mailbox are available on the City’s website or at https:// www.usps.com/manage/mailboxes.htm, Reminder: Only mailboxes that were properly installed and located and which were damaged by physical contact with City equipment will be the responsibility of the City. Make sure no obstructions, in- cluding refuse containers are in the right-of-way that a plow driver might hit when pushing back wing rows. Lastly, make sure not to deposit snow or ice within the right-of-way. It cre- ates a hazard for traffic and City staff; and, it is against the law. Free, Fun Events at the Scandia Fire Department Annual Open House— Tuesday, October 10, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Join the Scandia Fire Department for their annual Open House. Bring the kids and learn about fire safety, see the fire trucks and other equipment, and meet your neighbors for some fun and food. Safe Halloween Party—Tuesday, October 31, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. This is a fun event for all ages at the Scandia Fire Hall. Activi- ties will include a large bonfire, games and food. Both Events at Scandia Fire Hall, 15040 Scandia Trail (Hwy 97) Snow is Coming… Is Your Mailbox Ready? Now is a good time to look at your mail- box and landscaping within the right-of-way. If your mailbox is in need of repair, consider re- placing the post with a swing- arm style support. Vinterfest 2018 January 26-27 Check website for details