09-27-2022 TC AgendaCITY OF SCANDIA SCANDIA TOURISM COMMITTEE AGENDA Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 5:00 PM LOCATION: SCANDIA COMMUNITY CENTER ONLINE STREAMING (ZOOM & BOXCAST) I. CALL TO ORDER II. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA WITH FLEXIBILITY III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. EDA Budget Allocations a. $300 for Explore Minnesota or other training costs b. Revisit Shrpa and Ice Sculpture - $2,000 allocated c. Explore Minnesota advertising d. Scandia Evening Adventures V. ADJOURNMENT To Join Zoom Interactive Televised Meeting, use the following link or meeting ID and passcode: Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/96863337513?pwd=WnNCQ2RFVDFtVEdnYnRvVFVXNHNUQT09 Meeting ID: 968 6333 7513 Passcode: 016142 Dial in phone by calling 1 312 626 6799 (Chicago) and using the meeting ID and passcode above. To view the meeting without the opportunity to interact visit the City’s Boxcast channel to watch the meeting live or view a previous meeting recording at: www.boxcast.tv/channel/heb1rus0rmpm1yorwlud