06-22-2021 TC Minutes Page 1 of 1 Scandia Tourism Committee Minutes June 22, 2021 – 4:00 p.m. Meeting Via Zoom and Boxcast.com Members in Attendance: Sarah Porubcansky, Lynne Moratzka and Lisa Schlingerman Absent: Julie Gasek, and Kirsten Libby. Staff in attendance: Mayor Christine Maefsky, Administrator Ken Cammilleri, Office Assistant Bee Stignani, and resident Sue Dickens Call to Order –Chair Porubcansky called the meeting to order at 4:12 p.m., a quorum is present. Approve the Agenda – Moratzka moved to approve the agenda with flexibility, Schlingerman seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Approval of the Minutes – Porubcansky moved to approve the May 25, 2021 minutes, Schlingerman seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Shrpa – Porubcansky updated the committee on the adventures posted on Shrpa, will communicate spelling corrections needed, and will look into integrating into the city’s website. Committee members discussed a few new adventure suggestions. Signs – Wayfinding – Committee members preferred the larger half circle design; cost estimates are necessary before making a recommendation to City Council and staff requested to contact potential vendors. Sister City – Mellerud, Sweden – Sub-committee meeting tonight, discussion on how to involve the community more. Ideas: oversized scroll at Scandia Farmers Market for anyone to sign and send a brief message prior to mailing it to Mellerud, ask area merchants to host time with this scroll for customer’s participation, and to contact Scandia Elementary School for pursing some kind of student international involvement. Adjournment –The next meeting date is July 27, 2021. Agenda topics will be Shrpa, Wayfinding Signs, Sister City updates and discussing Future Steps like ways to market Scandia, bike route maps and next year’s midsummer celebration . Meeting adjourned at 4:53 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant