BRE-Apr 2014Economic Development Authority (EDA) Business Retention and Expansion Study City of Scandia Date: _______________________________________ Company Name: _______________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Survey Participant: __________________________________ Title: ___________________ Phone: ____________________ E-mail: _________________________________________ Website: ______________________________________________________________________ Name of Corporate Headquarters (if different than above): ______________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________ E-mail: _________________________________________ Website: ______________________________________________________________________  Thank you for participating in the EDA’s Business Retention and Expansion Study. The program is sponsored by the Scandia Economic Development Authority. Objective of the BRES program: To gain an understanding of the business community’s views of the local government and economy. To determine company plans for expansion or relocation. To strengthen the communications bridge between the business community and local government. To establish concrete data to aid strategic planning efforts. How is your firm structured? ___ Corporation (public) ___ Corporation (closely held) ___ Partnership ___ Sole Proprietorship ___ Other (specify)______________ Do you own or lease this location? ___ Own ___ Lease If you currently lease, when does the lease expire? What year was this business established at this location? Do you believe your product/services have unique qualities that give your business a competitive advantage? ___ Yes ___ No ___ Don’t Know If yes, please describe these unique qualities. What are the major products/services offered by this establishment? First Major product/service: Second Major product/service: Third Major product/service: Fourth Major product/service: What percentage of your sales come from each of the major products/services identified above? 1% to 24% 25% to 49% 50% to 74% 75% to 100%  Percent of sales: first major product/service      Percent of sales: second major product/service      Percent of sales: third major product/service      Percent of sales: fourth major product/service       How many employees currently work at this establishment? 1 to 5 6 to 10 11 to 15 16 to 20 21 to 25 26 to 50 50 or more  Full Time         Part Time         Temporary          How many employees worked at this establishment three years ago? 1 to 5 6 to 10 11 to 15 16 to 20 21 to 25 26 to 50 50 or more  Full Time         Part Time         Temporary          How many employees (estimated) will work at this establishment three years from now? 1 to 5 6 to 10 11 to 15 16 to 20 21 to 25 26 to 50 50 or more  Full Time         Part Time         Temporary          If you reported part time employees, how many are: Seasonal: ___ 1 to 5 ___ 6 to 10 ___ 11 to 15 ___ 16 to 20 ___ 21 or more Year Round: ___ 1 to 5 ___ 6 to 10 ___ 11 to 15 ___ 16 to 20 ___ 21 or more If seasonal, when are your busy seasons (select all that apply): ___ Spring ___ Summer ___ Fall ___ Winter Did your firm’s employment change over the last five years? ___ Yes ___ No If yes, please check three (3) main reasons for the employment change over the past five years: ___ Technological changes ___ Changes in management ___ Growth in demand, or lack of demand ___ Number of contracts ___ Business did not exist five years ago ___ Improved or decreased efficiency ___ Government regulation ___ Increased competition ___ Renovation/expansion ___ New products/services ___Entered new markets ___ Change in subcontracting ___ Corporate decisions/policies ___ Other: What is your current employment hiring state? ___ Increasing workforce ___ Downsizing ___ Stable What resources are you currently using to locate new employees? ___ Ad in metro-wide papers ___ Ad in local community papers ___ Placement office of four-year or two-year colleges ___ Private search firms ___ Referrals from existing employees ___ Job service ___ Temporary agency ___ Hire our own apprentices ___ Promote from within ___Local job fair ___ Internet ___ List Other: If more than 50% of your employees live outside of Scandia, please indicate why you think that is the case? If your workforce was to expand by 10%, would there be affordable housing for these workers within 30 minutes of your place of business? ___ Yes ___ No ___ Uncertain From your perspective as a business person, please rate housing opportunities in this community for OWNED homes. Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Very Poor  Quality       Availability       Affordability       Location        From your perspective as a businessperson, please rate housing opportunities in this community for RENTAL housing. Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Very Poor  Quality       Availability       Affordability       Location        How would you rate the local labor force? Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Very Poor  Quality       Availability       Quantity       Stability        Please indicate where most of your employees live. ___ Within 5 miles of business location ___ Within 5 to 20 miles of business location ___ More than 20 miles from business location Please select the category that best describes your company’s gross sales in 2013? ___ Under $25,000 ___ $25,000 to $99,999 ___ $100,000 to $199,999 ___ $200,000 to $499,999 ___ $500,000 to $999,999 ___ $1 million to $2.49 million ___$2.5 million to $4.9 million ___ $5 million to $9.9 million ___$10 million or more Which of the following strategies do you currently use to increase your sales during less busy days and hours? ___ Nothing ___ Advertise ___ Offer product promotion ___ Extend days and/or hours of operation ___ Change product/service offerings and/or mix ___ Other: ________________ Does your company have a website? ___ Yes ___ No If no, what is your main reason for not marketing over the internet? ___ No Internet Access ___ Slow Internet connection ___ No IT support ___ Cost ___ Time commitment ___ Need more information ___ Other: ____________ What are the three (3) types of advertising you use the most? ___ Yellow Pages ___ Daily Newspaper ___ Weekly newspaper ___ Weekly shopper paper ___ Radio ___ TV ___ Billboards ___ Direct mail advertising ___ Visitor’s guide ___Magazines ___ Brochures/flyers/shopping bags ___ Other: _______________________________ Do you share advertising expenses with other businesses to promote your business area? ___ Yes ___ No From the list below, please check the top five (5) factors likely to have a major impact on your business in the next three (3) years. ___ New products ___ Changing customer tastes ___ Demographics ___ Higher consumer spending ___ Foreign competition ___ Domestic competition ___ Raw material shortages ___ Energy Costs ___ Transportation ___ Wage rates ___ Raw material costs ___ Financing availability ___ Taxes/government policies ___ Other: ____________________________ Please check which of the following best describes your company’s business activity. ___ We have too much business, capacity is strained ___ Business activity is just right ___ We have too little business activity; excess capacity ___ Wide seasonal or cyclical variations in demand Over the last 3 years, have any of these business factors increased, stayed the same or decreased? Increased Stayed the Same Decreased  Number of customers     Sales-Total Revenue     Profits     Employees-Full Time     Employees-Part Time     Employees-Year Round     Employees-Seasonal      Over the next 3 years, do you think the following factors for your business will increase, stay the same, or decrease? Increase Stay the Same Decrease  Number of customers     Sales-Total Revenue     Profits     Employees-Full Time     Employees-Part Time     Employees-Year Round     Employees-Seasonal      In general, how do you meet or become acquainted with service providers? ___ Someone you know referred/recommended the service provider ___ You knew the service provider before they started working for you ___ Referral by a trade association or professional organization ___ Competitor used them ___ Advertising or direct mail or yellow pages ___ Unsolicited cold call ___ Article in business publication or newspaper ___ Service provider newsletter/web page ___ Other: ____________________________________ Check the three most important factors in evaluating and selecting a service provider. ___ Experience of service provider ___ Service provider’s knowledge of your industry ___ Proximity to your location ___ Price ___ Service provider’s approach or methodology ___ Service provider’s reputation ___ Recommendation from a trusted source ___ Personality or “likeability” of service provider ___ Credentials of service provider ___ Referrals from other clients ___ Other: __________________________________________________ Check the areas that you have used external service providers for in the past three years (select all that apply: ___ Business management ___ Design or engineering ___ Manufacturing operations ___ Quality related issues ___ Environmental and safety ___ Information technology ___ Organizational development ___ Marketing/sales ___ Financial/accounting ___ Human resources development ___ Other: _____________________________________________________________ To meet your current or recent financial need, what type of capital are you considering or did you consider? ___ Equity Capital ___ Debt Capital If you plan to use debt capital, which of the following financial institutions do you plan to use or did you use? ___ Commercial bank ___ Savings and loan ___ Federal loan program (USDA, SBA) ___ State Economic Development Loan (DEED, Regional Commission, or Foundation) ___ Other: ______________________________________________________ When you sought your most recent loan, what types of activities or facilities did (do) you hope to finance. ___ Purchase of land without buildings ___ Purchase of land with buildings ___ New building construction ___ Building expansion ____ Building renovation ____ Operating capital ___ Inventory ___ Machinery or equipment ___ Other: _________________________________________________ Please provide information on your firm’s credit experience for the past three (3) years in each of the following categories. Able to obtain desired credit Able to obtain some credit Unable to obtain Don’t know Not applicable  Short term loans (<1year) secured       Short term (<1year) unsecured       Long term loans (1-5years)       Long term loans (>5 years)       Commercial mortgage       Home equity loan for business purposes       Line of credit       Equipment financing or lease.        Have you made any of the following changes in the last 3 years? Yes No  Changed mix of goods/services    Added or subtracted product lines    Entered new markets    Modernized product technology    Adopted labor-saving technologies    Made other capital improvements     Will you be expanding/improving your current building or equipment? ___ Yes ___ No If yes, do you face any constraints? ___ No constraints ___ Need financial assistance ___ Need planning/design assistance ___ Need to acquire land ___ Other: ___________________________________________ Are you considering another (additional) branch or store? ___ Yes ___ No If yes, what location are you considering? ___ Elsewhere in Scandia ___ Elsewhere in Washington County ___ Outside the county, but in Minnesota ___ Outside the state ___ Undecided If yes, when will you open the new branch or store? ___Within 6 months ___ 6 months to a year ___ 1-3 years Are you considering moving, selling or closing this business? ___ No ___ Considering moving ___ Considering selling ___ Considering closing What conditions influence your decision regarding moving, closing, or staying put? (select all that apply) ___ Market conditions ___ Overcrowded building or space ___ Land locked or expansion limited ___ Transportation problems ___ Crime or vandalism ___ Low worker productivity or unavailability of workers ___ Environmental concerns ___ Building code problems ___ High local taxes ___ High state taxes ___ Lease expiration If moving, selling, or closing, when? ___Within 6 months ___ 6 to 12 months ___ 1 to 3 years ___ 3 years or more ___ Don’t know If moving, where will you move? ___ Elsewhere in Scandia ___ Elsewhere in Washington County ___ Elsewhere in Minnesota ___ Outside of Minnesota ___ Undecided Any other plans for business changes over the next three years? (check all that apply) ___ No change ___ Change in mix of goods or services ___ Add new product or service lines ___ Add new technology Do you have enough room to expand? ___ Yes ___ No Does your store/storefront need updating or “cosmetic” improvement? ___ Yes ___ No Where do you see additional expansion or growth in your business? ___ New building or addition ___ Additional employees ___ Additional equipment or new technology ___ New training program for employees ___ Additional financing ___ Other: _________________________________ What, if any, conservation or “green” actions have you taken or do you plan to take with your business? If you face constraints on renovation or expansion, what are they? ___ Would have an inadequate financial return on investment ___ Inability to get a loan ___ Insufficient space available for expansion ___ Environmental or pollution control limitations ___ Planning and zoning restrictions ___ Governmental regulation prohibits expansion ___ Shortage of adequate labor ___ Shortage of adequate housing for labor ___ Other: _________________________________ What overall grade would you give the community as a place to do business? ___ A (excellent) ___ B (above average) ___C (average) ___ D (below average) ___F (poor) In the last 3 years, did the community’s business climate get stronger, weaker, or stay the same? ___ Got stronger ___ Got weaker ___ Stayed the same What overall grade would you give the retail shopping in the community? ___ A(excellent) ___B(above average) ___ C (average) ___ D (below average) ___ F (poor) Is your firm having any problems with local community services? ___ No ___ Yes. If so please specify: _________________________________________________________ What is the most significant thing Scandia could do to help improve your business activity? What specific concerns would you like to see addressed? Do you live in Scandia? ___ Yes ___ No Why or why not? Rate the improvement needs in Scandia Needs significant improvements Needs improvement Does not need improvement Not applicable  Appearance of buildings      Appearance of business signs      Cleanliness of sidewalks      Cleanliness of streets      Congested streets near your business      Parking near your business      Pedestrian access to your business      Street lighting      Variety of stores       If your firm (or one just like it) was trying to select a new location, how important would each of the following community factors be in this decision? Critically important Above average importance Average importance Below average importance Not at all important  Wage rates       Transportation costs       Energy costs       Local taxes       State taxes       Interest rates       Workers’ compensation rates       Unemployment insurance       Employee health care costs       Availability of labor       Availability of raw materials       Availability of credit       Proximity of four-lane highway       Airport facilities       Availability of industrial site       Availability of housing       Availability of quality water       Availability of public transportation       Telecommunications quality       Broadband Access        Please indicate whether you believe the cost of doing business in your community is high, acceptable, or low. High Acceptable Low Does not apply  Building costs      Corporate taxes      Environmental regulations      Health care      Inventory taxes      OSHA requirements      Payroll taxes      Property taxes      Public utilities      Transportation of product to market      Workers compensation       From your perspective as a businessperson, please rate the following amenities and services in Scandia. Excellent Above average Average Below average Poor Does not apply  Roads, highways and freeways        Snow and ice removal        Street/sidewalk cleaning        Street repairs        Water supply        Solid waste disposal        Sewers/septic        Natural gas service        Internet access        Electrical service        Cable television service        Telecom infrastructure        Public transportation        Rail service        Air service        Fire protection        Police protection        Emergency medical services        Hospitals        Medical care, doctors        Schools (k-12)        Technical/vocational schools         Excellent Above average Average Below Average Poor Does not apply  Access to higher education        Quality higher education        Hotel facilities        Conference facilities        Recreational facilities        Recreation services        Housing opportunities        Labor force quantity        Labor force quality        Proximity to major suppliers        Proximity to major market        Overall quality of life         With which local school district are you most familiar? ___ Forest Lake ___ Chisago Lakes ___ Stillwater ___ Home school Please rate the following characteristics for K-12 for the school system you checked in the previous questions. Excellent Above average Average Below average Poor Don’t know  Quality of instruction        Quality of facilities        Quality of teaching resources (computers, books)        Quality of curriculum        Number of curriculum choices        Quality of sports programs        Quality of music/arts programs         From the following list of features, please indicate those that enhance or detract from a positive business environment in Scandia. Strongly enhance  Neither enhance nor detract  Strongly detract  Safe environment       Shopping/professional services       Recreation/entertainment/cultural activities       School systems       Library systems       Highway infrastructure       Housing opportunities       Local business environment       Location       Wage rates       Cost of living        Rate your level of success with the marketing strategies listed below. Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor NA  Directory listings (yellow pages, etc)        Daily newspaper        Weekly newspaper        Weekly shopper paper        TV        Radio        Billboards and other signage        Window displays        Direct mail advertising        Web page        Email/internet marketing        Visitor’s guide        Magazines        Brochures/flyers        Referral program        Frequent buyer/shopper program        Give-aways        Donations/sponsorships        Word of mouth        Other         Which of the following market research methods do you use (select all that apply)? ___ Personal interactions/interviews with customers ___ Track customer purchases ___ Response cards by mail ___ Focus groups ___ Census/other data ___ Information from Industry Association ___ Hire market research consultants ___ Other: ______________________________________________ ___ I don’t do market research What are your thoughts on store hours? ___ I am open all the hours I need to be ___ I can’t be open more hours for personal reasons ___ I would like to be open more hours, but I can’t afford the staff ___ I would like to be open more hours, but I can’t find good staff ___ I would be open more hours if I were sure of sales ___ I would be open more hours is everyone else were ___ I have been open evening hours in the past and it was not worthwhile ___ Other: _________________________________________________________________ Have you had evening hours in the past? ___ Yes ___ No If yes, how many evenings (past 6pm) per week were you open? ___ 1 ___2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5 ___ 6 ___ 7 Why did you discontinue evening hours (select all that apply)? ___ Personal reasons ___ Difficulty hiring staff for evenings ___ Not cost effective ___ Other stores in Scandia were not open evenings ___ Other: _________________________________________________________ Please rate the degree you are experiencing the following challenges in your business. Major challenge Minor challenge No challenge Don’t know  Poor building condition      Conflict with building owner or tenant      Expensive rent      Product delivery or loading challenges      Insufficient financing      Internet competition      Language barriers      Shoplifting or employee theft      Vandalism      Perception of safety      Public using your bathroom      Traffic flow/signage      Congested streets near your business      Road construction      Street closure for events      Streets not clean      Sidewalks not clean      Lack of pedestrian traffic      Insufficient parking      Signage      Restrictive business regulations      Smoking ban      Competition from Forest Lake      Other:       If financial assistance were available, would you consider building improvements such as façade work or new signage? ___ Yes ___ No ___ Don’t know Considering all factors, how would you rate the overall atmosphere in your local shopping area? ___ Excellent ___ Very good ___ Good ___ Fair ___ Poor