04.26.2022 Minutes TC Scandia Tourism Committee Minutes April 26, 2022 – 4:00 p.m. Meeting at Community Center, Zoom and Boxcast.com Members in Attendance: Sue Dickens, Lynne Moratzka, and Lisa Schlingerman. Staff in attendance: Charles Fischer (Public Works Director), Ken Cammilleri (City Administrator) and Brenda “Bee” Stignani (Office Assistant) via Zoom. Call to Order –Chair Dickens called the meeting to order at 4:09 p.m., a quorum is present. Approve the Minutes – Moratzka moved, Schlingerman seconded, to approve the March 22nd and Special Meeting March 29th minutes. Motion carried unanimously. Approve the Agenda – Moratzka moved, Schlingerman seconded, to approve the agenda with Flexibility. Motion carried unanimously. Wayfinding Signs Update – Fischer provided a written report, highlighting the 4/26/2022 update notes. Dickens and Moratzka will attend the virtual meeting scheduled with Washington County Public Works on Thursday, April 28th. Dickens requested clarification of the process, and Fischer confirmed the need to design the Master Sign Plan required by the MN DoT with signs that conform to Washington County’s separate regulations and requirements. MN DoT requires a comprehensive plan for all of Scandia, even though it will include signs to be placed on Washington County and City streets also. City Wide Garage Sale Update – The garage sale is currently been promoted on the City’s social media accounts, and Dicken’s social media accounts with encouragement to share the invitation to participate. Seven selling parties have registered so far, with registration for open until May 13th. Committee discussed other options for advertising and decided to only pursue free sources this year, and consider paid advertisements in future years if this event grows. Dickens will place ads in the statewide Thrifty Minnesota paper and post on other social media sites including Facebook Marketplace. Moratzka will contact area churches and request notices be included in their announcements or bulletins. Schlingerman will investigate other free notices in local newspapers. Moratzka contacted Scandia Elementary School principal, Julie Hall, regarding potential donations to SEEF. Cammilleri clarified the process for the City to accept donations and MN statutes prohibiting giving donations. Cammilleri recommended the committee consider approaching SEEF in future years to partner with the City in the process of providing sale signs in a way that SEEF collects funds directly. Future Steps – Cammilleri recommended at the next meeting updating the Wayfinding Signs and Garage Sale projects as well as members to look back at the U of M Tourism Study to search for other activities to consider as new projects to develop. Scandia Tourism Committee Minutes March 8, 2022 2 | P a g e Dickens suggested volunteers work to promote Scandia events in Shrpa as trip adventures. Events including Taco Daze, Vinterfest, Vinterlights, and potential business event like the Mom’s Night Out created last year. Moratzka offered to put Dickens in communication with the new Hay Lake School manager at the Washington County Historical Society as they are hosting the Beer Tasting Event in June next to Hay Lake Park. Dickens will accept drafts of adventures and will assist publishing them on Scandia’s Shrpa site. Dickens updated the communications with Shrpa and waiting for grant announcements before deciding to recommend renewing the Shrpa agreement or not. The $450 introductory offer last year to join Shrpa was heavily subsidized. Moratzka recommended researching evidence of the effectiveness of this outlet over the past year. Dickens stated there will be more specific cost information available in June, about the same time the current agreement expires. Adjournment –Motion by Schlingerman, seconded by Moratzka, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 4:48 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant